aragorn and legolas x reader

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smut warning 

y/n's pov 

"lass be careful who knows what's in these woods or where aragorn went" gimli says and i smile "its fine gimli im only going to the waterfall to wash my hair and i'll be back, but if you hear me scream come looking for me" i say and he nods watching the hobbits play fight, i walk off into the woods towards the waterfall, finding the edge of it i slip my boots off and take my trousers off leaving me in shorts, i wade into the water standing beside the waterfall and tipping her forward into it letting it fully soak my hair, before starting to wash my hip length hair as im putting soap through my hair a splash makes me turn quickly to see aragorn floating in the water "what in the name of fuck are you doing, you scared the shit out of aragorn" i say making him laugh "i've been sitting there for like twenty minutes how did you not see me" he says laughing "shush before i scream and have gimli here" i say and he shakes his head with a smile as he stumbles on the slippery rocks, landing in the water beside me with a slash soaking me "aragorn" i shout without realising how loud i am as he soaks my top "y/n" legolas says dropping out a tree "how and why" i ask and he smiles "you interrupted us and i went up the tree unintentionally and have been untangling my hair from a very annoying branch for the past twenty minutes" he says and i look between them "interrupted what exactly?" i ask making legolas sputter and aragorn laugh slightly "how do i put this without sounding like a bitch" i say to myself looking between the two of them "all i want to do is wash my hair and go to bed, i do not even want know what you two were doing and do not want to end up being questioned by a dwarf so if you two don't mind im going to wash my hair and then go bed" i say turning back to the waterfall and rising the soap out my hair with a sigh, once its done i wade out of the water and wrap my hair in the extra top i brought with me before walking barefoot back to camp "stay away from the waterfall unless you want the ranger to scare you and the elfling to jump out a tree and also scare you" i say and gimli nods "i wasn't planning to, im going to wash when we get to rivendell or some other town" he says and i sit down with a sigh trying my best to dry my long hair with the top to avoid me getting sick "y/n" aragorn's voice makes me laugh "no, nope nope nope, no" i say looking up and seeing both him and legolas walking out the woods "no you scared the life out of me both of you, all i wanted was to wash my hair" i say and gimli smiles at me doing as he's done each time i wash my hair and braiding it into one big braid since its too long for me to do by myself "little ranger come with me" aragorn says using his nickname for me making me whine standing up and walking away with him into the woods again "you know i can't say no when you use the nickname" i complain making him nod "that's why i use it" he say and i sigh sitting down on a rock "explain or i go no further" i say and he sighs "not here, especially since your being watched by boromir" legolas says from a tree making me sigh "stop doing that, your scaring the life out of me" i say and he smiles jumping down beside us "i've been walking in the trees waiting for aragorn to bring you back" he says and i smile seeing a branch in his normally well kept hair "legolas bend down for two minutes" i say and he does, i take the branch out his hair and he sighs "i hate these kind of trees" he mutters standing up "thank you for getting it out my hair" he says and i smile "no problem elfie" i say and he looks at me "you'll regret that later" he mutters walking ahead as aragorn walks beside me until we get to the waterfall again "why are we here again?" i ask and he smirks "i don't want your mind running ragged about what you might think you interrupted us doing" he says as legolas perches himself on a rock "you see little ranger, travelling for quite along time has some drawbacks, and although we may not show it the needs we were able to satisfy in our respective homes are abit difficult to deal with now" he says and i sigh "you realise im thirty six and not stupid in the slightest aragon, if you and the elf get horny whilst travelling say that don't beat round the bush" i say and he sighs "i was trying to avoid saying it knowing one or two of the hobbits followed us" he says and both merry and pippin fall out a bush "their old enough to know that stuff aragorn, pippin is nearly thirty and merry is nearly thirty five" i say and he sighs "they have the brains of children" he says and i look at them to see them looking completely confused "for the love of all that's good" legolas mutters making me laugh as aragorn takes merry and pippin back to camp whilst explaining what they heard, "so you didn't exactly react as we thought you would" legolas says and i shrug "no reason to react badly, your not the only ones" i say and he looks down at me with an eyebrow raised "for a few years i stayed in erebor, with a few of the company that reclaimed the mountain, both the three i stayed with and i were very frustrated in a few ways" i say and he nods "i bet aragorn and i can convince you of the better races" he says with a smirk knowing i like a good bet "fine if i find that your not better than dwarves you have to tell gimli you think he's superior" i say and he looks at me smirking "if aragorn and i win you help us whenever we get frustrated as you said, at any point" he says and i nod "alright" i say and he nods, we wait for aragorn to come back eventually getting rather bored waiting for him and rather flustered at legolas's hand resting on my upper thigh i look up at the elf and look him up at down before biting my lip "am i making you flustered little one" he says back in a teasing tone making me for some reason nod "i was wanting to wait for aragorn but if your that desperate come here" he says and i feel my face heat up as i move closer to him, he smirks lifting me up and putting me on his knee with my back against his chest before beginning to kiss along my jaw