Fili's daughter

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Maisie is fili's youngest daughter
his eldest two daughters marina and arabella  hate mud, fighting, dirt and anything not ladylike like their mother a women fili married to please everyone around him not for love, maisie on the other hand loves fighting, archery, helping in the forge and anything that involves getting mucky like her dad
Dwalin had a son after the first journey to erebor named taro (important for later)
Maisie's pov
"Dad where are we going" i whine as we continue to ride our ponies into a small town "stop whining lass" uncle kili says making me grumble and shove him making him fall off his pony "maisie durin apologise now" dad says making me grumble out "sorry uncle kili" making him laugh "fili she's your double" he says struggling to get back on his horse "still can't get on a horse kili" dad teases making him grumble "i can its just difficult" he says making dad laugh before helping him up "so made anything new little miss grump" uncle kili asks making me sigh "i made a sword" i say handing him my sword "its excellently made maisie" he says smiling at me before handing it back "how did you end up looking and acting like your dad" uncle kili says with a laugh making me shrug "dads fun to be around plus i've been stuck to your side since i was two" i say making him nod "not to mention uncle thorin makes me play in the forge whenever we visit him" i say making them laugh "sounds like uncle thorin" uncle kili says as we reach a stable in front of a circular door with gandalf's mark on it "that's the place" dad says climbing off his horse helping me down since im short for a twenty year old dwarf "thanks dad" i say adjusting my trousers since they moved "is everyone else going to be here fili" uncle kili asks and dad nods "gandalf has a quest apparently" dad says making me confused "why am i here then" i ask and he smiles "its about time you have your first quest" dad says and i smile brightly "she's still a child fili" uncle kili says making my smile drop "honestly kili did you not see how bright her smile was" dad says making uncle kili apologise but i don't smile again, after a while of being in the hobbit's house a loud knock on the door makes gandalf say "he's here" the room goes silent "is it uncle thorin" i ask and dad nods making me smile "bilbo baggins meet thorin oakensheild the leader of our company" gandalf says making me giggle slightly as uncle thorin rolls his eyes "uncle thorin" i shout running over to him "there's my favourite niece" he says lifting me up "i see you made a sword, your handywork is better than my nephews combined" he says smiling at me "i knew you would like it, i made you one too" i say handing him the silver long sword i made him "again excellent craftmanship maisie" he says making me smile brightly as he leans it beside his other one before walking round the hobbit still holding me and questioning him "uncle thorin thats mean" i say when he makes a rude comment towards bilbo "he may be a hobbit but he's still a person whether he has skills you like or not" i say looking at him "argh your right" he says with a grumble making me smile proudly "maisie come here" dad says looking annoyed "nuh uh im staying here you look mad" i say holding uncle thorin tighter "now maisie or your going home" dad says making me sigh "i guess im going home then" i say beginning to sniffle "fili enough she's not causing any issues" uncle thorin says rubbing my back "she is my child uncle so stop telling me how to parent my daughter" dad yells and uncle thorin sits me on a chair before they start to argue making my tears worsen "enough can't you see you're affecting her" uncle kili says separating them to show balin comforting me "its alright lass, no need for yer tears" he says as i hug him "it's just like at home" i say not realising the room is silent "what does she mean its just like at home, fili are you arguing with her mother in front of your children" uncle kili says and i heard dad begin to mutter and curse under his breath "here little one have some water" dwalin says handing me a cup "thank you" i say quietly taking the cup off him as the three finally stop arguing after they get separated "can you three not see yer affecting your niece or daughter she's crying because of your arguing, enough of it now" balin scolds like an angry grandad making me smile earning me a look from dwalin "he's like an angry grandad" i say making us laugh "what are you two laughing at?" Balin asks and i start to smile widely "you sounded like a grandad" i say and everyone laughs including balin "aye lass i do but as yer honorary grandad i have to" he says making me smile as he sits beside me "well im very happy your my whatever word you said grandad" i say making him smile as dad watches closely "honorary lass spell it out hon or ar ry" balin says and i copy him before he gets me to try the whole word "ronorry" i say and he sighs "close enough lass close enough" before walking through to bilbo's kitchen coming back with an apple "here lass" he says chucking it to me "right so what's the quest" uncle thorin asks making gandalf sigh "we need to travel to mirkwood again, thranduil has requested we travel to discuss something with him" he says and dad grumbles "why couldn't you and the hobbit have met us in erebor" he says making gandalf laugh "because i was already here" he says making dad and uncle kili grumble between themselves "my daughter is going no where near those pointy eared bastards" dad says making me sigh fiddling with the apple in my hand "oh come on you never let me do anything, i barely do shit in the forge unless you, uncle kili or uncle thorin are there and im barely allowed to ride my pony anywhere" i shout standing up "do not raise your voice at me young lady" dad yells making some of the glasses shake and me slightly flinch "i will raise my voice when i was made to travel all the way here and now your making me go home, get over yourself dad" i yell throwing the apple at him before walking out the hobbit hole and walking away to the stable where my pony is laying on the straw, i sit next to her and lean on her side making her huff but lean her head on my legs "maisie" i hear dad shout but i don't answer him he eventually storms into the stable startling his and uncle kili's ponies "maisie what are you doing?" He yells but i just ignore him and continue braiding my pony silver's mane "do not ignore me" he yells making silver look at him before moving her backend closer to me "its alright silv" i say using my spare hand to pat her head as dad continues shouting behind me "the more you shout the less i listen" i say and he kicks the stable door causing his pony to kick its back legs out sending him flying over the open top stable door "dad!" I shriek standing up to see him lying on his back wide eyed "uncle kili, uncle thorin" i shout as loud as i can repeatedly until they come running out "what happened maisie" uncle thorin says looking between dad and i "he was shouting and he he kicked the the door making his pony kick him over the door and over the road abit" i say starting to panic seeing dad in pain "maisie don't panic" dad says sounding wheezy "its my fault, dad it is" i say backing up until my body hits the stable wall "maisie come here, im fine just winded" he says but i shake my head looking around finding an escape into the stables again, i hide behind a few of the saddles and saddle bags until uncle kili lifts me off the ground and doesn't let me go until we're inside the hobbit hole where dad is sitting in a chair almost sleeping "uncle kili put me down" i say squirming around "not happening little one until you realise your dads alright" he says and i look to dad again who is smiling watching us with sleepy eyes "c'mere maisie" he says making me sigh as uncle kili puts me down so i can walk over to dad "im alright as much as that hurt like touching the hot coals im alright just a few bruises and i got winded so im fine" he says pulling me into a hug "im sorry" i say quietly into his shoulder "you have no need to apologise im the one who is wrong for shouting" he says running his hand over my back "i will try my best when we get home not to argue with your mother, i do need to tell you something to do with your mother and i" he says making me look up at him "the reason for all the arguing is im divorcing your mother she had an affair with her boss, she wants to leave me for him, your sisters decided to go with her so its up to you who you go with" he says and i nod hugging him again "you of course mum tries to make me act like arabella and marina" i say making him smile "i don't think i have ever seen you wearing anything other than a hunting outfit or your working in the forge kit" he says making me smile "that's because im only ever in you and uncle kili's hand me downs" i say making him laugh "your definitely my double" he says as everyone else comes in "dad please don't send me home mum will try to make me wear a dress but if im with you then i can wear what i want" i say making him smile "of course you can stay with me, its not like im going back to your mother's house anyway all my stuff is in my saddle bags and most of yours is in yours" he says making me smile "thank you" i say before yawning "sleep my sweet girl" dad says making me smile and lean my head on his shoulder and fall asleep
After a while i wake up with a jump forgetting where i am, finding the dark hobbit house, i calm down at the sight of uncle kili sleeping on nearby armchairs "lass why are you awake now" dad says quietly making me jump "i had a nightmare" i say making him smile "i assure you nothing that happened in your nightmare was real so go back to sleep" he says making me nod and lean back on his shoulder falling asleep again
When i finally wake up next a few others are also waking up "morning maisie" uncle kili says sleepily as i stand up making me knees click "morning uncle kili" i mumble stretching causing more clicks "dad's shoulders are so uncomfortable" i say as i walk outside with uncle kili "trust me landing on his back is worse" he says with a yawn as we watch the sun rise "uncle kili" i say after a bit of silence "hmm" he says looking at me "how did you know you loved aunt tauriel" i ask and he smiles "when she looked at me it was like fireworks went off in my heart, i only wanted to make her happy" he says smiling "oh" i say making him look at me "why do you ask?" He asks and i shrug "just curious i guess" i say leaning my head on his shoulder "trust me maisie you will know if your in love, i had no idea before i met tauriel" he says making me smile at him before i start to hum the song dad sung to me as a child "i know that song, my ma sung that to me" uncle kili says as the hobbit door opens "thought i might find you two out here" uncle thorin says walking up behind us "morning" uncle kili says smiling at