I might make this into its own big story but i haven't decided yet
Y/n is a clydesdale centaur something similar to above but with horse ears on the top of the head , she had been repeatedly travelling between mirkwood and her home in the blue mountains
Im going to give the company members who don't have a like mentioned family name or like second name one, so bofur and bombur will use broadbeam, bifur will either use broadbeam or battleborn, nori and dori : bronzefoot, ori : either bronzefoot or bookborn
It will explain why they got them later on maybe
Y/n's pov
"What was that?" I hear someone say from a clearing in the path "i don't know kili stop asking" a deeper voice grumbles back making me snort, my big hooves making a thump on the ground with each step i take "who's out there we can hear yer horse" a voice yells and i recognise it to be bofur "bofur broadbeam, is that you" i say and he goes quiet for a second as i get closer to the clearing "oh my mahal it is you" he says making me smile "how have you been you crazy dwarf" i say kneeling down so he can hug me "last time i seen you, you were shorter and ganglier" he says making me smile "clydesdale genes" i say making him laugh before bombur and bifur come over "by the gods bombur look at your beard" i say making him smile "its nice seeing you y/n, your hair so much longer" he says continuing to eat "have you broken your record of cheese wheels yet" i ask and he shakes his head "still stuck at fourteen" he says making me smile as he hugs me before bifur says something i don't understand "he says he missed you and you look good" bofur translates making me smile as bombur goes back to his seat "its nice to see you too bifur, its been too long, i still have the mini centaur you made me" i say pointing to it on my back bag since i have about six saddle bags over my back "bofur, bifur, bombur who is this!" A guy yells making me jump slightly standing up, my back leg bumping out of fear "you still do that?" Bofur asks and i nod "i can't actually control it anymore" i say moving my back hips a few times until it stops "anyway thorin this is y/n dale, she's bifur, bombur and i's childhood friend, she grew up with us until she left for a few years, she as you can obviously see is a clydesdale centaur" bofur says leaning on me making me smile and grab his hat "lass give it back" he grumbles jumping to get it "you missed something" i say sitting his hat on my shoulder "your mean" he grumbles making me smile "anyway she's the same age as me and i swore to her when we were kids that i would take her on a quest with me and because of said promise it means she's now stuck with us" he says and i smile dropping his hat down onto his head "she can't join us, there's no way we could sneak past anything the way she stomps" the guy bofur called thorin says making me roll my eyes "typical" i say grabbing my food bag and finding a carrot "you realise i could carry all fourteen of you and go faster than your ridiculous excuses of ponies" i say with a scoff before biting into the carrot "the stomping thing is just when she walks normally, trust me she can be quiet when she wants to be" bofur says making me smile and hand him the biscuits out of my bag "you made them" he says making me smile "there the ones my mum made when we were kids, before you know dad and her left" i say and he nods "your amazing" he says making me smile "you coming up?" I ask and he nods excitedly "come on then" i say bending down making him smile and jump on my back before i feel bifur jump up beside him "oh hello" i say making him say something "he says you forgot him" bofur translates making me smile "your not wrong, i thought you sat back down bif" i say making him smile and shrug as bofur hands him a biscuit "bombur" bofur says chucking him a biscuit "thanks" bombur says shoving the whole thing in his mouth, "bombur you've not changed at all" i say making him laugh before i jump slightly feeling bifur and bofur braiding my hair "y/n your bouncing" bofur says making me sigh and bump my hip slightly making it stop "shh" i say hearing something making me ears flick about making bifur snicker behind me "someone's coming their not dwarven or centaur" i say hearing footsteps "its a human of sorts" i say before a man emerges in a gray cloak and hat "gandalf" bofur says making the man nod "evening master dwarf" the guys says sitting beside the hobbit "gandalf meet y/n" bombur says pointing to me "evening" the guy says making me smile "to think i would live to be evening'd by gandalf the grey" i say jokingly making him look up "young y/n dale, Mariana and Arian dale's daughter" he says and i nod "in the flesh, last time you seen me i was a foal" i say and he smiles "its nice to see someone that's not a dwarf" he says making me smile as i bite into my carrot again "i presume you know the two on your back" he asks and i nod "how do you not remember the three young broadbeam dwarflings that would sit on my back everytime you came by" i say and he widens his eyes "these are the same bofur, bifur and bombur from when you were a foal" he asks and i nod "i never even realised" he says and i feel bofur laughing and rolling on my back "bofur sit up or i will start to buck" i say and he sits up "you bucked me into a tree last time" he says making me laugh "she can stay" thorin says making me smile "thank you" i say kneeling down so bofur and bifur can get off my back but bifur doesn't move "bif" i say turning to find him leaning against me sound asleep "just like old times huh" i say to bofur who smiles towards his cousin "so how come he only talks in khuzdul now bof" i ask and he smiles sitting at the front of me "you know how before you left he was meant to go on that quest to wherever it was, well he was brought back with an orc axe in his head but they couldn't take it out or he would die so his head sort of healed round it making him only talk in