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This is just complete fluff
Y/n is a young dwarf younger than fili and kili, balin helps her after she was attacked by orcs whilst travelling and offered to let her travel with him and the company
Y/n's pov
"Mr balin are you sure its alright, i don't want to intrude" i ask looking up at him "of course it is lass, the leader of our company is to be the king under the mountain, he will be more than happy to let you come with us" he says and i nod still walking beside his pony "we will need to get you a pony however, its quite a while to the next town" he says making me smile "its alright i am used to walking" i say making him nod "its not much further up lass" he says making me nod before i feel him pull me up onto the back of his pony "it will raise less questions if your on the pony beside me" he says making me nod, eventually we reach the camp he was talking about and there are about twelve dwarves and a hobbit sitting round the fire "master balin your back" a young looking dwarf says running over "yes young one i am" he says and the dwarf realises im there "who's this" he asks making mr balin sigh as everyone turns to look at us scaring me "its alright lass, they won't hurt you" he says but i shake my head curling in on myself by his back "she is dwarven but has no braids, no family cuffs but she seemed to recognise me, an orc was trying to steal her stuff" he explains to the group before two grumpy looking ones walk over, one bald on the top of his head with long hair around the bald bit and tattoos across his head and the other has long dark hair and looks angry that i for some reason recognise slightly "take her back to wherever she came from, a child will be no use to us" he says making me curl further into mr balin "thorin i will not do that, now go sit down your scaring the lass, she has to be younger than your nephews" mr balin says holding his arm against my back to stop me falling from the pony "i think she looks rather sweet" a dwarf with a funny hat says making me smile at him the dwarf next to him has part of an axe in his head he says something to the one in the hat "my cousin says you don't need to fear us" he says and i nod slightly uncurling myself but when the two from earlier step towards me i panic and move back causing me to fall off the pony "mahal lass are you alright?" Mr balin asks but i shake my head shaking in fear as the two grumpy dwarves walk round the pony "uncle your scaring her" the dwarf from earlier says standing in front of the two as mr balin gets off the pony and kneels beside me "they mean no harm lass they are just hard headed" he says but i keep watching them as they stand watching mr balin and i "the one with the hat seems nice" i say quietly making him smile "bofur's the one here who never seems to be in a bad mood" he says with a smile "unlike my brother and thorin who are never in a good mood" mr balin says making me smile "the reason my hair isn't braided is i don't have a family to braid it for me, an orc killed them when i was only about three" i say and he gives me a kind smile "you can stay with me for as long as you like" he says and i nod "lets get you some food lass" he says and i nod again "kili, give the lass your spare cloak its going to get rather cold tonight" the one balin called thorin says making the young brown haired dwarf smile and hand me a small silver cloak "thank you" i say quietly making him smile "im kili, you seem a bit younger than me, im 77" he says and i smile "im y/n, your not that much older than me im 63" i say and he smiles "do you want me to tell you who everyone is, because they do look quite scary" he says and i nod "if you don't mind" i say and he smile "its no problem" he says offering me a hand up "so these two are thorin, he's my uncle and dwalin who is balin's brother, this strapping young lad is my big brother fili, next to fili is bombur, he's bofur's brother he's the one with the hat and bifur's cousin he's the one with the axe in his head" kili says pointing to them as he says their names "then next is oin and gloin, then its nori, ori and dori, watch your stuff around nori he tends to steal, then we have our burglar or the hobbit as my uncle calls him, bilbo" kili says and the small hobbit smiles and waves at me "everyone this is y/n" kili says and they all smile except thorin and dwalin "if you want lass one of us could braid your hair" mr balin says but i shake my head "its alright i don't mind not having my hair braided" i say and he looks confused "i already have a few small braids i did myself but properly braiding my hair takes too long to do" i say showing him the seven little braids that are hidden at the back of my head "we don't mind lass, fili and kili are excellent at braiding quickly and bofur can braid so well you don't feel him doing anything" mr balin says making me smile "i mean if you want to im not going to argue" i say making kili smile brightly before directing me to sit on the log beside his brother before he gets to work quickly braiding parts of my hair and tying bits out my face he accidentally tugs a part a bit too hard sending me deep into a flash back from one of the days i was travelling and a human man grabbed my hair "stop" i quickly say shaking my head as the flashback