fili x reader x bofur

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this is bofur and fili being a sort of couple and wanting to share y/n, they discussed it with her before. And had had conversations about what she liked in bed in a really odd conversation one of the days the company was bored
Its all consensual
y/n's pov

gods above these dwarves need to stop walking about with barely anything on, its driving me nuts seeing shirtless fili and bofur, im going crazy "lass we need a hand" bofur says and i nod with a smile following him as fili walks beside him, we walk further into erebor to a newly restored room "what did you two need help with?" i ask avoiding their eyes and avoiding looking at their chests "lass are we making you uncomfortable?" bofur asks and i shake my head "not at all" i say moving nervously "do we have the opposite effect lass?" fili asks and i feel my face heat up "so we do" he says and i nod "you should have said lass" bofur says making me look up "huh?" i say and he smirks "you beautiful should have said something earlier" he says moving towards me being shorter than them my eyes are directly in line with their chests, though i am a dwarf im literally like just on four foot where as they are both over four foot seven ish, my face heats up even further as their chests are directly in my view, and its the height of summer so being in a mountain with no windows makes it very oddly warm "lass" fili says pulling me out my thoughts "hmm?" i mumble and he smirks "what were you thinking of to make you go that red?" he asks and my face heats up even worse than before "is it something to do with you being in line with our chests?" bofur asks and i nod "your so cute blushing like that" he says and i step back making them smirk again "lass, watch your back on the table" fili says moving behind me between me and the table i didn't realise i was getting close to "where even are we?" i ask and bofur smirks "you beautiful are in the room of yours truly" he says and i nod "now pretty lass, we want to know what sort of thoughts about us are running through your head" fili says with his mouth next to my ear making a shiver run down my back "oh you like my breath against your ear do you" he teases making me nod "well maybe if you tell us what you've been thinking about us i'll do more than breathe against your ear" he says and i must have resembled a tomato by now with how red my face has gotten, "its not never y'know" i mumble and he smiles "that's alright take yer time what was it beautiful" bofur says leaning against his bedframe "whether your chest hair is the same colour as your happy trail" i mumble and fili laughs against my neck "so innocent yet not at the same time lass" he says nipping my ear with his teeth making me bite my lip to conceal the moan that tried to escape "we could show you if you want" fili says making me shiver again as his warm breath fans out against my neck "uh huh" i mumble making bofur smirk as he pushes himself off of his bedframe and walks towards me "is that what you want lass?" he asks and i nod "we need words lass" he says grabbing my chin making me look at him "please" i mumble making him nod "that's better" he says and i feel fili move from behind me and join bofur in front of me "who first lass?" bofur asks and i look between them "fili" i mumble and bofur looks at me "quit the mumbling lass" he says with an odd dominance in his eyes "fili" i say and he smirks, fili undoes his belt and his trousers slide down his legs showing of his dirty blonde happy trail making me smirk, before my eyes flick to bofur, who's smirk just seems to grow more, his belt buckle rattles as he undoes it before his trousers fall letting me see his dark brown happy trail both match their chest hair, they step out their trousers, setting them nearby "by durin that's so much cooler" fili says looking at me "lass you must be boiling in that" he says with a smirk "aye why don't you take something off lass, its only the three of us" bofur says and i look between them both before an idea pops into mind "but my top laces up at the back and i can't reach it" i say sticking my bottom lip out making an almost animalistic look appear in fili's eyes as he moves towards me "you want our help then lass" he says standing behind me, before i can answer his hands grab the top of the top and he rips it in two "no chance was i unlacing all that lass" he says making me blush more, holding it against me realising i have no bra on "what's with the wide eyes beautiful?" bofur asks and i move the top away from my shoulder "its too warm for a bra so i don't really have one on" i say and he smirks "lass its only us, not to mention you can basically see everything about us" he says and fili's arm goes round my stomach tugging the top from the bottom "come on lass, we're not going to do anything bad, you know that" fili says against my ear making me shudder before feeling him nip my ear but with both of my hands busy and my focus on keeping my top up a moan slips out making him smirk, bofur moves towards me "such sweet noises" he says taking my hands away from the top making it fall, both of them stop and look at my chest, fili's hand snakes its way up my stomach and cups my left boob his thumb rubbing over my nipple making me lean back against him, a moan slips out as he squeezes my boob "your noises are driving me wild lass" bofur says looking at me with lust filled eyes, its painfully obvious he's hard in his boxers, his hands trace circles on my hips just above where my trousers sit "lass we won't do anything without your go ahead" he says and i nod quickly "please" i say look up at him making him him look me right in the eyes "please what pretty lass" fili says and i shudder as his teeth graze my neck "do something please" i say and bofur lifts my chin "oh no we're not doing anything until you tell us what you want us to do beautiful" he says making me whine "bofur please" i whine and he grips my chin tighter "fili step back" bofur says and he does both of them take their hands off of me "no please bofur please, touch me, do whatever you want to me please, i want you both so bad please" i plead and he smirks looking at me "stay there, fili come here lad" bofur says and fili walks over to bofur who smirks at him "what got you all turned on sweet lad" bofur asks him and fili's eyes flick to me before a submissive look forms in his eyes "y/n and you bofur" fili says his eyes never leaving bofur's "whatcha want to do about it then?" bofur asks and fili stays quiet "answer me lad or you'll be tied to the bed and left there" bofur says grabbing his chin "i don't know" fili whines making bofur raise an eyebrow "you don't know, you normally have all the ideas sweet boy, what's going on in your head" bofur asks and fili shrugs "fili" bofur says making him look up "you want to fuck her or be fucked by me, its up to you sweet boy" bofur says and fili shudders before leaning against bofur "i just don't know" he mumbles and bofur's hand lands on his ass, "you know the rule, don't think i won't punish you just because she's there" bofur growls out making fili look up "im sorry" he says and bofur rubs where he hit "good boy" he says and fili smiles up at him "do you want to fuck her with me?" bofur asks and fili nod "uh huh" he says and bofur smiles down at him "its adorable how quickly you slip into submission lad" he says and fili leans his head on bofur's chest

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