khuzdul or in grunts or hand signals" bofur explains making me nod "is he still like before with all the crude jokes" i ask and bofur nods "but now if people who don't understand khuzdul hear him i have the option not to tell them" bofur says making me nod "bofur get your ass in your bedroll and go to sleep" thorin shouts making bofur sigh "bombur, bofur c'mere" i say moving so bifur slides down to beside me belly as i lay slightly on my side "lean against me and i can keep you warm" i say as i grab an old horse rug from one of my bags and cover the three of them before getting one for me, they fall asleep quickly like old times but i can feel thorin watching me closely making it difficult for me to sleep since its making me uneasy "can you stop staring im not going to hurt any of you, your making me uneasy" i say making him glare, his eyes never leave me for the entire night so i don't sleep, eventually the first light breaks through the tree line making me sigh as my eyes adjust to the light "oh motherfucker" i mutter feeling rather grumpy since thorin's glare never left me and still hasn't "morning uncle" a small brown haired dwarf says stretching in his bedroll drawing thorin's eyes off me "morning y/n" bofur says making me smile at him "morning bofur, did you sleep alright?" I ask and he looks up at me "you didn't sleep did you" he says and i shake my head "nope, your gracious leader kept watching me all night" i say making bofur scoff "that's thorin for you, he will stop eventually" bofur says before bifur and bombur wake up with a yawn "morning bif, morning bombur" i say making them smile "Bombur make breakfast" thorin says looking completely unfazed from staying up all night "y/n sleep until breakfast is ready, we need you well rested and since thorin wouldn't let up his judgement, you need sleep" bombur says making me smile "its fine bombur, it not a big deal" i say folding up my horse rugs or at least one of them "bif can you lean under and clip it for me" i ask as i stand up making him nod before leaning under me and clipping the belly straps around my belly "its rather cold this morning" i say lifting my bags off the ground and setting them on my back "miss centaur" the young brunette says making me smile and look down "what's up master dwarf" i say and he smiles "im kili, im thorin's nephew i wanted to introduce myself" he says making me smile "well its nice to meet you kili im y/n" i say making him smile before a blonde walks over "this is my big brother fili" kili says making me smile "fi this is y/n" kili says with a smile "its nice to meet you" fili says making me smile "nice to meet you both" i say before yawning "fili kili" thorin shouts glaring at me "you know bombur i might take that sleep" i say before my legs literally collapse beneath me making me tumble to the floor with a thump "y/n!" Bofur yells but im already drifting between conscious and unconsciousness "thorin, centaurs need sleep it damages them, you can see how big her body is think about the energy it takes to move that and you kept her awake all night, she told you she was uneasy with you staring and you kept doing it" bombur yells but everything goes black
Eventually i open my eyes to bofur and bifur sitting close by as everyone else sits behind them "bif, bof" i say my eyes drifting open slightly "you alright?" Bofur asks and i smile "im okay, my big body was just exhausted, hence the collapse" i say making him smile and hug me as bifur does the same, "i feel better now" i say as i wrap my arms around both of them "uncle go apologise" i hear kili says when i look his way he's angrily glaring at thorin "kili its alright, he's right to be uneasy round me, most of my kind are mean and cruel" i say but kili shakes his head "apologise uncle" fili says making thorin scoff "i need not apologise for not trusting someone" he mutters walking off "bif" i mumble feeling him not letting go "bifur" bofur says but bifur shakes his head holding onto me before saying something to bofur "he says you scared him when you fell" bofur translates as he stands off to the side making me smile "bif im okay now" i say moving him back "im sorry for scaring you but im okay" i say and he nods letting me go "here y/n" bombur says handing me a bowl of stew "thanks bombur" i say with a smile taking it off him before i feel bifur leaning against my side "bif im okay really, im not hiding anything im really alright" i say making him shrug but stay where he is as bombur gives him food, after we've all eaten they begin to pack up their stuff "oh mahal kili fili you were on pony duty, bifur and bofur's ponies are gone" thorin shouts making me smile "its fine they can sit on my back" i say making him grumble "it will be just like when we were kids" bofur says making me smile "yeah you can put you stuff on my back as well" i say making them smile and sit their incredibly small bags on my back "alright lets go" thorin yells making me smile as bofur and bifur lift my bags on my back "let me get it" i say grabbing them and sitting them right "bof can you clip them" i ask and he nods clipping them up for me "thanks bof now up you two get" i say bending my front leg for them to climb up using a nearby tree stump "woah" bofur says almost falling off the other side of my back "gods bofur" i mumble helping him back up "all ready bifur, bofur and y/n" a kind old looking dwarf says making me smile "yes mr?" I say and he smiles "Balin, son of fundin at your service" he says and i nod "we're ready" i say and he smiles before we all begin to walk, eventually after a while we come across the second home i have between mirkwood and the blue mountains "thorin we can stay here for the night its my house" i shout up to him as bifur looks at the smaller log cabin with a smile "bif i know what your thinking and yes its the cabin my mum and dad took us to as kids" i say and he smiles sliding off my back and running