get worse "hey hey its alright, we're not trying to hurt you" mr balin says kneeling in front of me "kili didn't mean to hurt you lass, why don't you tell me what made you panic as badly" he says and i nod "a few years ago i was travelling to bree for supplies when a human guy grabbed my hair, he tried to" i start but freeze not wanting to say "if a kind hobbit hadn't saved me, i think i'd be in a different situation now" i say and he nods smiling kindly "i can assure you lass no one here will do you any intentional harm, so how about we get bofur to braid your hair for you" he says and i nod wiping my eyes "i didn't mean to hurt you y/n" kili says sitting beside me as bofur braids my hair almost painlessly "there we go lass all done" he says smiling at me "thank you" i say smiling as well before fili shows me my hair which is intricately braided in ways i've only ever seen from the paintings of ereborian women "its so nice" i say and he smiles, eventually someone hands me a bowl of stew which i take with a smile, at some point thorin ends up sitting beside me making me slightly worried but mr balin smiles at me reassuringly so i smile and continue to eat "so little miss do you know how to fight" dwalin asks after a while making me nod silently "she was holding the orc off for quite a while before i showed up" mr balin says making me smile "for a few years when i was younger a dwarf in the blue mountains, he trained me to fight and how to craft my own swords but he disappeared after a few weeks of training me" i say and thorin looks at me wide eyed "your master thorin" i say recognising his eyes "y/n, mahal i thought you died" he says with a smile making me smile "you left, i didn't know where you went but the people didn't let me stay much longer" i say and he sighs "you can stay with the company and i, we're on a quest to reclaim erebor" he says and i nod smiling up at him "i still have the sword you made me" he says with a laugh "your kidding" i say making him smile "nope still got it" he says pulling out the sword i made with him "i still have the dagger you made me" i say pulling the small intricated handled dagger out "do you remember the two dwarfs that would come running up to me often when we were training" he asks and i nod remembering the blonde and brunette boys that would bother thorin "yeah, they almost got hit with swords or sticks every time" i say and he laughs "that was fili and kili" he says and both of them look between thorin and i shocked "that was her, she was so good with a sword" fili says smiling "do you remember the day i lost grip of my sword and it went flying" i say and he laughs "yes you almost hit dwalin" he says and dwalin looks at me "so it was you that nearly castrated me" he says and i burst out laughing "not my fault he hit the sword out my hands" i say pointing to thorin who makes a fake grumpy face at me "fair point so how'd you end up coming this way" thorin asks and i smile "i heard a group of dwarves were travelling with gandalf towards the mountain so i wanted to see if you could help me" i say and he nods "i knew the orc was following me and the reason i recognised mr balin was that he taught me how to hunt and trap when he wasn't mining, dwalin came with us somedays" i say leaning against thorin who smiles "you look exhausted" thorin says making me nod "having an orc chasing me for two weeks had me sleeping in trees like an elf" i say making him laugh slightly "you can sleep little one" he says pulling me closer to him "we will be here when you wake up" he says making me nod leaning my head on his shoulder and falling asleep with the added heat from him

i wake up the next morning to someone tripping over my legs "woah sorry lass" nori says as he walks back into the camp which i find im still stuck under master thorin's arm but on top of his bed roll "its okay" i say stretching and letting out a sleepy squeak making nori smile as he sits on the log from last night "thorin let go" i complain trying to get up but his sleepy arm tightens making me stop trying to get up "its no use lass until he wakes up whatever is stuck in his grip stays there" kili says walking past making me shrug and stay still, the warmth master thorin gives off is comforting after sleeping in trees for a few weeks "someone wake him up" i whine making mr balin smile as he walks over "here lass" he says lifting thorin's arm long enough for me to escape which ends in thorin glaring sleepily before rolling over and going back to sleep "he's not changed very much" i say stretching properly now im standing up "sleeping like that is so much better than in a tree" i say making mr balin nod "sleeping in a tree can't be comfortable" he says handing me some food "you get used to it" i say and he smiles "its strange seeing him after so many years, what happened to his beard?" I ask and balin smiles "in honour of those we lost he cut it short" he says and i nod "its a very him" i say squealing as someone lifts me up from behind "master thorin you scared the life out of me" i say and he smiles "sorry lass" he says sitting down and setting me in front of him on the ground, his hands undoing the braids from my hair and redoing them "i'll get you back for scaring me" i mumble and he just laughs

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