uncle thorin as i yawn again "morning uncle thorin" i say smiling at him "morning" he says sitting beside me "im worried about fili" uncle thorin says taking a pipe out "he's oddly calm about leaving adiana" uncle thorin says as i doze off still leaning on uncle kili's shoulder "fili married to get ma off his back not because he loves her" uncle kili says making me sit up "mum doesn't even get along with dad for longer than thirty seconds no matter how much he tries to get along with her, gods know how they made my sisters and i" i say before leaning on uncle thorin's shoulder "dis can be pushy at times i remember the day she wanted to visit dain, god she pushed and pushed until i told her to go herself which she did" he says making me smile "ma can be quite extreme at times, she yelled at me for an entire day when i married tauriel" uncle kili says making me laugh slightly "yet she still loves rosy and brandy" i say making him nod "yep" he says now puffing his pipe "i wondered where you three went" balin's voice makes us jump "fili has started to bruise" he says leaning onto the back of the chair "that's what he gets for being an ass and kicking the stable door" uncle thorin says making me sigh "still feel bad about that" i mumble making him laugh slightly "you have no need to feel bad you dad was being an ass and he was put in his place" he says making someone scoff behind us "i did not get put in my place by a horse" dad says with a laugh "oh really" uncle thorin says looking at him "really and bilbo made breakfast" he says making us all make our way into see bilbo placing food on the dining table "here you all go, i thought you might be hungry" he says with a smile making everyone smile in some way "your always too kind to us bilbo" balin says as the five of us sit down "where's dwalin and bombur" uncle kili asks after a while "still sleeping in the sitting room" bilbo says smiling as he darts between the dining room and the pantry "ori, nori, dori, oin, gloin, bifur and bofur went ahead with gandalf" bilbo says as he brings through a handful of apples and begins to pack a small bag full of food "maisie i might have the chainmail that thorin gave me if you want it" bilbo says after breakfast as everyone begins to put their armour on "but what about you" i say and he smiles "trust me i have my own set" he says smiling as he hands me an old erebor chainmail top "thank you bilbo" i say taking it off him "its really no problem" he says before walking off "da can you help" i ask since this stuff is difficult to put on "in a second honey, kili's hair is stuck in his shoulder pad" dad says making me laugh as he untangles uncle kili's hair from the shoulder pad "here lass let me help you" uncle thorin says helping me into it, before he pulls out a pair of gloves "here, some of the weather on the way to mirkwood is freezing" he says making me smile as i set them in on of my pockets "da, your braids undone" i say making him smile "redo it then" he says back obviously know i wanted to "thanks" he says once its done "dwarven hair is a pain, brandy and rosy are lucky to have elven hair" i say making uncle kili smile "yeah but elven hair is a pain too lass" he says making me laugh "not as much of a pain as this bloody birds nest" i say pointing to the mess of brown, black and blonde hair on my head "you definitely got the family hair" uncle thorin says before quickly fixing my hair "how did you" i say making him laugh "i have a younger sister,  she never brushed her hair, never wore dwarven braids so i leant tricks to keep it out her way" he says making me nod before looking in the mirror to see an intricate dwarven braid with a family cuff on one of the braids "is that?" I start but he cuts me off with a nod "yes it is, all the men in our family get their first at fifteen and since your the most boyish out of your sisters its only fair you have one" he says making me smile "thanks uncle thorin" i say before putting my boots on, throwing my cloak and hidden weapons on, "honestly lass how much like your dad are you, he had half as many knifes as that" uncle kili says with a smile making me laugh as i walk out to saddle silver "morning silv" i say making her make noises back "yes i know noisy pony" i say handing her a bucket of her meal "there ya go" i say as she dives her nose into the bucket "lets get you guys fed too" i say giving dad and uncle kili's ponies food too "lets put your saddle on silv" i say bouncing over to where her saddle was and putting it on her strapping it on and then putting my saddle bags on "all done silv, now just to set my swords on here" i say strapping my swords to the top of the saddle bags diagonally so i can pull them out quickly if need be "ready to go maisie" dad asks walking in making me smile "yeah your pony is fed too" i say making him smile "thanks" he says before saddling up his and uncle kili's ponies "uncle thorin is ready and so are everyone else, we had to wake up bombur and dwalin" uncle kili says and a mark is visible on his neck "kili is that what i think it is" dad says grabbing him by the collar "damn kili, she marked you up good before you left" dad says letting him go "shut up" uncle kili says saddling up his pony with a blush running over his face and ears "im going to take silver outside" i say jumping onto her "alright only go as far as thorin's stable" dad says as i ride out the door "there she is" dwalin says with a yawn as he sits on his pony outside of uncle