Natalia is a well know dwarven blacksmith know for her incredibly intricate dwarven blades and bows, she catches a certain hat wearing dwarf and a certain king (who are already together) this is set after the battle and they survive
Natalia's pov
"Nat get down to the forge now" my mother shouts from the main room as i grab an apple "need to eat ma" i say before walking to see her "enough of your cheek, your apron is by the door and so are your boots" she says smiling towards the end "thanks ma, i need to go apparently the kings coming for an inspection" i say grabbing my boots and apron before running out "morning natalia" master balin says as i sit on the forge wall to put my boots on "morning master balin, do you know if the inspection rumour is true or not" i ask and he smiles "its very much true he will arrive in an hour to pick the next blacksmith master" he says and i go wide eyed "does that mean your" i start and he nods "Aye I'm retiring lass" he says an smile "that's good for you but im going to miss you" i say as we walk to my workstation "i will still be about erebor" he says admiring one of my daggers "master balin have it" i say smiling "as a gift" i say and he smiles "your too kind somedays lass" he says with a smile before walking away to check the other blacksmiths, i set to work on the my next blade work which is for master dwalin's new axes, once im finished the first axe head a horn sounds alerting me to the kings arrival so i quickly straighten my spark goggles and continue to work on the other axe head "oh your kidding" i says seeing the heads are different sizes and shape "how did i manage this" i say before seeing how i can fix it "if i just heat this and add more iron" i mumble as i do as im mumbling, fixing the head so that both are equal before smiling at it happily "right now to cool them" i say dousing them in the cold water barrel, after a while it seems like the king is gone but i know better than to let my guard down so i continue my work like normal, when i finish the axes and have sharpened them master dwalin walks in "master dwalin your axes are finished" i say and he raises a brow "they are made of the finest steel and iron, the handle is the strongest spruce wood in dain tested so that it won't break under pressure" i explain and he looks impressed "theres a training dummy over here if you want to try them" i say and he nods walking over, swinging at the training dummy which almost instantly is sliced in two "impressive work natalia" balin says making me jump "master balin you scared me" i say with a smile which he returns "your work is incredible as always nat, here's your payment" master dwalin says dropping a coin pouch on my anvil "master dwalin i need no payment" i say and he laughs "its yours young one, work as fine as this deserves reward" he says and i smile "thank you master dwalin" i say making him roll his eyes "young lass how many times do i have to tell you to just call me dwalin" he says and i look up at him "i forget, i will try to in future" i say and he nods before walking out with his new axes on his back "balin i have made my choice" the kings voice makes me jump as the other blacksmiths walk over and stand round the king "the dwarf i believe deserves the title of master blacksmith is this young lass here, her work managed to impressed dwalin" the king says and i go wide eyed "this young lass is natalia, the granddaughter of toria, the master blacksmith of your age" master balin says and the king looks at me "i knew your grandfather well and you have inherited more than enough of his skill to get the title handler of the ereborian forges, natalia" he says and i smile "thank you so much your majesty, i don't deserve such things" i say with a bow "nonsense your work speaks for its self, as far as i can see your work bypasses the sloppy work of those competing for your position, which is why you have earned yourself a course on making the finest dwarven hammers that i will teach you" he says as the others leave "your majesty thank you" i say and he smiles slightly "its well earned, now in the mean time i have a task for the new handler of the forges" he says and i nod "i need a new swords my last set were destroyed fighting the defiler, they must be perfectly balanced" he says and i nod "your majesty do any of the swords i have already made catch your eye so i might adapt it for you" i ask and he looks through my work "this one" he says holding a strengthened steel sword with dwarven symbols carved into the guard, its very elven like but in a dwarven way "i can adapt it if you would like" i say but he shakes his head "just make another to match and i will take both, leaving a heafty payment behind" he says and i nod "your majesty as i said to master dwalin i do not need paid for my work" i say and he just laughs "as the master of this forge you will be paid" he says and i nod "yes your majesty" i say and he shakes his head "alright from now on you will address me as thorin and the other dwarven masters that accompanied me to reclaim erebor as their names do you understand" he says and i nod "yes thorin" i say