and down my neck as aragorn comes into view "you are a pain, now they won't stop asking" he says but stops seeing us "what are you two doing?" he asks and legolas smirks against my neck "tell him little one" he says and i whine as he nips my neck "a bet, if you and legolas convince me that men and elves are better than dwarves then i help you two when your frustrated if not he tells gimli he's better" i say quickly feeling legolas's teeth graze my collarbone "fair enough" aragorn says with a smirk "it can also be a test of how quiet you can be little ranger" he says and i whine "please" making legolas look at me "please what little one?" he says and i squirm in his lap making him grab my hips with a deep breath "stay still little one, i wouldn't want to lose control with you" he practically growls in my ear and i shiver "but what if that's what i want, for both of you to lose control and take me in anyway you want" i say back whilst running a finger up the outside of his ear making him groan "not yet" he says and aragorn lifts me up with lust filled eyes "as much as i would love to see you between legolas and i as we lose control not this time, however when we have the privacy yes we might indulge you in that fantasy of yours" he say planting kisses up my neck "please do something" i whine and he nods setting me on his cloak which i now realised was on the floor, legolas appears by my head with a smirk, "last chance to back out little one" legolas says and i shake my head "i want this, please" i say looking up at him through my eyelashes making him nod "shall one or both of us fuck you" he asks and i glance to aragorn who is just watching us with a smirk "i was talking to you little one answer me" legolas says grabbing my chin making me look at him "both please" i say and he nods, moving from my head down to beside aragorn who makes quick work of removing my bottoms, he smirks up at me "such a pretty little ranger" he says teasingly making me squirm under their gazes "getting impatient are we" legolas says and i squirm again making them both look at each other "you can wait a bit longer can't you" he says and i whine but nod, watching as legolas runs his hand down aragorn's chest and into his trousers without hesitation, the usually calm and emotionless elf now very clearly horny and failing to hide it at all, by the time i refocus on what their doing both have take their clothes off and i gasp at the size of them both "what is it, are they bigger than you thought" aragorn teases as he unbuttons my top and pulls it over my head "legolas do you want to get her ready?" aragorn asks with his hands running along my chest "yes i want to see how loud she can get" he says back and aragorn nods, legolas sits by my bottom and lifts my hips before he buries his face between my thighs licking from my clit down before shoving it inside of me and repeating this quickly "shit" i mutter leaning my head back before making eye contact with aragorn who smirks down at me "you can be louder than that" he say and i moan when legolas shoves one of his long fingers inside of me curling it a few times until he hits just the right spot to make my back arch and a loud moan to escape my lips "there we go" aragorn says as he plays with my tits "i think she's ready aragorn" legolas says after nearly ten minutes and him adding another finger "make her cum first" he says and legolas's fingers move quicker than before making loud moans escape me quickly as my body trembles against them both, i throw my head back as i feel my orgasm wash over me "oh my" aragorn mumbles and once i've calmed down enough i look down at legolas to see my cum dripping off his nose "that was a sight" he says and i blush "i've never done that before" i say and he nods "don't think we're done, we're just getting started" he says and aragorn lifts my chin "and if you think we're worried about getting caught we're not if someone appears we will just keep going unless their dangerous of course" he says and i nod quickly as legolas lifts me up "you think you can take both of us in one hole little one" he asks and i nod making him smirk before lowering me onto him as aragorn stands behind me and carefully guides himself into me before stopping to let me adjust as i shake between them "breath little ranger we will not move until your okay" aragorn says and i lean my head on legolas's shoulder feeling completely full "you can move" i say not moving my head from his shoulder as i feel them both slowly start thrusting gaining speed quickly as i moan between them, im not sure which one of them but one of them begins to rub my clit as they pound into me making my moans louder than before, my head lands on aragorn's shoulder and after a few more thrusts i can't stop my body shaking as i cum around both of them, the tightness making them groan, they only last a few more thrusts before both groaning and cumming in me, they both lay down on aragorn's cloak still inside me and let me calm down slightly before aragorn pulls out leaving me laying on top of legolas with a smile "you two win" i mumble and he nods "i know little one i know" he says carefully pulling out and letting me lay against his side as aragorn comes back with a small wet bit of fabric which he uses to clean me up before cleaning himself up and handing it to legolas to clean himself with, after making sure im alright they help me get dressed again before helping me walk back to camp which is difficult considering my legs are the embodiment of jelly, nearly as soon as i lay down on my bed, i start to fall asleep "little one don't fall asleep just yet you need to eat something" legolas says as he and aragorn sit either side of me "no just want to sleep" i whine snuggling further under my blanket but they just lift the blanket off of me and hand me a bowl of soup "no" i whine but one stern look from aragorn makes me stop and sit up, as boromir looks at us in disgust making aragorn and legolas smirk but say nothing only make sure i've eaten before letting me sleep, when i wake up the next morning i find their bedrolls next to mine. 

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