fili x bilbo's daughter part 3

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the plan for lunch outside the usual place quickly fell apart, the second the four walked in the door of the small cafe inside the mountain, all hell broke loose as an arrow narrowly missed bilbo and y/n, the two having been stood together trying to figure out what they wanted to eat. the second the arrow landed at their feet fili and thorin stood in front of the two swords in hand as guards rushed to protect their royal family, eventually fili's ex was found to be at the front of the shop holding a bow,  "your mine fili durin you hear me, that little bitch your with now will die!" she screams as the guards hold her down, fili and thorin march towards them furious. but that's when y/n's ex springs round the corner and throws a punch at fili, hitting him just above the ear and knocking the young prince clean out. y/n surges forward putting herself between the floor and fili's head, her thighs under the prince's head "fili?!" she shrieks looking frantically between her betrothed and thorin who's frozen in shock, surprisingly its bilbo who runs at the guy landing a punch on the guy's nose and sending him onto his back where the older hobbit kneels above the boy and repeatedly punches him until he's dragged away by dwalin "easy lad, he's well and truly knocked out" he reminds as he places the hobbit beside thorin, who wraps an arm round bilbo's waist, the hobbit relaxing into his betrothed's grip. on the ground fili slowly starts to come to, holding his head with a groan "the hell hit me?" he asks, y/n just hugs him holding him to her chest as her small frame shakes as tears run down her face onto fili's "don't cry lass" fili says, dwalin is eventually sent away to get oin who checks the young prince over before deeming him fit to move, as soon as the young dwarf stands up he spots his ex and y/n's ex being held by the guards "its your call fili" thorin says, fili sighs "throw them in a cell for a few weeks" he says thorin nods sending the guards to follow fili's orders, fili by this point had turned to face y/n as the girl was still crying as she leaned on him, he lifted her up and let her cry into his shoulder "its okay my sweet lass, im okay" he reassures as thorin and bilbo get the lunch for the four of them "thanks uncle," fili says as thorin motions for the two to follow them as he carries their lunch "the guards will be positioned at the doors, only immediate family and the company will be allowed to enter a room with the two of you in it" thorin mentions as they sit down in a meeting room where the company are sat quietly chatting away "fili" kili chirps happily seeing his big brother "hi kili, how's you day been little brother?" fili asks hiding the pain radiating from his head and back "its been good, i went hunting with mr dwalin, we got a really big deer and a few rabbits. then mr balin taught me about erebor history" he responds smiling "that's good, what did balin teach you about then?" fili asks sitting beside kili "the old relations between elves and dwarves" he chirps back leaning on his big brother, the two had grown a lot closer after the battle "fi, im gonna sit with my dad" y/n says making the blonde smile "alright love if you want to, we could go for a walk after lunch?" fili offers y/n smiles "all the way to the point?" she asks he chuckles nodding "if you want to love" he replies she smiles happily wandering over to sit beside thorin and bilbo. kili continues to chat fili's ear off but the young dwarf never stopping his brother, he loved listening to kili's little stories of his mischief and little adventures. after their lunch fili left kili with dwalin who although looked annoyed he too liked listening to the young prince tell tales as they trained or walked. y/n met fili outside the room and the two walked through the mountain all the way to the top where a small hidden door let them stand nearly at the top of the mountain. they stay there until sunset when kili and thorin come to retrieve them "dinner's ready" kili chirps, y/n smiles and they follow the two back to the dining room where bombur's made a full banquet and the company are all sitting waiting on them. "there they are!" dwalin shouts causing everyone to look at the four, once their sat down chaos begins as everyone digs in; someone rushes in the door, its one of the guards "what is it?" dwalin grunts due to him being head guard "the prisoners sir, their gone" she replies a nervous look strewn across her face "what do you mean their gone!" dwalin bellows shaking a few of the glasses, "dwalin enough" balin scolds making the grumpy man sit down again, "during the guard change over sir, we noticed they were gone, it was myself and tia going on the cell shift. only when we went to give the prisoners their food did we realise but we still don't know how or when they escaped" she squeaks out towards dwalin who sighs "position guards at every single door to this room your instructions now are to protect the king and the princes" balin orders, the girl nods rushing towards the door "aylin" balin says causing the girl to turn round "your dismissed" he says the girl sheepishly nods walking out, the shit show that follows was nothing short of mental. before long someone rushes in, not one of the two who attacked fili and y/n earlier in the day but this was a female hobbit who upon seeing bilbo and y/n ran at the two no one reacted the way they supposed to, they froze not entirely knowing what she was doing, "bilbo my sweetheart!" she squealed making the male hobbit cringe. "what do you want fay, i told you to leave my daughter and i alone" the hobbit snaps with a ferocity no one had heard from him "mum what do you want?" y/n asks with a sigh "am i not allowed to visit my darlings" fay snaps y/n scoffs "what you heard dad and i were finally happy and decided you'd come ruin it, or do you need some food or money again?" y/n snaps standing up, without a second thought fili and kili stand up with her "you touch my fiance and it'll be the last free thing you ever do!" fili warns his hand