thorin's stable "yeah, good morning to you too" i say making him smile "yeah yeah" he says biting into a sandwich "bilbo gave me this for you" he says handing me a steak sandwich "he's the best" i say biting into it, before stashing it in a saddle bag waiting beside him "lets see yer sword then little miss blacksmith" he says making me smile "here" i say pulling one of the swords out its sheath and handing it to him "its like the old dwarf masters work" he says running his hands along the blade "incredible" he says handing it back "i made you an axe but dad didn't let me bring it out of the forges since it was sharp enough to cut fire wood to splinters" i say and he looks at me shocked "you made me something" he says and i smile nodding "you've been using the same axe since i was like four" i say and he nods "yeah i have" he says as uncle thorin rides his pony out of the stable "i can't believe my niece is going on her first real adventure" he says smiling proudly "we need to stop on the way to mirkwood" dwalin says after a few seconds "why, i thought you had everything" uncle thorin asks cracking his neck "taro, he's meeting me in one of the smaller villages, he caused a riot back home and pepper told him to come meet me, i got his note this morning" he says and i look away with a sigh "taro thats your lad, he's about maisie's age right" uncle thorin asks and i can tell he's smirking "yeah him and the lass have something going on" dwalin says and i huff "sure if you can call it that" i say leaning forward on my pony "well he's meeting us in the next hobbit village over" dwalin says and uncle thorin nods "you go ahead to get him" he says to which dwalin leaves "out with it" he says looking at me "taro cheated on me, with marina" i say and uncle thorin looks mad "when was this" he asks and i look down "your coronation" i say and he mutters under his breath until dad and uncle fili arrive "dad he's coming with us" i sat and he sighs "of course he is" dad says sarcastically as he runs a hand down his face "maisie you stay with us, we don't need you getting upset over him again" dad says making me nod "took me too long to make you smile kiddo" uncle kili says handing me a bow and a quiver of arrows "i had them specially made and sent here when we stopped in dale before we left" he says making me smile brightly "can i shoot taro if he comes near me" i ask and uncle thorin laughs "as much as i would love to say yes dwalin would kill you, and i still need the princess of erebor" he says making me smile as bombur and balin come riding down the road "where's my brother" balin asks and uncle thorin sort of growls "he went to get taro from the next hobbit town" uncle kili says but not hiding his dislike for taro now "what has my nephew done to anger you three" balin asks as bombur gets a tub of biscuits out his pocket "you will find out when we are back with the whole group balin" i say and he nods before we all set off when bilbo arrives
"Hey sweetheart" taro says as he spots me making me cringe and move between uncle thorin and uncle kili "go away taro" i say snuggling under uncle thorin's cloak "what did i do wrong i haven't seen you for weeks and you brush me off what the hell" he says and uncle thorin goes to get up, "just because you're a princess doesn't mean you need to be stuck up" taro shouts making everyone look to us as i stand up "stuck up, you didn't find my sister stuck up with your hand up her skirt did you" i yell and he freezes looking at me "yeah i seen you at my uncle's coronation, fucking my sister" i say fighting back tears "it was a mistake i was drunk maisie please" he says and i laugh "oh taro, your too stupid to understand something as simple as this so called princess doesn't want nothing to do with a cheater, so yeah you can run off back to marina, she's not a princess or a nice person so perfect for the likes of you" i say and he tries to run at me but in an instant i have my new bow aimed for him an arrow waiting for release "remember you fool, these people sitting behind me are my family, one wrong step from you and you won't see the light of day from an erebor holding cell" i say smirking when he runs off to dwalin like a scared puppy "that's my niece" uncle thorin shouts happily lifting me up "thorin" dwalin's loud voice causes silence around the camp as he walks over "did the child threaten my boy" he shouts making dad laugh "a child, so is your boy not a child then, because from where i see it if he can put his hand on any of my daughters he's no longer allowed the privilege of hiding behind his dad when his actions bite him in the ass" dad says from where he was sitting on a log "what are you trying to say fili" dwalin says but i stop him "if your son is big enough to fuck my sister whilst with me, he can't hide behind you when i rip into him and you wanna know something else" i say and he looks up at me "what child" he says and i laugh "your son is a creep, check his pockets and i will guarantee he has at least two pairs of woman's pants" i say and dwalin does and ends up with multiple pairs of marina and another girls pants in his hand "taro" dwalin roars as he takes off running into the woods "can i kill him yet" dad asks and i shake my head "as much as you are marina's dad its up to mum to deal with this" i say and he grumbles but shrugs "my braids are killing me" i say as i sit back down "did i braid your hair too tight" uncle thorin asks and i nod loosening them "sorry its a force of habit" he says before i look at uncle kili who's looking at a portable picture frame of his children and aunt tauriel but theres four frames instead of three "uncle kili, why do you have an extra frame" i ask making him quickly put it away "its a picture of the four of us" he says quickly making me nod "okay" i say i know he's hiding something,