running a hand through my unruley dark blue hair, it became blue due to the metal powder and ore i was working with changed it from red to dark blue and i left it "you will also be expected to join balin at any meetings which call for the dwarven masters" he says and i nod "listen up blacksmiths" he shouts drawing everyones attention "you are now under the control of natalia, if you don't like it you can leave my forges" he shouts and almost all of the blacksmiths leave making me sigh seeing only the kings nephews working away in the corner and one other dwarf man working "you need not worry about numbers, myself and a few others will come and help as we can" thorin says and i nod "thank you, all the people who left tried sabotaging my work before you arrived, even some how made my hammer head loose" i say making him nod "im sure my nephews cause you no issues" he asks and i shake my head "i never knew they were even here until just now" i say and he laughs "fili kili come here" he says and they run over "whats up" kili says as he skids to a stop "yes thorin" fili says as he manages to stop without skidding "this is the new master of the forges, i expect you two to behave" thorin says and i laugh "something you find funny" thorin asks and i nod "fili and kili are the only two who didn't give me hassle" i say and he narrows his eyes "that doesn't sound like kili, he's always up to something" thorin says making me shrug
Time skip - thorin's pov
"Evening" i say as i sit at the dining table with bofur, bifur and bombur on one side and fili, kili and dis on the other "is everything alright?" Bofur asks and i nod with a small smile "just thinking love" i say making him smile as the food is brought to the table "thank you" i say as a servant places a plate in front of me, once dinner is done i walk to my room where i find bofur already sitting on our bed "out with it what's bothering you darling" he says making me smile slightly falling onto the bed on my back "the new forge hand" i say avoiding his eyes "what about yer new forge hand" he says looking at me with a hint of suspicion coming through "i don't know bof that's the thing she's just sort of bothering me and i don't know why" i say pulling my crown off my head "sure darling" he says standing up and going into the bathroom "what do you mean by that bofur?" I say after him "you've got the same look thorin, exact one you had when you confessed to me" he says making me sit up "i do?" I say looking at him as he stands in the bathroom door brushing his teeth "no i just said it for the sake of it" he sasses making me sigh "bof i don't think about her in that way hell i met her this morning" i say standing up and shedding my cloak, boots and top "sure thorin, sure" he says closing the bathroom door making me sigh as i change my bottoms for a set of comfortable pyjama bottoms "bofur" i say knocking on the door after twenty minutes of him being in there but there's no answer, eventually he emerges from the bathroom with red puffy eyes "bofur, i assure you i only met her this morning" i say as he sits on the edge of the bed facing away from me "how can i believe you when you have the same bloody look you did when you were looking at me all those years ago" he yells standing up "bofur" i say unsure on what to do "don't" he says walking towards the door "i know your upset but don't leave please" i say and he shakes his head "i need air" he says leaving making me sigh and fall back onto the bed, after about half an hour he still hasn't come back so i shove my top and crown on and go to look for him, i find him in the library with bifur and balin, he's crying "its that same bloody look balin, the one he gave me that half scowl half smirk, he usually just has a scowl" he says and i see balin sigh "lad he did actually only meet the lass this morning, but i can see what you mean" he says and i push the door fully open causing them all to look at me "no" bifur says as i try to walk towards bofur "leave my cousin alone" he says and i sigh "what in durin's name did i do, all i said was she was bothering me and this happened" i say running my hand over my head and knocking the crown off it "i don't know what i did wrong and i had no idea i even had a certain look, so please don't block me out" i say but bifur stands directly in front of him "just go thorin" bofur says and i sigh picking my crown up and walking out to the front of erebor, i find kili and fili already there and by the time i reach the overlook tears are running down my face "uncle" kili says spotting me "im a fool" i say leaning on the wall "what happened?" Fili asks leaning beside me "truthfully im not sure but all i know is i hurt bofur in some way and now he won't talk to me" i say wiping my face but more tears replace the ones i took off my face "start from the beginning and we might be able to tell you why he won't talk to you" kili says and i explain what happened and they both sigh "so you got the durin denseness too" fili says before kili smirks "uncle, bofur is upset because of the new forge master, when you said you didn't know why she was bothering