dwalin x reader x thorin

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y/n's always had a crush on bofur despite him being her best friend but he has eyes for another yet she didn't fully realise two others were trying to get her attention and that her heart may actually lie with them

y/n's pov

"she's so pretty y/n" bofur says leaning on my shoulder as he watching amara from our table at the café, "uh huh" i mumble into my cup trying not to let my feelings for him surface "im gonna go" he says walking away leaving me sitting on my own, i pay for our stuff as usual and make my way to thorin's throne room "afternoon y/n" he says and i smile at him "hi" i say and he raises an eyebrow "he's talking to amara" i mumble and he sighs "you need to tell him" he says and i shake my head "i see how he looks at her thorin, his eyes practically sparkle when she walks past, im just the best friend" i say and he sighs "go wait in the main room on our floor for me" he says and i nod walking to the floor i share with him, dwalin, kili and fili, i sit in on my armchair as fili walks in "hey y/n" he says sitting beside me "you okay your very quiet" he says and i shrug "if i say im alright it'd be a lie" i say and he smiles "it happened again didn't it?" he asks and i nod "i just wish that once we'd get through a lunch without him running off to her, i pay every time" i say and he shakes his head "that's not right, bofur needs to pull his head out his arse and realise what he's doing to you" he says and i shrug "he's in love with her" i say and he goes wide eyed "is he that blind to how you feel, everyone can see it" he says and i sigh leaning my head back on my chair "i know that" i say and he puts his hand on my arm "you'll find another at some point y/n" he says standing up "im sorry i've got training with kili" he says before grabbing a sword from the wall and running off, leaving me in my chair waiting on thorin who comes back about an hour later "i dealt with something" he says and a frantic bofur runs in "where is she thorin?" he says and i sigh "thorin what did you do to amara?" i ask and he shrugs "check her house" he says and i sigh "you tied her to a chair didn't you" i say and he waits until bofur runs off before nodding "thorin, this is just going to make it worse" i say and he shrugs sitting in his armchair "i just wish life was simple for once" i say and he smiles "it gets easier trust me, watching the one you yearn for want another its hard" he says leaning his head back in his chair with a yawn "maybe if i looked like her he'd pay me half the attention she gets" i say and he shakes his head "don't compare yourself to her, your a pretty lass one day the right guy or guys will come along and pay you every ounce of attention you deserve" he says and i nod "it just hurts when he compliments her in front of me" i say and he sighs "tell him that the next time he does that" he says and i nod, both of us end up falling asleep

the next time bofur and i meet for lunch she's with him "bofur forget about our lunch, i've lost my appetite" i say shoving my chair back "no please dinnae leave lass i need to tell ye something" he says and i look down "bofur im leaving" i say standing up and walking past the table with tears running down my face, i run straight into dwalin who catches me before i fall back "where are you off to in a hurry" he says and i shrug running off again and into my room, landing on my bed in tears, someone knocks on the door before thorin's voice echoes down the corridor "bofur i suggest leaving her alone, if what dwalin said is true, that girl does not need you near her until she's calmed down" he says before coming in "lass" he says sitting beside me "he brought her with him, he promised to never do that" i say wiping my face on my sleeve as i sit up "he needed to tell me something but i don't want to hear it because it can't be good if she was with him" i sob and he pulls me close to him letting me cry into his shoulder "he won't come near you until your ready lass, don't you worry" he says rubbing my back "it hurts so much" i say sniffling as i calm down "why don't you and i go get something to eat from the kitchen and we can sit on the overlook" he says but i shake my head "just don't leave me" i say and he nods "i wasn't planning on leaving you alone" he says and i smile up at him, a knock on the door makes me jump before dwalin's voice makes me calm down "come in dwalin" i say and he opens it holding a tray of snacks "i guessed you wouldn't want to leave considering he's out there telling them all his big news" he says setting the tray on the bed in front of me "what is it dwalin?" i ask and he sighs "he's courting her lass, im sorry" he says and i lean on thorin's shoulder as tears run down my face again, since the door wasn't closed bofur looks in the door his eyes catching mine "how could he be so oblivious" i say and thorin wipes my tears "because he's not paying enough attention to you" he says making me smile slightly "your sure its him and not something im doing wrong" i ask and he shakes his head "you did everything right, offered him food, offered to polish his mattock, gave him gifts its his fault if he didn't pick up on it" dwalin says sitting beside me "i've noticed both of you as well don't think i didn't" i say and they both smile "took you long enough" thorin says and i smile slightly "i was so caught up with him i guess i didn't realise it at the time" i say and they both smile at me "lass give yourself a few weeks then we'll take you somewhere" dwalin says and i nod "bofur will you fuck off" i shout seeing him still looking through the door "is he out there lass?" Thorin asks and i nod making him stand up, walk to the door and kick it making bofur curse as the big oak door smacks him in the face making dwalin and thorin laugh "thorin for the love of aule don't do that" i say but end up laughing, after a while we stop laughing and are just sitting chatting until kili and fili pop their heads in "uncle, bofur's telling everyone you kicked him in the face, is it true?" Fili asks and thorin laughs "whilst your uncle laughs i can tell ye he kicked a door if it happen to hit the prick its his fault for snooping" dwalin says with a snicker "dwalin!" I say and he looks at me "lass ye cannae say werenae thinking it" he says and i sigh with a nod "of course i was thinking it, i just didn't say it" i say and fili laughs "how have i never noticed you three before" he says and thorin shrugs "not paying enough attention" he says with a smile

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