slight warning this does include child death later on
y/n's pov
"okay i need my daughter back so i can feed her" i say and a chorus of grumbles make me smile "i know i know shocker the baby needs fed, now give her" i say and balin hands her to me "hi sweet girl" i say and she grabs my top making me laugh turning away from the company and feeding her "now that's a sight i've missed" thorin says and i realise he's standing in front of me "watch it oakensheild, your getting closer to the couch" i say jokingly "oh really lass" he says and i nod "can you two not whilst my aunt has her boob out?" kili asks hiding beneath his cloak "so you fight orcs, goblins, dragons and whatever else but breastfeeding scares you" i say and he nods "you were there when she came out of me kili, you seen a worse part of me at a horrible time" i say and he shudders "stop reminding me" he whines as tauriel walks in "kili, melamin" she says but he still keeps his head under his cloak "morning queen y/n, king thorin" she says and i smile "if your wondering what happened to your partner, its my fault im feeding my daughter in front of the person who was there when she was born" i say and he grumbles beneath his cloak "i wonder what he'll do when its his own" she says holding her small bump "your pregnant" i say and she nods making my jaw drop "kili durin" i shout handing thora to thorin so he can burp her, i pull my top down and walk over to him "you and i need a chat" i say as he peaks out his cloak i grab his ear and drag him to my office "fili durin shift your arse now" i shout and he comes running "get in there" i say opening the door "one, kili i wanted to maintain my vision of innocence for you but that's not going to work anymore meaning hiding in your cloak is done, two, fili if you turn round to me in the next twenty years and say may is pregnant i will smack you silly, and three i feel old now, your making me a friggen great aunt kili" i say and fili smirks at me "fili durin" i say and he looks down "may might be, just slightly, only a little bit, pregnant" he says and i sigh "run both of you" i say and they take off running out the door, i walk back to the dining room to find thora crying her eyes out "oh thora sweetness" thorin says trying to get her to stop "give her here love" i say and he sighs a breath of relief handing her to me "sweet girl such noise" i say before realising the back of her trousers are droopy "oh bugger" i mutter and thorin realises as well "lets go oakenshield" i say walking to the nursery which is next to our room, i begin to change her only to find we have no more clean nappies left "thorin" i say as her belly gurgles "thorin theres no more nappies" i say and he looks shocked before fishing in his back pocket and producing a nappy but i don't question it only clean thora up and shove the nappy on her "we need to go shopping again" i say and he nods, handing me her outfit for the day "oh and both our nephews partners are with child so thats something" i say and he shakes his head "never careful" he mutters as i dress thora in a mini version of thorin's outfit even with a little cloak and everything "lets go" he says lifting her up into the little fabric carrier he always has over his chest, we walk back to the dining room "who needs a trip to dale?" i ask and balin, ori and bofur nod "alright come with me then, thorin hand her here, you have a meeting in ten minutes" i say and he nods handing thora to me, i set her in the carrier i just wear around my chest, the five of us set off to dale and it goes pretty well until someone comments on something "i dare you say that to the queen again" ori snarls making me turn round shocked at the fierceness of the young dwarf "ori stand down its alright" i say and he sighs putting his dagger back in his pocket but the person mutters something earning themselves a punch from bofur before balin and ori join in much to the protests of me, this continues until thora lets out a cry stopping the three of them "well at least you stopped, lets go please i need no more attention on me than i already get" i say and they stand up walking beside me sheepishly "i thought taking the three of you to dale would mean a peaceful trip but no i was wrong entirely" i say as we reach the gate of erebor "sorry my queen" they say and i sigh "just bugger off already" i say walking to put my few bags away before going to see thorin who is in the middle of a meeting with dain and a few others "my queen" dain says kneeling the other dwarves do the same "stand up for durin's sake" i mutter smiling at thorin who nods letting me sit on his knee smiling sleepily up at him "don't mind me" i say and they continue their meeting eventually i doze off against the warmth of thorin before something tugging my hair wakes me up, i open my eyes to see thora staring back at me flapping two strands of my hair about as she giggles wildly "what's the matter sweet princess" i say and she giggles again "everything alright my darling" thorin asks as thora's giggles draw his attention away from his meeting "yes, we're alright love" i say with a smile before letting out a squeak as i yawn and stretch "dain" thorin says and i realise that its only dain left "you speak to no one of the noise that just came from my wife" he say and dain nods "of course thorin, who would i tell and truthfully my wife squeaks when she stretches as well" he says before thora makes grabby hands at thorin making me smile as thorin lifts her "we will continue this tomorrow" he says and dain bows before leaving "come on darling its dinner time" thorin says lifting me up in one arm as he sets thora in her harness "what happened in dale to make you so tired?" he asks and i shake my head "ori, bofur and balin fought someone for making a comment about me, i didn't even hear what was said before surprisingly ori spoke against them, but i am also just tired love" i say making him nod "we can go to bed once we've eaten" he says and i nod as thora grabs his beard "everytime, everytime without fail" he mumbles trying to untangle her hand from his beard "give her here then" i mumble back making him smile "there they are" dwalin says loudly making me whine and cover my ears "darling" thorin says tapping my shoulder but i shake my head "too loud" i mutter leaning on him "my head" i say and he sighs "do you think you can eat down here or do you wish to eat in our room darling" he asks and i think for a second "i should be alright as long as no one shouts in my ear" i say as thora plays with my hair again,
