Bofur's other cousin x thorin

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Bella is bifur's older sister and the oldest out of her, bifur, bofur and bombur so when they are on adventures she can be quite protective
Bella's pov
"Elves?" I say overhearing thorin and gandalf "my brother and cousins are going no where near the bastards that tried to kill me" i say and bofur grabs me shoulder "its alright bella" he says but i shake my head "no the wizard should not make decisions for the whole group without consulting us first, i will go no where near rivendell" i say making gandalf sigh and stomp off "bells what do you mean nearly killed you" bifur asks in dwarfish making me smile as bofur and bombur sit beside him "a good few years ago i went with dad to mirkwood so he could sell his toys but when he was i was playing with the spinning top he made me, i stood up to show him somethin, i think i cut my finger on it or somethin, i tripped and fell onto one of the guards who almost instantly had the other guards aiming bows at me until dad hid me in his cloak" i say and bifur looks shocked his mouth opening and closing like he wanted to say something "so that's why uncle never traded with mirkwood" bombur says and i nod "but you didn't come back right away where else did you go" bofur asks and i smile "i think it was another elf city and a hobbit one too" i say before i jump as someone runs a hand over my shoulder "calm love its only me" thorin says as his hands run over my shoulders making me smile "you scared me" i say making him laugh slightly "sorry about that" he says making me shrug "oh yeah bif i also have a scar across my back from an elven forager, remember when we went into the woods near home and i got lost, some elf found me and when i fought back against him he cut my back with a sword" i say and i feel thorin move my top up before dropping it back down and walking off grumbling to himself "bombur stop you've had enough" bofur says bumping his brother "leave him be bof, its not like he just going to be sitting down we have to walk the next bit" i say making bofur sigh "i better go check on thorin" i say and i walk over to him as he sits on a big rock sharpening his sword with a stone "mahal you had to pick a rock with no way onto it didn't you" i say and i finally climb up beside him "i didn't want my nephews to get in the way" he says before sighing as i run my hands through his hair and redoing the braids i did "its funny how protective they are of you" he says seeing my brother and cousins watching me closely "its funny now but wait until we need to go to a market, the three of them are too loud to hide so it makes it obvious they are following me" i say and he laughs before his smile drops when fili runs over looking panicked "fili what is it" i ask sliding down the rock and running over to the young dwarf "mountain trolls, bilbo, horses" he pants out making me go wide eyed as i put it together "mountain trolls took a few horses and you and kili suggested to bilbo he can get them back so he's trying to" i say and he nods "come on then everyone lets go save the hobbit again" i say making everyone grumble and stand up "lead the way fili" thorin says looking angry as ever, eventually gandalf saves us and thorin looks royally pissed off "fili kili with me now!" He shouts and they run after him as he walks into the woods until their out of earshot before tearing into them "are the young princes alright?" Gandalf asks and i nod "they got us into this mess in the first place making bilbo think he could sneak past mountain trolls on his own" i explain and he nods "have mercy uncle" kili screams as he and fili run behind me "calm my love, injuring them will do our quest no good" i say as he storms over to us "i wasn't going to injure them i was going to tan their arses" he says and fili flinches "thorin calm yourself i will deal with them, go help the company find the troll hoard" i say and he sighs before nodding and walking off as i turn to the boys "how in durin's name could you two be so idiotically stupid to send the unarmed hobbit to face three mountain trolls" i say with a calm face "we thought he wouldn't get hurt auntie" kili says hanging his head in shame "you two are so lucky i sent your uncle away otherwise your asses would be as red as a rose" i say running a hand over my face "im sorry" fili says making me roll my eyes "sorry isn't strong enough for almost getting the entire company killed, im not even mad im just massively disappointed" i say and they both gasp and lower their heads in shame "now without one word get your asses in gear and go help find this troll hoard" i say and they nod silently walking in the direction of thorin, i follow them