Fili x bilbo's daughter pt 1

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After reclaiming the mountain the company band together to try get bilbo to join them in living in the mountain
When fili and kili arrived at the round green door they were just expecting to find their uncle and the company but instead the eldest prince felt a twang in his heart, he'd sworn off love not really having met the right person, they'd been greeted at the door by bilbo baggins, so they expected that he was the only hobbit in the house but instead after only a while of being there and eating, the front door opened sending a draft of cold air through the house, "sorry" a sweet voice echoes through the silent house "y/n we're in the dining room" bilbo answers and soon after a girl skips into the dining room, "hi dad i got you some strawberries and raspberries for your scones" she says accidentally ignoring the thirteen dwarves "they were selling them at the market and i know you like them from the nice old lady" she says making him smile "that's nice darling but we have although uninvited, guests" he replies smiling at her "oh sorry, i was just excited about getting you strawberries" she says rubbing the back of her neck "this is y/n my daughter" bilbo says looking from his daughter to the dwarves "its nice to meet you" she says with a nervous chuckle, at that the eldest prince felt like his heart would beat out his chest at the sweetness of the girl, she smiled as each dwarf one by one introduced themselves when it turned to kili and fili, kili had to nudge his brother though fili seemed to be on a different planet altogether "he's fili, im kili" kili says with a sigh realising his brother is probably trying to think something over "well its nice to meet you all" she replies smiling as she's done for the past few minutes "is fili alright?" She asks after a while of talking with them, kili shrugs watching his brother stumble away out the door "i have no idea honestly i've never seen him like that" his reply sort of made the girl worry, but her knowledge of dwarves was limited so she assumed he'd of said something if he was injured
Fili never managed to say anything to y/n for the next few weeks as they travelled, the girl had run after her dad as he raced out the door so she bore only the clothes on her back, a few coins and her cloak. She grew close to the youngest durin prince though she wanted to know more about fili, he'd always stumble away from her "have i insulted your brother, because if i have i would like to rectify it?" she asks kili as the two sit with their feet in a small river "no fi's just going through something, he won't even talk to me" he replies before splashing her "kili!" She whines at the cold "kili, y/n over here!" Thorin yells making the two scramble over to the leader and uncle of one "where is your brother?" Thorin yells making them jump "we don't know fi won't talk to us, he's ignoring even me" kili explains but the kings mood seems to worsen "find him!" He bellows making the two run off looking around the camp for the dwarf but he's seemingly disappeared "where could he be?" Y/n asks not entirely to the panting dwarf beside her, they look defeated before hearing a cry from the woods, everyone's ears prick up following the sounds carefully eventually finding fili leaning against a tree holding his stomach with blood pouring from a missing chunk in his stomach "fi!" Kili shouts running towards him firing an arrow at the orc walking towards his brother "y/n can you try?" Bilbo asks quietly knowing his daughter could help them, she nods silently but trying to get through the dwarves was near impossible so she sighs kneeling beside her dad, he smiles watching as she reaches a hand towards fili letting her power trickle past the uninjured dwarves getting to fili she cringes feeling how injured he actually is, he however had no idea how but he was getting better, the bleeding was slowing so he looked about spotting the green flickers flowing between the dwarves "ki get them to move" he mumbles and his brother shoves them out the way, y/n smiles moving closer and setting her hands over fili's stomach the green flicker now flowing round fili's middle, the chunk stitching back together "if i completely do this then you can't ignore me" she says her eyes glowing green, he nods still in enough pain to keep him silent, y/n's magic flickers "yeah, yeah i won't" he groans out "good" she says keeping her magic going until he's fully healed and flops against her passed out "easy, he's okay just exhausted" she says as they all go to jump forward but she just lifts him up, she was strong for a hobbit even bilbo looked shocked at the girl, she never left the dwarf's side until he woke up again, the first thing he did was stretch feeling all stiff, but when his head bumped something he looked back to see y/n smiling at him "why've you been avoiding me?" She asks making him smile slightly "i didn't know what to say to you, and couldn't say anything to you" he says looking around seeing that it was only them, bilbo and thorin "where are the others?" He asks sitting up slowly "hunting, foraging and altogether just doing whatever" she replies smiling, her own heart ached watching the dwarf smile as bofur and kili walk back into camp, the prince hugging both but slightly lingering on bofur, the hatted dwarf smiling warmer than normal with his head on fili's shoulder, jealousy was unusual for y/n which meant bilbo and thorin spotted the jealous glare, taking y/n away from the group, nearly instantly the dwarf hugs her, he'd been given the title of her dwarf dad after he helped her last time she was upset "what am i doing wrong?" She asks looking up at him "nothing lass, bofur's keeping fili entertained just as most of them have picked someone to keep them happy, not that i did that" he says before whispering "i just don't want your dad to take it the wrong way" his whisper makes her chuckle "thorin, your not really helping" she says drawing a chuckle from the soon to be king "i wasn't trying to, i was keeping you distracted enough for your dad to slip away" he says, she looks around before her eyes land on