bagginshield's daughter

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After reclaiming erebor, (thorin, fili and kili survive the battle with azog) thorin confesses to bilbo who happily begins to court the dwarf king, they eventually adopt a young dwarven girl, called evangeline (eva and evie for short)
Somehow after saving the boys from azog, kili and fili aged down and became fifteen and nine again which no one really minded or knew why
At the time evangeline is a few years older (24) than fili (10) and kili (9) who are considered dwarven children due to their age
She calls bilbo dad or papa and thorin adad
Evangeline's pov
"Fili durin you help me up right now" i say as he laughs at me because kili and him tripped me, not knowing i was already hungover and sore from falling constantly "dad" i shout causing him to walk down the corridor "my back, i hurt it last night but they tripped me and it sounded like it crunched" i say as my back begins to throb from pain and he runs a hand through his messy hair "boys, get down to the forge and help your uncle now" he says making them run off "yes uncle bilbo" they says before running off "honey i know what you were doing last night, i had a guard inform me you had fallen a total of twenty times, as you and your friend walked back here" he says helping me up and i choose to ignore the tingling in my arms "it was her birthday dad, she managed to get elven wine from somewhere and i didn't expect it to have such an effect on me but i think i did something to my back and knees" i say and he smile "lets get you to bed, and i will go get balin he will know what to do" he says making me nod "dad you didn't tell adad right?" I ask and he smiles "he may be my husband but your still my little girl, im not going to tell him everything" he says making me smile before wincing as my back pops again "evangeline honey you might need to tell thorin" he says and i whine feeling more pain in my back before a splitting headache makes an appearance "send for my husband" dad says to a nearby guard who nods and leaves "dad he's going to shout at me like last time" i say as he helps me lay on my bed "everything alright?" Adad asks as he walks in "promise you won't be mad Adad?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow "love what's going on?" He asks dad who looks down nervously "adad" i say and he sighs "fine i promise i won't get too angry" he says and i nod slightly wincing as it jerks my back "you know how it was avanna's birthday yesterday" i ask and he nods "you went to dale shopping" he says and i nod "after we did that she brought out a bottle, i don't know where or how she got it but she had elven wine" i say and he raises an eyebrow "uh huh" he says leaning on the doorframe looking unimpressed as dad hovers by the window "well we got drunk, i fell a lot and hurt my back and knees but ki and fi tripped me like five minutes ago and my back popped and now its really sore" i say and he sighs running a hand down his face "Evangeline Oakenshield why in durins name did you think it was acceptable for the princess of erebor to be seen outside drinking elven wine, like a commoner" he yells making me flinch causing me to move my back and wince in pain "adad please, it hurts so much and i know it was a bad idea and i won't do it again just help me get rid of the pain" i say holding the small stuffed war ram toy that he bought me a few years ago as my back spasms causing shooting pains to run down my back and into my legs "adad" i cry as tears run down my face "send for  balin and the best healers we have immediately" adad yells at a nearby servant who nods running off "its alright evie we will find out what's going on sweetheart" he says running his hand through his hair looking worried as dad begins to pace "durin's all mighty ghost what is the matter i came as fast as i could" balin says panting as he leans on the doorframe "we don't know its her back, she fell a few times last night and the boys tripped her today" dad says continuing to pace as i continue to cry holding the stuffed war ram toy tightly "my my that's not good, now evangeline this might hurt but i need to figure out why you back is causing this much issue" balin says and i nod the best i can before he speaks "now i need to roll you on your belly, its going to hurt" he says and i nod before crying out as i am rolled over "oh dear" he says as a healer arrive "your majesties" she says to dad and adad who are nervously watching "talia, examine her back so i know im not wrong" balin says before i feel gentle dwarven hands gently graze my back "oh mahal, master balin that's a" she starts to say before whispering to balin who then says "i know dear i wanted to confirm" he says and i hear dad nervously tapping his foot "balin you tell me what is wrong with my little girl now" adad yells causing a few glasses to shake "your majesties please have a seat this might be hard to hear" the girl says and they do sit down on either side of me "one of the falls that evangeline has taken in the last twenty four hours has broken part of her