Thorin x reader

439 9 1

this came from a request 


third person pov 

as the company lay sleeping early in the morning, it could only have been five or six in the morning but not everyone was asleep, their leader and their female company member were both awake quietly bickering, though quiet only lasted so long as their argument grew loud and heated "i don't give a damn what you can do you shouldn't be here for durin's sake!" thorin yells startling most of the company awake, those who weren't awake soon were as y/n yells "and I've told you a thousand times i'm not leaving, i signed that damn contract and i will stay with my friends whether you like it or not you grumpy git!" at that most of the company tiredly glare at them, with a sigh balin gets between them "enough, now be done with it, its too early to listen to you two bickering like children so enough of it" he snaps and the two go quiet looking away from each other "now this is pathetic waking us up at sunrise because the two of you can't stand each other enough to stay quiet until the rest of us wake up, this journey is waring on all of us and we need our rest" bofur snaps on his way past to his pony. most of the company weren't happy with them for most of the day, even fili and kili avoided their uncle as they travelled, bilbo was the only one to talk to the very people who had woken him up, he travelled between the two "what caused this morning but please don't argue you can each tell me and the other isn't allowed to comment" he asks the two sigh "y/n first" he says y/n nods "he was staring at me as if i was doing something wrong i went to piss, like what the fuck, when asked what he was staring at he gave me a snarky response so i snapped back and it descended into an argument and being ripped a new ass by balin and bofur" she explains and he nods "okay, now thorin what happened in your eyes?" bilbo asks, thorin scoffs "she made such a racket leaving camp that it woke me up, i wasn't intentionally staring at her i was half asleep, i snapped at her being tired and she snapped back then an argument and like she said being torn a new ass by balin and bofur" he explains bilbo nods "well at least something from that is the two of you agree you were told off by balin and bofur" he says the two nod "why don't you like each what caused your constant bickering, its honestly making the company walk on eggshells round you two" bilbo says they shrug "just don't like him" y/n grumbles staring ahead thorin just grunts rebraiding one of his smaller braids "so her being a woman has nothing to do with it thorin?" bilbo asks making thorin glare at the hobbit before looking away "there's my answer, thorin she fights at the same level dwalin does, she's saved your nephews lives a few times now" bilbo says before slowing his pony and travelling between the princes, this leaves the two alone, they glare at each other but never argue, thorin winks at her after she sticks her tongue out at him, the two continue like this the entire time, teasing each other but never arguing, in reality their arguing was to hide their bond,  when they do stop for the night the two sit on opposite side of the camp making faces at each other until they get a glare off of balin making them stop, as night falls thorin assigns dwalin on first watch, letting him pick whoever he chooses for second watch. most of the company settled in except the dwarven king and the girl, the two walked off into the woods under the guise of needing to relieve themselves, both walked in different directions to avoid suspicion, before thorin snuck round the camp and met the girl who smirked seeing him emerge from the dark woods across from her "took you long enough you grumpy git" she says with a smile "its difficult to sneak past dwalin, its like he has eyes on the back of his head, i had to chuck a branch in the opposite direction to distract-" he tries explaining but he's cut off by the girl pouncing on him, her lips meeting his "enough talking thorin, its been days" she grumbles earning herself a chuckle off the king "someone's needy" he teases making her glare "oh come on lass, you know I'm joking" he says but when she stops glaring her eyes turn sad, she turns away from him her arms wrapped round herself "lass, what's wrong?" he asks pulling her back against his chest with his arms round her waist "everything you say when we argue hurts thorin. you said I'd be killed by a deer" she mumbles looking down, he sighs lifting her chin with his thumb "you know i mean none of that, its just something to keep the company off our back" he says kissing the side of her neck "still hurts" she says stepping forward, "y/n come on, what do you want to tell you, you know I'm bad at this" he says she sighs "i don't know" she mumbles sitting on a rock "i could show you how sorry i am?" he offers, she looks up at him watching as he walks in front of her before kneeling in front of her, thorin never kneels for anyone "does this show you how sorry i am lass" he says looking her right in the eyes she blushes nervously avoiding his eyes until he turns her head to him "i am sorry i know you could kick my ass if you wanted to i won't say anything like that again" he says she nods leaning into his hand "and if my beautiful lass is still needy i can help with that" he says moving closer to her looking up at her she nods "uh uh you know my rule" he says with a darker look in his eyes "yes please" she says quietly he nods, "good lass" he says smirking she blushes even harder, it spreads