The company pt 2

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Y/n's pov
As bofur smiles sadly i have to wipe away a tear that runs down my face "so that's why i never let anyone touch ma hat and why i reacted the way i did to what thorin did, my ma gave me two gifts in this world, ma hat and ma brother, those were the only things i ever got and never want to lose em " he says and bombur smiles at him "and ye never will lose me" he says making bofur smile before it drops "its something big bothering thorin, i asked him why he was leaving for the lass's birthday and he exploded on me and obviously i shouted back as most would do when your shouted at, he grabbed ma hat and cut it apart with his dagger" bofur says as mala leans her head on him "he's just being an ass, he knows full and well its y/n's birthday, he's not even going to the iron hills for her gift" she says making me shrug "don't argue with him about it, if he wants to leave let him, no point pissing him off any further, its only my birthday" i say making them all turn to me "that's exactly why its important love" kili says making me shrug "there's no point pissing him off any further so just let him do as he wishes and do me a favour don't make it a big deal if he wants to leave" i say standing up and walking into the nearby kitchen "lass" balin says making me turn to see him standing beside me "yeah?" I say and he smiles slightly "i've got you an early birthday present" he says smiling, he hands me a small box and i open it to find a sapphire and aquamarine necklace "its beautiful balin" i say smiling and he smiles "it was finished early and i couldn't wait to give you it" he says gently clipping it round my neck "i love it, i love you" i say as happy tears trickle down my face "i love you too lass and im glad you like it" he says kissing my cheek "i asked a few of the chefs to make us dinner tonight lass so come sit with the rest of us" he says making me nod wiping my face on my sleeve, we walk to the door and see them all joking and laughing "you know a little one would fit right into that mess" i say and balin smiles "your not pregnant are you lass?" He asks and i smile "nope its just a thought" i say and he smiles "as much as i'd love either you or mala to be pregnant i think that's the last thing we need right now" he says and i nod "it wouldn't be exactly safe with thorin acting the way he is" i say and he nods "lets go join the others" he suggests and i smile "sure" i mumble walking with him "you alright now bofur?" he asks and bofur nods "im better than before" he says making balin smile "i'll go see if thorin's in a better mood, dinner should be along shortly" he says before leaving making me smile sitting next to bifur and nori on the floor after kili shoved nori off his arm chair "balin?" dwalin says as his brother walks in shaking his head "its nothing" he says sitting in one of the empty chairs "balin what's going on?" mala asks and he sighs "just don't go near thorin" he says looking almost sad in a way but also as if thorin shouted at him "brother" dwalin says and balin looks at him "aye" balin replies and dwalin sighs "what happened?" He asks and balin sighs "a short one sided shouting match" balin says and he sort of sinks back into his chair "its alright balin don't listen to him" mala says sitting on the arm of his chair "he's just being an ass" she says as the door opens "i know lass, i know" balin says pulling her into his lap "im a what?" Thorin asks making me look up at him "your an ass, do i need to spell it out for you" i snap making him roll his eyes "do any of you know what today is by chance?" He asks and we shake our heads "surely my nephews know what day it is?" Thorin says and fili thinks for a second before going wide eyed "its the anniversary of great grandfather thror" he says and thorin nods "i think im allowed to be an ass on the anniversary of my grandfather's death thank you very much" he says walking towards our room "how could i be stupid enough to forget" fili says running a hand down his face "let me try talk to him" ori says walking down the hall with his sketch book
Third person pov
As ori walked along the corridor his hands trembled holding his sketch book open to the page he'd been working on today, a picture of thorin and his brother, ori'd seen a painting similar to it but just thorin's brother, he carefully pushed the door open to see thorin sat on the edge of the bed "thorin?" Ori says quietly making thorin look up "what?" He says with a sniffle "we didn't know, you didn't tell us but we are sorry for how we reacted" ori says sitting beside thorin who shrugs "i made you something" ori says holding the sketch book out to thorin who looks at it and smiles "where'd you find out what he looks like" thorin says smiling "the hallway that you sent me down to get i think it was a book or something, there was portraits hanging there of your brother, your sister and you, i just quickly sketched it then added you" ori explains and thorin hugs him "thank you" he says as ori smiles leaning into the king's touch "anytime just don't shut us out, we want to help but can't when we don't know what's going on" ori says and thorin nods "i didn't know how to bring it up, its still a bit of a touchy subject" he says and ori nods "truthfully most of us should have realised that it was the anniversary of that battle and therefore your grandfather, but in all honesty most of us were worried about you" ori explains and thorin nods "i know, d'you think bofur'l talk to me after what i did" thorin asks flopping back on the bed "im sure if you were nice enough to him he'd forgive you, just try to avoid the subject of the hat, bofur told us the story of how he got his hat" ori says and thorin runs a hand through his hair "do you want me to stay here with you for a bit, balin got a few of the chefs to make dinner so y/n doesn't need to cook" ori says and thorin smiles "your more than welcome to stay here with me ori" thorin replies and ori smiles sitting further on the bed after taking his boots off "stay there" he says making thorin smile staying still as he hears ori drawing, after half an hour ori's finished and thorin sits up "your fun to draw" he says and thorin smiles "we should go back to see everyone" ori says making thorin nod, once they get to the door of the sitting room they stop, watching as bofur, the princes and y/n rumble about on the floor playfighting the rest of them laughing as they watch them "ow ow lass watch your knee" bofur yelps making y/n freeze "sorry bof but that's not my knee" y/n says popping up at the other side of the princes "okay which ever of you