back and falling in the last half an hour made it worse, without gandalf or a wizard there is nothing we can do" he says making dad gasp and adad to put his head in his hands "send for the wizard" Adad says but its muffled "apologies thorin what did you say" balin asks and papa lifts his head "he said send for the wizard so our daughter isn't in the pain she is now" dad shouts standing up "out now and if that wizard isn't here within the next four hours i will have your head" adad says making me shake my head "adad its not their fault" i say and he sighs "sorry" he says as they leave "evie we're so sorry" fili and kili say as they run in looking upset "its okay, its okay come here" i say slowly rolling onto my back again with a few painfilled noises "fili kili come here" i say and they walk over cautiously "sit beside me, one of you on either side" i say tensing as my back spasms again "thank you, now why are you two sorry, we were in the middle of a prank war so its not your fault, however the prank war has to be stopped for now" i say smiling at my younger cousins "now listen, as much as im in pain, i want you two not to worry about me i will be fine balin has sent for gandalf who's going to be able to fix my back" i say and they both burst out crying "fi, ki im okay" i say as they both curl into a ball with their heads on their knees "fili kili i can't help you both if your too far away" i say and they scoot closer "thank you now, i need my super awesome, brave and talented younger cousins to do a job for me" i say and they look up slightly "i need you two to bring me the most amount of our snacks you can both carry, the book we were reading and the fluffy bear skin" i say and they nod getting off the bed before walking away "hairy goblin balls this hurts" i say making adad laugh "you honestly say the strangest things" he says making me smile through pain "didn't thranduil have something to help with broken backs" i ask looking up at him and he goes wide eyed "he does" he says walking out quickly before dad follows him, the boys come back about five minutes later with massive armfuls of crackers, biscuits and sugary stuff, the story book aunt dis gave me and a massive blanket instead of the bear skin "mr dwalin said we couldn't bring the bear skin" kili says as he sits beside me "its alright ki" i say taking the book off of fili before flicking through to the page we were on and continuing to read, after about twenty minutes both of them are out for the count as adad and gandalf walk in "evangeline, i can perform the spell with the young princes around" gandalf says as i move my hand to bump fili "thank you gandalf" i say and he nods before doing whatever spell he did before my back makes a click and all my pain dissolves as if nothing happened "its like nothing happened" i say with a smile "thank you gandalf" adad says as he leads gandalf out of the room "fili kili" i say and they roll over and snuggle into me tighter "eva you have to stay bedridden for the next two days" adad says poking his head in the door and smiling at the sight of the boys holding me tightly, "i'll send someone along when lunch is ready to wake you up" he says and i smile "i'll probably just read or something until they wake up adad" i say and he smiles before leaving, after ten minutes fili wakes up "evie" he mumbles trying to find me half asleep but he'd rolled over "im here fi" i say and he rolls back over "Hi" he says before dad run in looking franticly scared "azog's back" he says and i jump up "stay with them dad please keep fili and kili safe, i promise you i will be fine, adad will need my help" i say putting my boots and armour on "he will, go evangeline" he says and i nod "fi stay with my dad please" i say and he nods "okay eva" he says making me smile and kiss his head "behave" i say and he smiles before i run down the hall towards the sounds of fighting, seeing azog approaching adad whilst his back is turned i jump over the banister in front of me landing on the pale orc's back my sword going through his neck "coward" i snarl as he tries to get me off his back but i stab my other sword into his head "die you foul son of a bitch" i yell and adad turns round "evangeline" he shouts just as azog rams me into a wall "die, you bastard" i yell again twisting my swords until he falls down un moving even then i cut his head off just to be safe "evangeline" adad says running to me "are you okay? Your not hurt are you?" He asks and i smile "im good adad just watch your back" i say stabbing an orc that tried to get him "that's my girl" he says as we fight side by side until dead orcs litter the floor, two screams makes us freeze "eva" fili's scream makes me look up to see an orc holding him by the hair kili in the orc's other hand "dwalin, to your left" i shout seeing him just across from the orc, he turns and in one swing of his axe the orc is dead and the boys are clinging to him as adad and i run up to them "eva" they shout hugging me crying heavily "its okay, your okay, where's my dad?" I ask and kili cries harder "adad" i say but he's already gone "fi i need you to tell me what happened" i say and he nods sniffling "an orc knocked uncle bilbo out, he tried to keep us safe but it was really tall and scary" he says and dwalin runs after adad, "boys on my waist there are smaller swords take one each" i say and they lift two smaller swords off my armour belt, "come with me" i say and we make our way towards my room, once we get there we see adad kneeling beside dad, "dad" i say running over to him "im okay evie" he says and i can't stop the tears running down my face "if i hadn't left this wouldn't have happened" i say but adad shushes me "if you weren't in the main hall i'd be dead, i stupidly turned my back on azog" he says and i nod "evie i was more concerned of fili and kili than myself" dad says as fili and kili run over "uncle bilbo" they both say and he smiles "im okay, who saved you this time was it eva or your uncle thorin" dad says making them shake their heads giggling "it was mr dwalin he chopped the orcs head off" kili says and dad gasps "did he really, did you see if fall?" He says and they nod quickly "it was so cool, he looked really sweaty though" fili says as dwalin stands at the door "evangeline lass how far do you think you jumped to kill azog?" Dwalin asks and i shrug "not far" i say and he laughs "you jumped the equivalent of this room not to mention from quite a height" he says and my jaw drops "i just saw him about to get dad and jumped" i say and he rolls his eyes "careless but so caring at the same time" he says as dad keeps joking with kili and fili "i mean think about who raised me" i say and he nods "the one who can't read a map well and the one who has too many maps, stone cold king and the fluff ball hobbit" i say and he laughs "dwalin i can tell you want to make sure balin is alright, go we're good here" i say and he runs off "i hope the others are okay" i mumble and adad smiles "they'll be fine" he says as fili and kili hug him "you looked really cool uncle" they say up to him and he smiles "i think evie looked cooler" he says and they shake their heads "nuh uh" they mumble and i smile "my adad is the coolest isn't he" i say and they nod "the coolest" kili says and i nod "he really is" fili says and i laugh "why don't we let my adad check my dad over whilst we go check on bofur and balin" i say and they nod taking one of my hands each "lets go eva" they says and i laugh walking with them until we get to the entrance "mr bofur" kili shouts and bofur smiles as they run up to him and hug him "hello lads did someone have to save ye?" He asks and they smile "mr dwalin, he chopped an orc's head clean off" fili says and bofur nods "dwalin is quite good at that isn't he" he says and they nods "he's so cool but uncle's cooler" kili says and bofur nods "your uncle is the coolest" he says and they smile as the others come over, as they explain their tale of what happens i see an arrow head in fili's back "fi come with me" i say and he pouts but follows me, oin following behind me "fi you've got an arrow in your back" i say and he starts to panic "its okay lad, it's not in too deep so it shouldn't hurt too much" oin says and fili hugs me as oin pulls it out and bandages it, fili cries into my top "its okay fi, you were so brave" i say carrying him back to the others "fi what happened?" Kili asks but he shakes his head hiding it in my shoulder "he had an arrow stuck just a bit in his back but its out now and oin patched him up ki" i say and he nods "okay eva" he says and i smile at him "did you tell everyone your tale?" I ask and he nods "yup and even added how far mr dwalin said you jumped" he says smiling "we all good?" I ask everyone else who smile "aye lass we're all good just bruised and bashed" bofur replies smiling at me "good, but someone needs to catch me" i say as my vision closes in and i stumble, dwalin catches me "i'm meant to be on bedrest, i broke my back this morning" i say he sighs at me "really eva, you're so much like thorin its unbelievable some days" balin says as he stands beside dwalin "i knew i had to help my adad, if i didn't he'd be dead" i say as my sight comes back slowly "lets get you to your bed lass" dwalin says i pout "no, i don't wanna" i whine he smirks putting me over his shoulder as if i weight nothing, fili and kili run after us, bofur and balin following them, when we get to my room im set on my bed and the boys jump up beside me, adad wanders in after a few minutes of the three of us talking to dwalin, balin and bofur "so bilbo's fainted again for whatever reason, so he's laying in bed, i thought i better check on evangeline" adad says to balin who nods "she's definitely your child thorin, disobeying bed rest for a battle" he says adad smirks "my daughter saved my life balin, she could have been in jail for all i care but she will be rewarded for her bravery as will my nephews" adad says making the three of us smile. he did reward us with a trip to dale once im off bedrest. we got so many sweets and new outfits, even a ball thrown in honour of me killing azog 

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