2 years later thora is two - y/n's pov
"are you sure there's no reason for her not speaking oin?" i ask and he nods "she just need time she's perfectly healthy" he says making me sigh "thanks again oin" i say before walking to the throne room where thorin is talking with fili and kili "fi" thora says making my jaw fall slack making me look like a fish "did she just" thorin says as a smile tugs on his lips "fi, fi" she says again reaching for him, he lifts her up and she giggles wildly playing with his moustache "fi fi, fi" she says making him smile "me" he says and she giggles pointing at him "fi" she says again before spotting kili "fi" she says pointing at him "no lass that's kili" fili says and she gives the durin glare at him before she looks to kili again "ki" she says after a minute of trying "ki fi" she squeals as fili sets her down and she runs to thorin who is smiling,
For the next three weeks that's all she says, we walk into the dining room she spots fili, kili, bofur and nori sitting at the table but rather than shout on fili and kili she squeals "bof" hearing this i look down to see her trying to say his name "bofur" she says "oh come on" i grumble handing her to thorin and walking into the kitchen, she starts to cry before screaming at the top of her lungs "mama" making me stop in the kitchen door "mama" she screams again making me turn to see her sitting at thorin's feet making an attempt to crawl towards me "come on then my sweet girl" i say smiling making her try again, she falls a few times but makes it to me "yeah you did it sweet girl" i say as she grabs my two strands of hair with a smile "mama, fi, ki, bofur" she says before looking at nori and thorin "that nori and your dada" i say and she gives the durin glare again which she tends to do when she's trying to work something out "no nor nori" she says making him smile, i nod and she looks at thorin who makes a face at her making her giggle before saying "dapa" she says as if she tried to say dada then turned to papa "papa" she says trying again making him smile "that's my girl" he says making her giggle again "why don't we get you something to eat sweet girl" i say and she looks up at me with an even worse durin glare one i've only ever seen on a hungry thorin making me burst out laughing handing her to thorin as i try to calm myself "she looks so much like him" i say whilst laughing "what do you mean auntie" fili asks making me smile "the glare he does when he's hungry, she just did it" i say and he begins to laugh "ella does the same, may nearly killed me when i couldn't stop laughing" he says and nori laughs looking behind me and i see them both doing the same glare making me laugh harder "by durin stop it thorin" i say holding my sides
Time skip to a few weeks later
"Im not sure about leaving her in the other room thorin" i say getting the gut feeling not to leave her on her own "she'll be alright love but if you want i can put guards outside the door" he says and i shake my head "i just don't think this is a good idea" i say but he shakes his head "its only for ten minutes to talk with the other dwarf lords as king and queen with fili and kili by our side" he says but i shake my head "i can't thorin, im sorry my gut says not to leave her" i say turning and walking into the nursery room where she was, key word being was "thora" i say looking about the room but she's not there, we were down the hall no one went in "fuck" i mutter running back to thorin "where did you leave her?" I ask holding his arms "the nursery" he says and i let him go "she's gone, i went in to check on her and she's not there" i say starting to panic "what!" He says before turning to the nearest guard "lock erebor down until my daughter is found no one leave no one enter, every guard on high alert" he says and the guard nods, alerting the other guards, "dwalin tell me you've seen thora" thorin says as dwalin walks past "i thought you two put her down for a nap in the nursery" he says and i run down the hall to the nursery again searching every little nook and cranny for her, thorin and dwalin come in once i've searched "how can i lose my own daughter" i say as tears run down my face "the spare door" dwalin says pointing to the half open door "oh by durin no" i say and thorin rushes through the door, dwalin following him, knowing that door goes down past the forges and out of the mountain "auntie, someone seen an elf riding off north of erebor" fili says and i stand up "send guards to get them then, thora's missing fili, no one is supposed to leave" i say and he goes wide eyed as thorin comes back in looking pale, he opens his hand revealing thora's teddy "it was by the escape door, horse tracks outside" he says and i bite the inside of my cheek to stop me from crying as i walk to the guard room "i need as many guards and soldiers as you have ready" i say and the captain nods "yes my queen" he says and he gets a group of about fifty dwarves assembled in armour outside, dwalin, thorin, fili and kili joining me as the rest of the company are away from erebor, we follow the elves tracks all the way back to mirkwood, furious as soon as the gates open i march towards thranduil "where's my daughter, gurnvos'comys (tree humper)" i yell making him smirk "she's safe for now" he says and i draw my sword from my hip sheath pointing at him "give her back or you will have a war on your hands" i warn and he scoffs "no, i make the demands or your daughter will never return to you" he says and my anger reaches its extreme "mama" i hear thora scream as legolas walks in holding her looking sad "mama" she screams