finding thorin staring at a foul smelling cave "unc-" kili starts but i look at him "not a word kili durin" i say and he stops before looking down again "bella what did they do?" Bofur asks and i turn to him "oh gods they disappointed you, what did they do?" He says and i look to fili and kili who are looking at the floor "you two want to explain or shall i" i say but they don't lift their heads "gave bilbo the idea to go after the trolls unarmed thinking he could save the horses on his own, before then the rest of us helped and got caught" i say and he looks to them "their the reason i got tied to a spit" he says and i nod "leave them be bofur because if i hear a peep out of them for the next two days unless their dying or on fire i will personally tan their arses" i say i hear kili whine "kili if i have to say your name again your in trouble" i say and thorin wraps an arm round my shoulder "my love its alright the boys know not make you anymore annoyed or disappointed and if they do i will personally take them back to their mother" he says and the boys sit on the ground looking upset "hate this family" fili mutters and i turn that quickly it knocks thorin over "fili durin!" I say and he looks up with a glare "your not my aunt, you have no authority over me" he yells before continuing to yell as i just stand quietly until he's done, he continues yelling until he realises i am silent, his eyes widen and bofur, thorin and dwalin grab me "calm yourself cousin, there is no use in fighting him" bofur says pushing my shoulders back as thorin and dwalin pull my arms back trying to protect fili "i don't want to be anything to a spoilt brat like you anyway, you have no idea how much has been sacrificed so you and your brother don't know the worst of the world" i yell pushing against bofur, "if it wasn't for everyone else you'd be dead, the injuries we all took to keep you and kili out of the worst shit are much greater than you think" i yell and i get out of the three dwarf hold over me and march towards fili "you're just some lowly miner from the blue mountains, you are due nothing from erebor" fili says and i shake my head "neither do you, you've never been there nor were you ever, from outside you're just a blue mountain dwarf as well" i yell shoving him back into a tree "never think your higher than me, your a selfish brat with no idea of this world" i say before walking off "love come back" thorin shouts but i don't and eventually sit against a tree "love he didn't mean any of it" thorin says sitting beside me "leave me be thorin, i need to sit and think" i say turning my head away from him "we need to leave love" he says and i sigh "fine but your nephews need to stay away from me" i say and he nods holding out a hand for me to take but i shake my head and start walking to the group again where my brother hugs me tightly rambling in khuzdul that fast i can't understand him but somehow bofur does "he says he doesn't want you to be upset about what fili said and that your more than a miner from the blue mountains" he translates and i smile "bifur its alright, he said nothing that i haven't heard before he just shon a new perspective on it" i say as thorin walks past and i put my head down "lets move people" thorin shouts and i sigh unhooking my pony from the tree its tied to and climb up onto it "fili, kili your at the end with oin and gloin" thorin shouts as balin and dwalin position their ponies next to his and bofur and bifur are on each side of me with bombur, bilbo and gandalf behind us and everyone else in behind them
After about seven hours of travelling thorin stops us for the night, i sit by bofur and bifur as gloin gets a fire going, bombur begins to make food, thorin's eyes never leave me but i can't look at him or the boys as fili's words echoing in my head 'just a lowly miner' because he's right im just a blue mountain miner thorin a king theres no way i should be with him, bofur bumps me out of my thoughts "you alright there bells" he says but i shrug "im aright bof" i say but he gives me a look of disbelief "what's bugging you" bifur asks and i sigh "just thinking bif" i say and he puts an arm round me "i know full and well you're not thinking about something other than what fili said to you earlier" he says and i sigh standing up and sitting on a nearby big rock looking at the grassy plains around us "sister" bifur says as he climbs up beside me "talk to me" he says and i sigh "how can a low level worker be with a king, bif it doesn't work, i don't know why i thought any different, fili was right i have nothing in erebor" i ramble and he just smiles "bella i have never seen you light up as much as when you with thorin, king or not your meant for him" he says and i