Fili x bilbo's daughter pt 2

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The dwarves eventually bid beorn goodbye and continued their journey on foot, without the fear of orcs hunting them like last time they happily walked round mirkwood, during that time fili and y/n were inseparable but never slept with each other in more than a literal sense which made fili's worry he'd upset her because most would have tried to go that step further by now but they hadn't, every partner he'd had no matter how short it had been had tried to sleep with him "darling can i ask you something a bit daft?" He asks as the two sit side by side for their dinner "yeah of course love, what's up" she replies turning towards him, he nervously messes with his moustache before asking "have i done something wrong?" Hearing that she freezes "something wrong? by all that's sacred no, you've done nothing wrong" she replies taking his face in her hands rubbing her thumbs over his cheeks "love if this is about the fact i haven't taken the next step with you, its not a you thing, im just not ready yet" she explains with a kind smile making him relax into her hands "oh" he mumbles, she smiles at him "fili trust me if something was wrong you'd know" she says leaning her head on his "will it calm you down if i say i've never felt as strongly for someone as i do you" she says making him nod,
Over the next few weeks it continued like that before something happened to the two, they suddenly spent no time together they had their teddies on them at all times, and at the mere mention of the other they'd tear up, "honey what happened?" Bilbo asks as the girl hugs him tightly "he's just like the boys back home" she says as tears run down her face, on the other side of camp thorin and kili are sitting with fili who's just quietly staring at the floor "fi what happened?" Kili asks but his brother just sniffles "i mucked up without thinking" he mutters looking over at the crying girl, his heart twinges seeing 'his' girl crying "how did you muck up fili?" Thorin asks, his usual glare replaced with a concerned look "i mentioned i was getting sore down there from not doing anything but she took it the wrong way, thinking i was trying to get her to help" he explains quietly, thorin sighs, "so apologise, take her flowers, food and a gift" he says before walking off to check on the girl currently clinging to his beloved, kili hugs his brother having very little idea how to help but feeling his brother lean fully against him with a teary hiccup he has the rough idea he's doing something right "everytime i get something good i muck it up" fili mumbles, after a while of kili comforting him, he feels fili fully relax making him glance down to see his big brother sound asleep leaning on him, glancing over at the girl he sees that she's fallen asleep against her dad so kili sighs going to try lift fili but fails miserably due to his brother 1 being bigger than him and 2 fili's really heavy when he's sound asleep, so he gets thorin to help him lay fili on his bedroll,
Due to falling asleep early both were up before everyone meaning that it was just them as the sun rose above the hills "y/n" fili said sitting beside the girl who just sort of looked away from him "im sorry lass, i didn't mean it the way it sounded" he says trying to take her hand but she batted him away "will you at least look at me lass, please?" He asks she sighs turning to him and he sees her teary eyes "i really am sorry y/n, i didn't think before i spoke, i never intended to make it seem like i was trying to get you to help me" he says taking her hands in his, the girl just melts crying heavily as she hugs him, he could feel her smaller body trembling against him "im so sorry lass im a stupid fuck sometimes but i didn't mean to hurt you by durin it was the last thing i wanted to do" he says glancing down at her as the sunlight hits her face "you were the first person i thought wouldn't expect that from me" she says looking up at him "everyone at home who i thought took an interest in me only wanted that from me fi, i though you were different" she says teary eyed "i am lass, i didn't mean it the way it came out, i didn't even mean to say it" he replies holding her face in his hands "please trust me when i say i would never try to force you into something, you said you weren't ready and im not gonna bug you about it, just please don't shut me out" he says she sniffles slightly before nodding "m'sorry for shouting at you" she mumbles squishing her face against his hands "no love im sorry, i should think before i speak" he says leaning his forehead on hers, his moustache bumping against her nose "fi that tickles" she says giggling quietly making the dwarf smile hugging her "there's my girl" he mumbles against her shoulder, her face flushes as she hides her face in his neck "never leave me fi" she mumbles, the smile that graced his features was one he wasn't ever seen with before, not his usual cheeky smile but not the one he used looking at kili, this was a small smile that barely tugged his lips apart but he still smiled, "I'm never leaving you again lass" he replies, the two sit like that for ages until the company wake up but fili had dozed off snoring lightly in y/n's ear "morning lassie" bofur said passing her but she just smiles "lassie are you alright?" He asks she nods "he fell asleep again" she says quietly bofur nods walking off, bilbo and thorin walk over with a yawn "morning dad" she says leaning her head on fili's shoulder "morning honey" he replies smiling "how are you this morning?" Thorin asks and she smiles "im great, fili and i talked and em i don't think there's any issues now" she says as fili shifts slightly squishing her further against him "fi, come on sleepy head time to get up" she says running a hand through his hair, he grumbles but does lift his head tiredly before spotting his uncle in