Time skip

"uncle thorin we've been walking for ages" i whine from nearly the back of the company "we are only walking for another hour then we are setting up camp" he says back making me sigh and continue walking beside bifur and bofur who kindly offered to walk beside me "you alright lass, i can carry you if you want" bofur offers but i shake my head "im alright bofur i just wanted to get uncle thorin to stop since bilbo looks like he's going to pass out if we walk for much longer" i say pointing to him the poor little hobbit is hanging onto uncle kili for dear life as he carries bilbo "uncle the hobbit passed out" uncle kili shouts making uncle thorin curse "gods above alright we're stopping here then" he shouts making me smile but it drops as taro starts to walk over to me but bifur makes a noise towards him freaking him out and causing him to go back to dwalin "im staying near you uncle bifur, if you can get rid of him that quickly" i say and bifur laughs before saying "no problem lass" in dwarvish, making me smile before bofur lifts me over his shoulder "oh so you like him more than me" he jokes walking towards the river "no your still my favourite uncle bofur" i squeal as he gets closer to the river "dad, uncle kili help" i shout making them look up before laughing "uncle bofur please, don't put me in the river" i say and he smile before walking up to the camp "your mean sometimes" i say sitting next to dad and uncle bifur, "lass can i ask why you call the rest of us by our name but call bifur, bombur and bofur uncle" balin asks and i shrug "they showed me that they would take my side in a fight, dwalin shouted at me, your my ronarary grandad or whatever, oin,gloin dori,nori and ori don't like it so i don't call them it" i say and he nods "i just thought i would ask" he says and i smile "maisie" taro says but i glare and walk over to sit between uncle bifur and uncle bombur "da i don't know what you want me to do she won't let me say a thing to her" taro complains as dwalin grumbles at him "i don't want his pathetic excuses or apologies, i want nothing to do with your dwarven disgrace of a son dwalin" i say and dwalin sighs "this is going to be a long trip then" he mumbles sitting down beside balin taro sitting behind them on a rock "i hope that hurts his ass" i mutter and uncle bombur starts to laugh as uncle bifur tries to hide it before bursting out laughing, they draw everyones attention "ignore them, dad, uncle kili will you play a song with me?" i ask and they smile nodding "of course kiddo, go get your flute then" dad says and i smile running to my bag and grabbing the wooden flute from it "what do you want to play maisie?" uncle kili asks and i smile "the song from when i was younger" i say and they smile "we'll need bombur and bofur to help us" dad says making them smile "which one is it lass?" uncle thorin asks and i smile "where no one goes, dad and uncle kili played it for me all the time as a kid" i say and he smiles, dad and uncle kili start to play before uncle bombur joins in, then uncle bofur and i play whilst bouncing around happily 

once we're finished i can't help but smile "you did so well lass" uncle bofur says smiling happily as he lifts me up "you nailed that high note" he says making me smile, the night was filled with a few more hours of singing, dancing and cheer. when i wake up the next morning i sit up expecting my hair to touch my back as it does every morning only to find it still on my bed roll "adad" i shout waking everyone up as i feel tears well in my eyes "maisie" dad says looking about before his eyes land on me "oh by my beard lass, its alright" uncle bofur says as i start to cry "my long hair" i sob as dad comes over "its alright sweetheart it will grow back, why don't you let uncle thorin fix it and you might like it" he says and i nod wiping my eyes on my sleeve standing up, he hugs me before helping me over to uncle thorin who neatens it up and shows me making me nod with a small smile "i can live with it" i say before laughing makes me turn to see taro laughing his ass off "did you do that?" dwalin asks and taro nods "im going to castrate him" i yell but arms stop me "lass calm yourself, let yer dad and uncle deal with him" uncle bofur says as dad and uncle kili drag taro off into the woods making me smirk "welp he's going to have a broken something by the time he comes back" i say sitting beside uncle thorin "your hair will have grown back by the time we arrive back at erebor lass, even when we get to mirkwood it will be longer than it is now" he says and i nod as he hands me some biscuits and cheese from his snack bag "thanks uncle thorin" i say making him smile 

time skip to when they arrive in erebor 

"lass go relax or do whateve" dad says and i smile "you can use the smaller forge if you want" uncle kili says and i smile "thanks uncle ki" i say running off to my room changing into my forge clothes which are just an old pair of uncle thorin's trousers, dad's old top and uncle kili's old boots, i walk down to the forge and begin to make a dagger 

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