down her neck he chuckles moving to get up as he kisses along her neck, its takes only seconds for him to lay his cloak on the ground he looks at her smirking before lifting her and laying her on it, he kneels between her open legs leaning over her, he plants kisses from her lips to where her dress starts, he glances up at her, she nods so he unlaces it letting the fabric fall from her he continues his way down her body before stopping just below her stomach with a chuckle "don't you dare thorin, you tease me once and I'll get someone to help me" she grumbles he nods "understood loud and clear, i was just admiring" he says smiling at her she looks down and finds a scattered line of hickeys down her front "i can't even hide them all thorin" she whines he smirks continuing his way further down pulling her thin excuse of underwear out the way, her whines were cut short as he finally reached where she wanted him, his tongue darting out making her gasp when it lands on her clit, her head falls back against the fur lining of the cloak as he pulls quiet gasps and moans out of her, the combination of his tongue against her clit and his scruff against her thighs created the right mix of pain and pleasure, he continues his ministrations for a few more minutes before she feels his fingers rub against her entrance, he slips one inside earning a louder moan than both expected, but it only earns her a smirk and his finger pushing further in, the moans he pulls out her where heavenly to him. as he adds a second finger her legs tremble either side of his head this spurs him on further, he keeps going until he draws a high pitched moan out of her and she cums on his fingers, he gently pulls his hand away and sits back revelling in the smirk he gets from her "durin's beard" she mutters he just chuckles moving to remove his own clothes his trousers now feeling too tight for his own liking. she watches as he practically rips his top over his head and tears his trousers off, only thing the king now wore were his boots not that she minded, her eyes trailed down his chest over his stomach and landed on his dick standing at attention the head nearing his belly button "like what you see lass?" he asks smirking she nods sitting up beckoning him closer, when he stands in front of her she smirks looking up at him as she wraps a hand round it he meets her eyes which shine back at him, the determined look in her eyes made him smile, her hand moves from the base to the tip a few times before she moves forward wrapping her lips round the tip making him bite down a groan, she stares up at him as she moves her hand from his dick to his hips, she takes him right down to the base causing him to groan grabbing her hair gently, she pulls back "pull harder, not a pathetic little tug like that my king" she teases making him tug her hair she moans at tension she restarts her actions this time he keeps a tighter grip on her hair, she keeps taking him right to the base with barely any reaction, the only noises were coming from thorin, his spare hand keeping his hair out his face, she smirks stopping just as his groans grow louder "nuh uh, only time you get to cum is in or on me" she says smirking, the smirk he gets makes her chuckle watching him lift her from the cloak before laying himself on it setting her on top of her. she shifts herself down slightly until she feels his dick beneath her, she grinds against him for a few seconds before leaning down and lining him up before sinking down with a moan, her head leans on his, "i always forget how big you are" she says with a breathy laugh, he smirks leaning up and connecting their lips as he thrusts into her swallowing her moans, his hands land on her hips lifting them and forcing her back down. neither last long having been pent up for a number of days, by the end of it the two lay panting, thorin's softening dick slides out of her, he smiles up at her tiredly "happy now?" he asks she nods not trusting her voice to answer vocally, a branch cracking makes them both freeze looking around before their eyes land on dwalin "shit" thorin mutters pulling y/n flush against him "i knew it" dwalin says with a laugh "bofur owes me money" he says turning to leave "dwalin i swear on durin's beard if you say a word it'll be your last" y/n growls her head still leaning on thorin's shoulder the gruff dwarf just laughs "trust me they know, ye were loud enough" he snaps walking off, the two get dressed again and thorin helps y/n back to camp where their greeted by the company "first arguing now fucking, what else do you two plan to do to wake us up!" bofur yells making thorin hide a laugh behind a cough "well i can think of a few ways bofur, do you want me to explain what's going on or are you going to keep yelling?" y/n snaps as her legs tremble "we hid us behind arguing because we were worried how you'd react, all of you, he's your king I'm just a barmaid with an adequate fighting knowledge" she says thorin looks down at her "lass what did i say about putting yourself down, your to be queen" he reminds she sighs "i know i know you tell me far too much" she grumbles thorin nods "because its true, i did give you my ring, a bead and a braid so ergo you are technically already my queen" he says causing the girl to turn bright red pressing her face against his side "stop it" she whines he chuckles "never" he replies smiling before planting a kiss on the top of her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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