two has knee so close to my family jewels i suggest moving it away because if it goes any higher i will retaliate after catching my breath" bofur says but in the princes trying to move "fili watch your foot" y/n squeaks before yelping and moving back with her legs crossed and nearly bent in half "ow" she squeaks as the prince realises where he kicked "oh mahal im so sorry" fili says going to touch her leg but she glares "do not touch my leg" she grumbles moving back until she's sat beside dwalin's knee "you alright lass?" he asks and she shakes her head "he kicked me in the fanny what do you think?" she says making most of them laugh except mala who sits beside her "i know your pain honey" she says and all eyes turn to her "you know what?" gloin says and mala laughs nervously "in trying to split up a bar fight i got a tankard to the lady bits and i haven't seen men scatter as fast" she says and i nod "that's what happened i just thought you threatened them" i say and she shakes her head "nope they quickly realised where one of them had hit me and the time because two minutes later, the princes and bombur appeared" she says and at the point ori and thorin walk in properly the king sporting a nervous but also sad look "thorin" y/n says quietly making him look up to see her smiling at him "im sorry for calling you an ass, your not you have fabulous one but your not one" she says and he laughs quietly "you have a marvelous ass as well" he says and she laughs, standing up once her pain is gone and hugging thorin, who graciously accepts it "im so sorry for being an ass" he mumbles into her shoulder making her laugh, shoving him into one of the empty chairs before planting herself in his lap "you just need to tell us when touchy dates are coming up and we'll understand" she says making him nod, ori was still stood where thorin walked away from him with a small pout "lass move over a bit" thorin says making her nod moving enough to let thorin tug ori towards him, causing the shocked younger dwarf to land on thorin's knee "no need to pout there's enough of me for both of you" thorin says making smile appear on ori's face "i knew that'd work" he says and y/n laughs "i know its so easy to get them to let you sit on their lap if you pout" she says and he laughs "oh really lass?" bofur says and both ori and y/n laugh until their faces are red "why are they so giggly?" mala asks and thorin shrugs "how should i know lass" he says with a laugh "i just thought you were maybe tickling them or something" she says and a new wave of giggles goes through the pair "what is making you laugh?" Balin asks making them worsen, no one could figure out why until they looked around and seen the youngest son of fundin making faces at them "dwalin you big lump stop it" bofur says smacking his arm "nope" dwalin says making bofur laugh by tickling him, everyone smiles watching the two interacting, it was rare for the two to muck around, dwalin usually chosing thorin or the princes to muck around with, the princes in question had gone back to their play fighting as they all waited for their dinner, "kili watch that left leg" balin reminds and kili tucks his leg in before fili fell on it "thanks balin" he says before squeaking as fili lands on top of him after jumping off the chair beside them "ki get your knee off my nuts" fili yelps as he flopped to the side "great durin's beard" fili mutters covering his mouth with a heave "you okay fili?" Mala asks earning a teary look from the prince "m'sorry fi" kili mumbles looking sorry for himself as he sits between nori and oin's knees "s'okay ki, im good just gimme a second" the oldest prince says putting a hand on his brother's arm "gods above" fili mutters sitting up "i think that was due after what i did to y/n but mahal did it have to be that hard" he says making laughs echo through the room "he's alright lad" nori says running a hand through kili's hair before pulling kili up onto his lap, the younger of the two lets out a shocked squeak before calming down, fili ends up beside bofur and dwalin the durin prince happily cuddles up to the two who seem to radiate heat, after they've eaten they all sit down in the main room again, y/n and mala lay on the floor staring at the ceiling before y/n sneezes six times in a row with a curse "fucking hell" she says before sneezing again but to make it worse she begins to belch not just loud but foul smelling burps, "mahal lass are you okay?" Gloin asks but upon seeing not only her but bofur heave which had no connection as the hat wearing dwarf was on the other side of the room, the two dart off to the various bathrooms nearby, thorin following bofur and dwalin following y/n, the girl loses everything she's eaten as her throat burns "its alright lass" dwalin says holding the girl's hair out her face "it hurts" she says quietly he rubs her back as she leans against him, once he's sure she's stopped vomiting he carries her back into the main room. thorin appearing at the same time carrying bofur who looks pale "what the hell is going on?" mala asks seeing the two shivering and holding onto the two "dinner had those funny looking mushrooms uncle, don't both of them get sick every time they eat them?" kili asks thorin sighs "i forgot to mention that to the chefs" balin says running a hand through his beard "this is my fault" he mumbles before ori and mala land in his lap "no don't say that you did something nice for us, its not easy to remember what everyone can and can't stomach" mala says planting a dozen kisses over his face "she's right balin, its okay" bofur says leaning against thorin, y/n on the other hand is pressed right against dwalin, with the hiccups "dwalin you gotta help me stop them, its gonna make me puke again" she whines before nori grabs her shoulders making her jump "durin's beard" she squeaks turning round quickly, she pauses for a second and finds her hiccups gone, "thanks" she chirps leaning on dwalin again, nori claims the empty spot beside her leaning back on the couch with a stretch his top riding up his stomach so y/n sticks her cold feet against his stomach making him tense with a grunt "why in durin's name are your feet so cold" he grumbles she laughs "we're in a mountain and i have no socks on" she says he nods "well stick your feet to him no me" he says she laughs again "why can the big tough nori not handle the cold" she teases and he smirks before tickling her feet making her squirm trying avoid him before dwalin joins in which just ultimately ends in y/n falling off the couch "you two are mean" she grumbles sitting between bofur and fili "

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