front of them "morning uncle" he mumbles before yawning "morning fi" he replies before the two walk away, kili replacing them as fili stretched "morning ki" he replies smiling tiredly at his brother "you two seem happier?" Kili says, the two nod "yeah we're all good ki, no issues anymore" he replies smiling, soon they start travelling again this time fili and y/n were inseparable the little hobbit sometimes seen being carried on fili's back as she made the dwarf laugh, the company couldn't be happier as they liked seeing the two cheerful rather than sulking, eventually the girl walked beside her dad and thorin after fili was dragged away by kili and ori, "dad i think i wanna make him a flower crown" she says making the older hobbit look down at her shocked "flower crown?" Thorin asks before smiling "is that why you gave me that flower crown years ago?" He asks his eyebrows furrowed in a sort of confused way "yes, in hobbit culture flower crowns are sort of like your courting braid but less permanent and it means if the giving hobbit wishes then they can keep making them as the other crown dies" bilbo explains earning a smirk from the dwarf "it signifies a hobbits feelings, depending on the colours, pinks and reds signify love, blues and purples signify sexual desire, and yellow and orange means a sort of sweet desire like wanting to be in their arms as long as possible or the way your heart flutters seeing them" he continues making thorin smile "so the red and yellow flower crown you gave me did actually mean something more than a gift" he says, bilbo nods "of course love, i don't have a habit of giving or saying things with no meaning behind it" he replies before y/n sighs "where am i gonna get the right flowers dad, there is only white ones nearby" she says leaning her head on bilbo's arm "do not give him white flowers" he says making the girl look up at him "what's the issue with white flowers" thorin asks "white flowers signify the loss of love, or the breaking of said bond, that's why the only white flowers grown near the shire are daisies, their an exception" y/n explains before spotting a patch of red and blue flowers "dad look" she says smiling as the two rush over to the flowers both collecting the needed flowers much to the confusion of the company "beautiful lass what are you doing" fili asks leaning on a nearby tree "shh concentrating" she replies looking through the flowers finding the yellow, pink, red and a few sneaky blue and purple flowers then creating her flower crown as bilbo makes a crown of red and pink flowers, the occasional orange and yellow flower slipped into the crown before the two stand up holding their crowns, bilbo looks at y/n with a smile "don't think i didn't see those blue and purple flower little miss" he teases "well i spotted you as well dad" she teases back before the two begin to walk again, the company follow them and fall into their usual line up, the two hobbits sneak their way to their partners. Y/n bounces onto fili and puts the crown on his head "aw lass, your too sweet" fili says smiling at her, she kisses him "where's this coming from lass" he asks holding her up as she clings to him she shrugs nudging his head with hers "just felt like it did ya?" He asks smiling, she nods sliding down so she's walking beside him, thorin slows his pace and joins the two, his flower crown visible against his dark hair "oh you got one too uncle?" Fili says holding y/n's hand "aye lad, i did, after finding out that this is a hobbit courting ritual" thorin says making the blonde look to the blushing hobbit beside him "oh really so what's it about uncle?" Fili asks making thorin chuckle "apparently the colour of the flowers means something, if i remember right red and pink means love, blue and purple sexual desire and yellow and orange means cuddles i think" thorin says making the hobbit squeak nearly falling as she looked at the two wide eyed, before fili can say anything the girl had hidden herself between bofur and bilbo who were just as confused to see the girl until they looked back and seen fili and thorin walking together "lass come back, i won't tease you" fili calls after her but to no avail, she stays stuck between the hobbit and the hatted dwarf, when they stop for the night she stays glued to her dad's side, fili watches her as he's stuck between his uncle and brother, "let me go see her, please uncle i don't wanna hear about your travels with dwalin and ma" he complains but even kili holds him back "leave them be for now brother, you and uncle made her embarrassed about her traditions, they didn't do that to you now did they" kili says standing in front of them, he has a look on his face that tells them not to mess with him, so they listen leaving the hobbits alone until they approach them, though they don't until the next morning, the two woke up grumpier than normal having not had their dwarf beside them to keep them warm so anyone who looked their way got a tired glare that was until the y/n tucked herself in fili's lap savouring the heat that he gave off "oh your talking to me now lass?" He teases making her nod sticking to him all through breakfast without a word "are you alright lass?" He asks looking down at her "its cold without you next to me" she mumbles making him smile "you could have snuck in beside me last night and i would have said nothing" he says smiling watching as the girl sticks her face into his chest nestled between the various layers he's wearing "pack up we're leaving!" Thorin yells before he's knocked over by bilbo jumping on him "what in durin's name are you doing?" Thorin yells as he lands on his stomach "revenge" bilbo grumbles back nipping the king, his tired grumpy face makes the company chuckle as they pack up "love i'll do whatever you want just stop nipping me" thorin says after a minute the hobbit sitting on his back chuckles "fine i want you to wear the