smile "i know bif i know im just in my own head" i say and he hugs me "just talk to someone then don't wallow in your own head" he whispers into my ear and i sigh as bofur joins us on the rock "feeling better bells" he asks and i shrug "a little im still in my own head" i say and he shakes his head "lass you shouldn't take his words to heart, none of it was true, your not just some lowly blue mountains miner, yer my beautiful brilliant big cousin now that's got to count for something" he says and i smile "your right bofur, i shouldn't take his words to heart especially when i have a baby brother and little cousins to keep an eye on" i say and they both smile "cousins, brother dinner" bombur shouts and we slide down the rock and land beside him "hey bombur" i say and he smiles "hi" he says as he dishes up some stew for us "thanks bombur" i say as i sit beside his seat "no problem cousin" he says before giving everyone else food, after dinner it's my turn to wash the dishes so i walk to the nearby stream to wash them, as i finish washing half of them i hear a twig snap behind me making me jump up with my pickaxe held up "woah lass its me" thorin says holding his hands up "sorry" i say going back to washing dishes "your avoiding me lass" he says and i shrug "bella" he says lifting my chin to make me look at him "i spoke with your brother, he told me you think you don't deserve to be with me" he says and i nod "that's the furthest thing from true i don't deserve a dwarrowdam like you, durin knows im a grumpy git half the time and yet i got an amazing lass so i guess that makes me your grumpy git" he says smiling at me and i let out a small laugh when he says grumpy git "im sorry for avoiding you, i was scared you would leave me for how i spoke to fili" i say and he sighs "bella lass, i could never leave you or id end up walking in circles, you are to be my queen, fili was being a pain in the ass and your not in the wrong" he says hugging me tightly "but i do need you to speak to kili, he is refusing to speak to anyone hell we've all tried, im beginning to worry about him" he says making me nod against his chest "it was strange today, not talking to you as much as i love my brother and cousins i missed you" i say and he kisses the top of my head "lets get these dishes finished love" he says and i nod quickly finishing washing the rest of the dishes before thorin and i carry them up to the camp "everything alright?" Bofur asks and i nod making him smile "thank mahal, the tension was horrible" balin says making me smile as thorin begins to grumble "love you my grumpy git" i say and he starts laughing "when i said that i didn't mean for you to call me that" he says and i smile "but you said it yourself your a grumpy git but your my grumpy git" i say and by this point the company is laughing except fili and kili "let me try thorin" i say as he goes to walk over to them "alright love" he says before sitting down beside dwalin "bombur have you got any cookies left" i ask and he smiles "here ya go cousin" he says handing me a bag of cookies "thanks" i say before walking over to fili and kili and sit between them "fili, kili" i say holding a cookie out to each of them, they take them and scoff em in one go "im sorry fili, i know i shouldn't have said any of what i did, i was frustrated and it shouldn't have been directed at you" i say and he leans his head on my shoulder "im sorry auntie, none of what i said was true and like you said i was just frustrated" he says and i smile "kili" i say but he looks at his feet staying quiet "ki" i say kneeling in front of him i see streams of tears running down his face "oh hun its okay, im sorry if it was me that upset you, if it was what i said to fili i am so sorry, nothing of what i said when i was upset was true" i say wiping his tears away "so you don't think im a brat" he mumbles and i hug him "of course not kili, your nothing of the sort" i say and he begins to sob into my shoulder as i rub his back "its alright kili" i say and he eventually calms down and falls asleep on my shoulder "fili" i say and find him asleep on my back "nori get thorin" i whisper shout over to him and he smiles getting thorin for me who comes over with a smile before walking away to the pile of packs as i yawn leaning my head on kili's, before thorin comes back i find myself falling asleep

thorin's pov

"thorin, the boys fell asleep" nori says interrupting balin and i talking "oh okay" i say standing up and walking over to where the boys were sitting only to find them sleeping, their heads on y/n's shoulder and back her head on kili's shoulder the three of them sound asleep "she has a way with those boys, its sweet"

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