Bilbo talking to fili and bofur "oh fuck" she mutters freezing, they can't hear the hobbit but from his flailing arms and the shocked faces round them he's yelling at them "thorin why'd you let him slip away?" She asks making the soon to be king shrug "i don't argue with him" he says before coughing as red slithers leave the girl's hands "go stop him or i will scar your lungs" she snaps making him nod running over to the hobbit still coughing and spluttering, y/n following behind after bilbo stops the slithers turn green stopping the dwarf's coughing "your cruel for a hobbit" he snaps earning a laugh from her "no im resourceful, if i know how to get my way i'll do it" she replies walking past them sitting with kili "you good?" He asks making her shrug "as good as i can be after having my dad yell at fili and bofur" she replies leaning her head on his shoulder "i hurt your uncle out of anger and i feel horrible about it" she mumbles with a slight pout tugging at her lips, she couldn't help but glance towards where fili was but she just seen him walking into the woods with bofur, the two far to joyfully walking away for just being yelled at, kili catches her gaze making as sigh tumble out of him "you know if you told him, he'd stop messing around with bofur" he says but she just seems to ignore him looking down at her feet that look tiny next to his boot clad feet, the steel caps glinting in the sunshine "uncle c'mere for a minute" kili shouts, the soon to be king walks over with a sore glare. "Yes kili" he says y/n spots the sore glare and she sends her healing power trickling towards him hidden by kili's boot soon thorin stands up straight feeling better "she felt bad about earlier and i could see her trying to heal you from here" kili says, thorin smiles "lass its okay, i'd of hurt me too in that situation" he says making her look up at him her eyes teary "im not mad at you kid, trust me im far from mad" he says kneeling in front of her "she seen fili and bofur walking into the woods" kili says before walking off as his uncle sits beside the girl "you know in order for fili to realise your intentions you have to do something about it" he says looking at her before looking at the camp round them "i would also mention that dwarves have courting rituals, like cleaning of the swords, the biggest portions of the biggest kills, gift giving and lastly an acceptance whether that be verbal, written or silently" he says but never directs it towards her, so over the next few weeks she does what thorin suggested but it never seemed to do anything other than cause the girl's heart to shatter further and crave comfort from the other dwarven prince "you know im courting ori, i can't help you in that way" he says as she leans against him holding a brown teddy bear against her chest "i don't mean it like that kili, a hug is what im asking for" she says making him nod putting an arm round her, she stays there for a while before kili realises she'd fallen asleep so he lays her on her bedroll before sitting beside his grumpy looking partner "oh no, if mr bear is out she's really upset" bilbo says freezing as he walks past with thorin "mr bear?" He questions before spotting the teddy bear, he sighs "its to do with my eldest nephew" he says earning a glare from bilbo "no shit" he says spotting the blonde dwarf talking with bofur and balin "fili!" He bellows in a tone that would rival an angry thorin or dwalin, making everyone but y/n jump, the girl barely even stirred at the loud noise "oh crap what have i done?" The blonde mumbles as the hobbit storms towards him "you have a week to pluck up and realise what your doing to my daughter before you lose fingers" he snaps before walking away before the prince could respond, his mind raced at the sentence 'what your doing to my daughter' what was he doing to her, she's avoided him like the plague recently so he sought out bofur in the hopes he'd help "master baggins i have no clue what your on about, she's avoided me for the last week" he says after the hobbit who stops in his tracks, his foot tapping angrily as he turns "look at her, you see that teddy bear, it only appears when she's upset and i know for a fact your the only one i didn't give an earful before this adventure about not upsetting her so who'd you think did it then, hmm tell me?" He says glaring up at the taller being "i don't know she's always around kili, not me so get out my face master baggins" he snaps back but this makes the smaller man more angry, his fury burning in his eyes as his foot tapped quicker, even thorin was silently telling fili to shut the fuck up but he ignored it "im not in your face, your royal dickness, if i was in your face they're would be a sword at your throat, but theres not is there, so i want you to listen carefully because i have very minimal patience left" the hobbit snaps but fili just looks down at him "no you listen, i've tried to get her to show some sort of interest in me but all i get in return is ignored so i gave up, i loved her from the moment she walked through that bloody green door so don't think i intended to hurt her, i couldn't talk to her for nearly a month out of pure nervousness" he snarls back before walking away to his bedroll where his own brown teddybear finds residence in his arms as he lays facing away from them "oh aule not king fuzzy" kili's voice makes fili hunch his shoulders hiding the bear more "oh by durin, this is bad" balin says as he paces beside thorin and bilbo "what's bad balin?" Thorin mutters as the prince dozes off holding the lavender filled bear, "give it a minute" he says watching the young dwarf, before long fili rolls onto his back snoring lightly with the bear laying on his chest in the side of his jacket "if fili has his bear and y/n has hers it means the two have been trying the others courting methods but being so focused on that they haven't realised the others intention, they've both been showing their affection in the other's known ways" the older dwarf says making the two sigh "your sure of this?" Bilbo asks, bofur nods "aye the lad said he was attempting some hobbit courting things but having little to no luck" the hatted