flower crown as your actual crown for a month and if the one you have dies i'll make you a new one but im inviting hobbits for a party and your not allowed to take the crown off" he says making y/n chuckle "dad that's cruel" she says but bilbo just smirks "aye alright" thorin replies before the hobbit lets him up, they eventually set off again, the rest of the journey is uneventful as they don't come across any problems. soon enough they reach the mountain and everyone settles back into their jobs but y/n struggles as she's left alone for most of the day as fili settles into his duties as the crown prince, the only time they see each other is meal times and at night. y/n walks into thorin's study where he and the princes were discussing plans for trading "lass?" thorin says spotting her leaning on the doorframe "can i borrow fili for a minute, i need his help" she asks, thorin nods noticing the nervous look on the girl's face, he'd seem the same one on bilbo's face before the hobbit had confronted him about spending too much time working. fili walks with the girl back to their room where the girl bursts into tears shocking the blonde who didn't expect the girl's quick change in emotions, he doesn't really know what do as she pulls away from his attempts to hug her "lass what's wrong?" he asks as she sits on the bed "i can't keep doing this fili, i rarely see you anymore, you dropped me in a place i have never been and just ignored me, i never see you anymore, and when i do your either too tired or leave again, make up your mind whether you really want to be with me or whether you just wanted a companion for the journey here" she yells and its now fili takes in her appearance, her long hair looks unwashed, the bags under her eyes look more like bruises and her knuckles are bruised. she looks exhausted and it breaks his heart "im so sorry lass, i didn't even realise how much i was away from you, i do still want be with you, i'll talk to uncle about how much i have to do, but come with me" he says she nods following him silently as he walks into the bathroom, the two stay silent as he runs her a bath "in you get" he says she strips off and does as he said, sinking into the sweet smelling bath, he smiles as she sighs "come join me" she says quietly, he smiles stripping down to his underwear before pausing "you don't need to keep them on if you don't want to" she says playing with the bubbles, he smiles taking them off before lifting her slightly and sitting behind her "i'm so sorry lass, i didn't even realise how much time we'd spent apart, i'll make it up to you" he says rubbing her shoulders before washing her hair for her, soon enough he feels her relax against him and realises she fell asleep, so as carefully as he can he lifts her out of the bath and wraps her in a towel before drying her off and laying her in bed as he quickly empties the bath and set their dirty clothes in the hamper, he finds his pyjama bottoms and slips them on before putting one of his tops on her and laying behind her, she rolls over and snuggles up to him, they stay like that for the night, when y/n wakes up she's on her own but not for long as fili walks in carrying a tray of food for them smiling brightly "morning darling, i brought you breakfast and im spending the day with you" he says sitting beside her, she smiles not even looking to the food but fili, the blonde staring down at her with loving eyes, she keeps eye contact as she leans up and captures his lips in hers, he's shocked for only a split second before kissing her back, as they break apart fili's smile widened "my beautiful, sweet little hobbit" he mumbles kissing her head "eat lass" he says laying back on the bed watching as the girl digs in clearing the plate, he'd eaten whilst making her breakfast. she burps loudly before leaning against the prince "this is nice" she says quietly as fili runs a hand through her hair "its nice spending a morning with you" she says looking up to fili, he smiles down at her "you can spend every morning with me darling, i spoke to thorin and he's letting me start my duties at lunchtime everyday other than today, your dad had the same conversation with him about the time their not spending together" fili says, the two spend the next two hours just cuddling until a horn echoes through the place making the two jump up getting dressed quickly and running towards the throne room where their met with thorin and the rest of the company when they see the two of them they go pale, as if they hadn't expected fili and y/n to appear "this is a private meeting" thorin says making  the two stare at him "private meeting, im your next in line and she's my lass, private meeting my arse" fili grumbles glaring at his uncle "aye its a private meeting so get out before i have you removed" thorin bellows, the two leave and thorin lets out a breath of relief, "that was close, bombur i told you not to blow that horn" balin says bombur scratches his beard nervously, they begin their meeting. elsewhere fili is pacing as he rants to himself "i do everything he asks" he mutters, y/n smiles watching him "fi, its okay just leave them be. maybe its a surprise for us or something?" she says making him sigh flopping onto the bed beside her, an idea pops into her mind on how to distract him. she mulls over it for a couple minutes "hey fi?" she says after a few minutes "yes lass" he replies without lifting his head out the pillow "i think i have a way to pass the time if your interested" she says watching as he lifts his head looking at her "whatcha got in mind lass?" he asks itching his moustache. she just smirks in response "i think im ready to take that step with you" she says as her face goes crimson, he smiles up at her "if your sure and not just saying that then i'll happily do that" he says, she nods "i do want it" she says quietly

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