you, bofur took that as he's doing something wrong and your looking for a new partner" fili says and my eyes widen "and he is probably upset because one your the king and your talking about the forge master who will be close to you daily to discuss weaponry and other forge things, and two because you practically have hearts in your eyes" kili says and i sit on the ground leaning on the wall "your highness, your swords are finished" natalia's voice makes me sigh and set my head in my hands "miss natalia now isn't the time, as much as your nice you made our uncle's husband upset so it would be appreciated if you just left them alone for a bit" kili says and she nods setting a fabric wrapped set of swords beside me and leaving, i slowly unwrap them to see a small note set on top of them, opening it i see something i knew someone would give me eventually 'your majesty, im sorry for any issues i caused with your partner he came past the forges earlier and yelled that i ruined your marriage so i am giving up the title of forge master and im leaving for the blue mountains in the morning' reading this my heart drops to my stomach "fili go find bofur, kili go get that girl to the meeting room and quickly" i say and they both look confused but nod and run off leaving me to go to the meeting room "fuck" i yell dropping the note and running my hands down my face before making my way to the meeting room where a screaming match between bofur and natalia is in progress "enough both of you" i yell setting the swords down "bofur i don't know what in durin's name i did wrong but do not take it out on someone who has no idea of what is going on" i yell and he scoffs "you know exactly what you did the boys told you, so you're blatantly lying to me, man up and tell me if im not enough" he yells back and i look at him wide eyed "where did this come from bofur, natalia stay there" i yell and she freeze as she tries to leave "my king please just let me leave, i am just causing you issues and unneeded arguments, the whole kingdom knows how well you and master bofur get along normally so if im the reason for this i wish to leave" she says looking at her feet "bofur i need you to talk to me, not just yelling because i have not a clue what i did, i swear on durin's name i don't so please don't shut me out love, tell me what i did" i say turning to him and he sighs "as you spoke about her, your whole attitude changed normally at night if your speaking about someone its in this gruff sounding tone with a full on scowl, but not tonight you had this smile and your usual tone wasn't there only the same one you had when talking to me all those years ago when you called us together to reclaim this place" he says and i sigh "natalia give us a second but do not leave this hallway" i say and she nods going outside the door "bofur im sorry, mahal im an idiot sure she caught my eye but nothing more than that, your still the only one i think of bofur, please trust me" i say and he sighs "aye okay" he says as i hug him tightly "love i promise its only you" i say and he nods "can i bring her back in?" i ask and he nods "i need to apologise to her" he says and i smile "natalia come back in" i shout and she walks in shyly "im sorry lass, i shouldn't have yelled at ye" bofur says and she smiles "its alright i can understand your anger, if my partner did that i would be upset to" she says and he smiles looking at her "mahal that's not possible" they both say and i look between them before stopping on her and i feel the same feeling i got when i discovered bofur was my one "how in durin's name" i mutter and bofur smirks "looks like we have more than one" bofur says leaning against me with a smile plastered on his face "i didn't think this was possible" she says leaning on the table "so we're all good then?" i ask and they nod "how can we not be after what we just found out" they say together making me smile "im hungry" bofur says after a few seconds making me smile "lets get you something to eat then love, natalia do you want to come" i ask and she smiles nodding "can you just call me nat, natalia makes me sound old" she says and we nod "lets go" i say and we walk to the kitchens where i find my nephews and ori raiding bilbo's cookie jar just as they did with dwalin's cookie jar when they were younger "boys" i say and they jump "thorin" ori says looking scared "give us some and we won't tell em" bofur says and they smile handing down cookies as they climb back down "kili" ori whines stuck on the counter "here love" he says helping him down "hold it, get back here" i say as they slip past me, the three of them come back in "explain" i say crossing my arms over my chest "well ori might have found out that fi and i were his ones" kili says and i smile "so its not just us" bofur says and fili looks between bofur, nat and i "oh my, you and you and you" he squeaks out looking shocked "aye lad" bofur says and fili falls back only to land on kili "mahal fi get up you lump" kili complains,

Hobbit and lord of the rings one shots
FanfictionA mix of characters from the hobbit and the lord of the rings smut will be labeled