again as thorin, dwalin and the boys run over "you give her back now" thorin bellows, kili pointing an arrow at thranduil "papa, fi, ki" thora screams breaking my heart at the sheer terror on her face "its okay sweetness we'll save you" fili says making her try to reach for him "legolas i can see you don't want to do this" kili says and the young elf looks away "ada this is too far, she's an toddler what sick joy are you getting out of this, you got the gems back what more do you need, they've been nothing but helpful since the battle of the erebor, we've traded so much" legolas says looking at thranduil who sneers at him "be quiet" hearing this legolas shakes his head "no i won't risk the alliance we gained between the dwarves and the elves because your greed is overruling your logical brain" he says before walking over to us "im so sorry, i was acting on orders" he says and i smile "you made it right, if you need somewhere to stay your always welcome" i say and he nods handing thora to me, "its alright my sweet girl mama's got you" i say rubbing her back as she sobs into my shoulder "thranduil, ishkh khakfe andu rugnul, never come near my child again and be thankful yours stopped a war" i snarl turning away from him and walking back to the guards outside who help me back onto my ram, thorin and the others climb onto theirs and we make the journey home "fi" thora says as fili and kili ride either side of me "hi little miss" he says and she giggles turning to kili "ki" she says smiling "hi cutie" he says and she giggles even more after a while she yawns snuggling inside my cloak and falls asleep "this is why i trust my gut" i say and thorin nods "from now on we're trusting your gut love" he says making me smile "yes we are, your sleeping on the couch for the next week for not checking that door was locked" i say and he nods "i understand" he says and i glare slightly shaking my head "its only ten minute, she'll be fine" i mock making kili and fili laugh as thorin sighs, i mutter and mumble to myself all the way home fili and kili laughing their asses off, "get off oakensheild and do not kiss me" i say stepping back as he goes to kiss me "darling come on" he complains and i scoff "if you'd of trusted me when i didn't want to do something we wouldn't have had to go to fucking mirkwood, we're meant to be a team thorin and you totally disregarded my fear of leaving her in there" i say stepping back from him "that could have been anyone, orcs, humans, anything, we're lucky it was elves, or we might never of seen thora again" i say walking away still holding the sleeping thora "we got her you can let people in and out again" i say to a nearby guard who nods "yes my queen" he says spreading the word, i walk to the company dining room where the rest of them are "where were you lot" i say and they jump "we were told to keep an eye out here in case she's wandered off" ori says and i sigh "im sorry for shouting, i thought i'd never see her again" i say sitting in my chair "where was she lass" gloin asks and i sigh "mirkwood" i say and he looks confused "the elf?" He asks and i nod "thranduil was going to use her to get something out of us but his son has a change of heart, hearing her scream" i say and they nod "oakenshield if you hand touches my side your sleeping on the couch for the next month" i say smelling the scent thorin gives off behind me and he sighs "fine" he says sitting down "do i want to ask?" bofur asks and i sigh "my gut said not to leave her but somebody said it would be fine and i was just worrying for nothing" i say sarcastically as i rock slightly when thora stirs "thora and i are going for a nap, only bother us for dinner, and you don't bother us at all" i say and point at thorin for the last part making him sigh as i walk towards our room finding an orc raiding it, with thora in one arm and my sword in the other i try to back away from the room but it hears my footsteps and turns to us with an evil smirk, it runs at us and i fight it back as best i can backing away down the hallway back to where the company is but only get close enough for them to hear me shout before the orc slices my hand, the one holding thora "Thorin!" i shout as loud as i can still blocking the orcs attacks, "Some fucker come help!" i shout and bofur comes running down the hall and jumps on the orc killing it with his mattock "i've gotcha lass" thorin's voice comes with his arms round me "i didn't know what to do, i don't if she's alright" i say as tears run down my face "lets get you sitting down first love, give her here" he says and i hand him thora still holding onto his other arm for dear life "love im gonna leave with fili and kili, thora's coming with me and she'll be alright" he says but the look on his face makes my tears worse seeing the pain in his eyes "thorin just tell me" i say and he sighs "lass let me take to the healer first then i'll tell you" he says and i stumble back being caught by fili and kili, thorin leaves quickly as fili and kili help me sit down "auntie your hand" kili says but i shrug, he sighs bandaging it up before thorin comes back with tears running down his face but his usual stoic look on his face "lass, she's" he says but stops on the next word before literally crumbling to the floor "your majesty, the king already heard our final verdict and we think you should as well" the healer says walking in with a nervous look on his face "it would appear that during your fight with the orc it managed to get one of the poisoned arrows into her leg, similar to prince kili but with her being only a few years old the poison was fatal, we did everything possible to save her" he says and i look down as tears run down my face, "i understand" i say with what little of my normal voice i had left before a sob rips through me, "im so sorry" i mumble as thorin sits beside me "its not your fault love it never was, i failed to protect her twice" he says and i hug him tightly

Hobbit and lord of the rings one shots
FanficA mix of characters from the hobbit and the lord of the rings smut will be labeled