on his sword hilt "down boy" fay taunts but this just angers the young girl in front of her, y/n without a second thought grabs fili's sword off his belt and has it pointed at her mother "you talk to him like that again mother and i'll happily make dog food out of you maybe then you'll let dad and i fucking live our lives happily, dad doesn't want you, he never will go back to you so fuck off and go fuck up someone else's day, i've had fucking enough shit today!" the young girl yells shocked everyone as they'd never heard the girl swear like that before. even fay was shocked "i am your mother. do not speak to me like that young lady!" she yells back but y/n just scoffed "you haven't been my mother since the day you fucked that elf!" she bellows "you never will be my mother, i have two dads and ten uncles. thorin is a better parent than you'll ever be and he's known me for less than two years, not to mention he's at least competent enough not to cause shit every chance he gets!" y/n screams before fili hugs her, only then does she realise there are tears streaming down her face "easy love, its alright" fili says leaning his head on her shoulder "uncle can you get her out of here please" fili asks thorin nods yelling for a guard who takes fay away as he comforts bilbo who begins to sob, the company don't know what to do as they sit watching the two dwarves comfort the hobbits "every time we're finally happy she appears" y/n cries into fili's top "its okay love, you've got us" fili reassures as thorin tries to calm bilbo "im sorry, i didn't tell anyone where we were going so she wouldn't find us!" bilbo sobs but he's not looking at thorin he's looking at his daughter who lets go of fili and squishes past thorin "its okay dad, she's just crazy, she'd of found us anyway, she always does" y/n replies hugging her dad, the two hobbits calming down eventually but staying quiet. they eat their dinner before slipping off to their rooms before even their betrotheds reacted "give them time lads, it can't be easy having your mother or ex barge into meal if you have no contact with her" balin says as they go to follow them "i can't not comfort her balin, she's everything i have, if she's upset then im going to help her no matter what, until the day she tells me to bugger off then im going to be by her side" fili all but shouted as he tried to pass the older dwarf but landed on his ass as dwalin shoved him back "listen to him lad, let them be for now" bofur piped up but this only angered the blonde more "is she your betrothed no, so keep your mouth closed, after the day we've had i cannot leave her on her own to deal with this, someone tried to kill her. like hell am i going to sit here when my lass is upset" he shouts before the girl runs in and barrels into him "she got my dad" she sobs and in an instant thorin moves closer "breathe y/n what happened?" he asks she just lets out a cry as bilbo stumbles in with an arrow in his shoulder "my ex is crazy" he says as he uses dwalin's arm to steady himself "love, what happened?" thorin asks, the company was in an uproar seeing their beloved burglar with an arrow in his shoulder, dwalin call upon his guards and sent them after the hobbit woman, they eventually dragged her back to him "ya hurt the king's betrothed, ya face me no thorin, no any of ma guards. ME!" dwalin bellowed making the female hobbit flinch, the dwarf lifted the woman underneath the armpits "you will never see the light of day again, for the rest of your pathetic life you will rot in an ereborian prison cell" he snarled dropping the hobbit and dragging her out the room as she kicked and screamed, the company knew better than to interfere and truthfully none of them wanted to. thorin led bilbo away to get the arrow removed from his shoulder as fili sat on the floor with y/n until the girl had cried her throat hoarse and her head hurt "you alright lass?" fili asks, y/n shrugs "dunno fi" she replies quietly leaning into him, fili lifts her up as he stands up and without a word carries her to their room where they lay in bed until she feels better, he tells her tales of his travels with his brother and uncle. it takes nearly four hours before she feels better at which point thorin and bilbo appear at the door "im alright sweetheart" bilbo says smiling tiredly "im sorry dad, i told the lady at the market that you were planning on coming here the morning we left" y/n says looking away "its alright little lass, you didn't know." thorin replies as bilbo yawns "honey you couldn't have known she would have told your mother" he says y/n nods, leaning further into fili, the other two leave and let the two sleep.

they sleep all day missing almost everything but dinner when they make their way to the dining room y/n is sleeping in fili's arms, none of them really wanted to wake her as she looked peaceful but upon the smell of food she sat up with a sleepy whine, never leaving fili's lap as the dwarf ate round her "so lass are ye feeling better?" bofur asks she sleepily nods as she pops a a chip in her mouth "just tired" she replies and it was no word of a lie the girl looked tired, after dinner she quietly made her way back to bed leaving fili with his brother and the company "mr baggins?" fili asks making bilbo smile looking to the blonde prince "yes fili?" he replies "i want to ask for your permission to ask your daughter to marry me?" he asks bilbo smiles "only if you give me permission to marry your uncle" bilbo responds with a chuckle "of course, i haven't seen uncle smile like that since kili was born" fili says smiling "what prompted this lad?" dwalin asks as he puffs his pipe "after the last few days we've had i don't want to lose her, i want to spend the reset of my life with her, i love her" he says smiling like a fool "really fi?" y/n's voice makes him jump he's assumed she'd gone to bed but upon realising that without fili the bed is really cold, she wandered after him and found him asking her dad that "of course lass, i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you" he says smiling

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