dwarf explains, the whole group look over to the two sleeping younger ones the freshly polished swords by fili's bedroll and the flowers set by y/n's bedroll earning chuckles from them, over the next few days they shove the two further together even bofur rejects fili's attempts for some sort of relief. They start to notice each other, notice the small things the other is doing to court the other, then one of the days y/n walks back into camp after foraging with bilbo and oin, to find fili singing to himself as he sharpens her sword, its about her which causes her to smile silently walking towards the dwarf she'd grown to love, he hadn't heard her coming so when she sat beside him he jumped about three foot in the air, a strange high pitched squeak left him "im sorry i didn't mean to make you jump" she says making him calm slightly still breathing heavily "i didn't expect you to hear me" he says quietly, her sweet smile makes him tilt his head confused "i like you too doofus" she says, he freezes his mouth opening and closing as he tries to find words except he doesn't as y/n leans forward pressing her lips to his, he melts against her closing his eyes as he kisses the girl back, when she pulls away he smiles like a fool "you really kissed me" he says, she nods "of course i did, i wasn't gonna wait all year for you to do it" she jokes leaning her head against his "so is the awkwardness done, no more walking on eggshells round you two?" Kili asks earning a laugh from the two "when you tell nori and dori what your doing then yeah" y/n replies making the two look to the youngest prince "tell us what kili?" Dori asks as the two walk closer, the new couple just laugh before fili kisses her. One of his hands holding her face and the other on the small of her back as she's tugged into his lap, her hands meet the hair at the back of his head, tugging lightly as he tries to pull away, they separate for a second catching their breath before they kiss again, neither really want to seperate but have to under the harsh glares of thorin and bilbo, bilbo pulling fili off for a 'little talk' as he'd put it, thorin sits beside the girl "if you two so much as try to sleep together round the company i will have my nephew sent back to the blue mountains before you can even detest the idea" he warns making her nod "does that go for sharing a bedroll?" She asks, he glares "cheeky little shit, you can sleep beside my nephew you just can't have sex with him" thorin says making the girl go red but nod "understood" she mutters out looking away from him as fili runs over hiding behind the girl "save me your dad's gonna kill me" he yelps seeing bilbo running after him "dad you touch a hair on his head and i'll never talk to you again" she says holding fili, the bigger of the two not complaining about having his head against the girl's chest.
After a few hours of harsh looks from bilbo, fili and y/n curl up together on two bedrolls placed together, the prince laying on his back with the girl laying nearly on top of him, his hand rubbing shapes on her thigh which she'd put nearly right over the top of him, his other hand on her back "dwalin your on first watch" thorin shouts then after twenty minutes the camp is engulfed in silence and snores, soon after y/n wakes up not only to sounds nearby but needing to pee, sitting up she sees its pitch black minus the soft glow the embers of the fire give off, dwalin's gaze turns to her as fili sleepily sits up "are you alright?" He whispers making her nose twitch as she thinks for a second "i need to pee buts its really dark" she whispers back "come then, i'll stand guard" he whispers with a wink, so off the two go in search of a place far enough away from the company for y/n to pee, they find one but at every sound y/n jumps so she pees quickly and she washes her hands in a stream on the way back, when they do go back to camp its a slow walk as they chat because despite being absolutely shattered the two felt like they could listen to the other for hours, when they get to camp their met with a furious looking thorin and bilbo, "how dare you" bilbo shouts he would have woken the camp had the camp not have been awake already "how dare i what, she needed to pee but didn't want to go on her own, so she took the one she's potentially courting what's the problem master baggins?" Fili says as his girl leans against him with a yawn "ask dwalin he heard and seen us" y/n says before smiling "i take it you all missed the fact kili and ori are gone" she says making them turn to see in fact the two are gone, in the time they all look y/n's dragged fili back to their bedrolls, "y/n" bilbo says but the girl just looks at her dad with a tired pout "its fine go to your bed" he says feeling his anger fade watching the prince lay down and letting her get comfortable with a smile on his exhausted face, the two fall asleep nearly instantly despite rhe yelling of nori and dori, "deal with it in the morning, no point sitting waiting for them, we've got weeks of travel left" thorin says dispersing the dwarves to their bedrolls, ori and kili do stumble back into camp nearly four hours later when bofur's on watch,
After a few weeks they finally reach beorn's house, the skin changer happy to let them stay as long as they pitched in on daily work such as tending to animals or cutting firewood, fili and y/n were the only ones beorn did not give chores to, he seen the sweet girl's kindness as she helped a mouse get unstuck from a cup, fili well despite being a dwarf beorn liked the young dwarf that could drink from his sized tankards without complaint, the two spent their day just sitting under beorn's apple tree just chatting, occasionally helping the others, fili helping his brother and uncle with tending to the animals whilst y/n helps with the firewood, the strength the girl possessed rivaled dwalin who'd opted for using his axes, so as the girl helped she used one of his axes that most struggled to lift not the little hobbit who happily chopped wood, even turning it into a competition between the two to see who could do it faster this lasted for three weeks

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