away into the small fields around it with bofur and bombur following him to their hidden spot from when we were kids "good luck finding them for next few hours" i say opening my front door and letting the dwarves in "where did they go?" Ori asks looking up at me "years ago they made a hide out in one of the fields but thing is i can't find it anywhere, they spent hours down there until my mum made dinner and they would come running" i explain as i get the food out my pantry and make them lunch "how is all the food still fresh" balin asks making me smile "gandalf was a close friend of my mum's so when she said she was building a house he enchanted the pantry to keep our food fresh" i say making him nod as they all dig in, i walk to the door and shout "bofur, bifur, bombur food" i shout and i hear a hatch squeak before they come running "y/n" bofur says as he passes me, bombur smiles and bifur avoids my eyes "are you three going to tell me where you go" i ask and they shake their heads making me sigh "fine then you can walk tomorrow" i say making my way to the balcony where i stay for a while until i hear them all shouting downstairs "she can stay here if she's going to cause us issues" thorin yells making me laugh as i quietly walk in "she is the cat's mother grumpy arse" i say leaning on the door frame "i am a king you will respect me" he says and i laugh "your talking to a princess, your highness, im the daughter of the centaurian king Arian, my mother the most powerful women in all of centauria, do not try to intimidate me" i say and he scoffs "centauria fell years ago" he says and i laugh as someone opens the door "mari" i say seeing my human little sister walk in "oh my, dad" i say seeing him walk in "my child its wonderful to see you" he says his crown evidant on his head "look at how big you've gotten" he says hugging me and mum poked her head round him "oh my dear y/n is it actually you" she says and i smile "of course it is, who else would i be" i say and she hugs me tightly "i missed you so much" dad says smiling "look how big you are now" he says and i smile "all from you dad, oh and guess who i found" i say and he tilts his head "a certain trio of blue mountain dwarves with the second names broadbeam and battleborn" i say and his eyes go wide "you managed to find bofur, bombur and bifur again" he says and i nod "and somehow got sucked into their quest with thorin oakenshield" i say and he spots the table full of dwarves "hello" he says and bofur's jaw drops "mr dale" he says smiling as bifur bombur and him come running up to my dad "look at the size of you bombur, that's impressive" dad says and bombur smiles with a bow "oh stop that nonsense, you three are family" dad says as mum smiles at them "hello boys" she says and they smile up at her "hi mrs dale" they say and she smiles "i trust you three will keep my daughter safe" mum says and bifur says something making mum tilt her head but nod "bifur, do not make me repeat myself, keep my daughter out of harms way, you three are and always have been her royal guards and you know it" mum says and bifur looks away muttering something "you" dad says his front hoof scraping the floor as he spots gloin "you" gloin growls back and i look between them "what are the sons of groin doing in my house" dad says looking to me "i couldn't exactly leave them on the doorstep dad, their part of thorin's company as well" i say and he snorts making his way up the stairs after mum climbs off his back "don't mind my husband" she says and thorin bows to her "Thorin Oakenshield at your service" he says and mum smiles "mariana dale at yours" she says and nori, ori and dori stand up "nori bronzefoot at your service" nori says before bowing, "dori bronzefoot at your service" dori says before ori smiles and says "ori bookborn at your service" his sweet smile makes me smile and my mum smile with a small curtsy "dwalin, son of fundin at your service" he says with a bow and balin bows "balin son of fundin at your service" he says and mum smiles "i haven't heard that name in a long time, i knew fundin had two boys but i didn't think you'd both resemble him so much" mum says and balin smiles "thank you, my father spoke well of you" he says before fili and kili stand up "fili and kili sons of dis at you service" they says together and mum's smile grows "you boys can't be related to dis no way" mum says and both nod quickly "my god, you, your the baby she brought to centauria" mum says looking at kili "and your the toddler that was running about like crazy" she says turning to fili "that would be us" he says and mum smiles before they sit down, mari dissapears up the stairs quickly making me shrug "Arian dear come down here please" mum shouts appearing behind me making me jump and have to quickly turn my legs away from her as they kick backwards breaking a nearby coffee table "y/n dale what have i told you about doing that" mum yells and i look away "its not her fault mrs dale, she's rather tired and jumpy, we had issues the first night she stayed with us" bombur says and mum softens her look "its alright bombur" i say and he furrows his eyebrows "alright, bofur, bombur and bifur you three will stay in your hideout tonight, thorin, fili, kili, dwalin and balin you will stay in the guest bedroom, nori, ori, dori you three will sleep in the other guest room, oin and gloin its best if you two were to stay in the stable so my dad doesn't try to kill you and you don't try to kill him" i say and they all nod, heading to their spaces, bifur looks sort of upset as he gets up "bif do you want to stay in my room like you used to" i say and he nods, bofur and bombur now giving me puppy dog eyes "fine you two can stay in my room as well" i say and they follow me up to my room on the second floor,

Hobbit and lord of the rings one shots
FanfictionA mix of characters from the hobbit and the lord of the rings smut will be labeled