Y/n is the only female dwarf to go with thorin to reclaim erebor, y/n was a dwarven guard when the dwarves still had erebor despite normal dwarfs being able to handle cold weather y/n could not and was frequently too cold
Thorin did not argue when y/n asked to come with as he did not want to leave his girlfriend on her own as she would be crowned queen beside him
Y/n's pov
"We'll stop here for the night" thorin says making all the guys smile and cheer except bilbo and i who are almost frozen to our ponies, my face that cold i can barely move it "i will start a fire and make food" bombur says smiling "miss y/n, master baggins do you not wish to join us" dwalin asks seeing us still sat on our ponies "would if i could move" i say through a stiff face "here ya go lass" he says lifting me off my pony before lifting bilbo with one hand and carrying us to the fire "you sure your a dwarf y/n" kili jokes making me glare still freezing as i huddle in a blanket "kee stop bothering her, you were like that once" fili scolds his brother making everyone else smile even gandalf who looks unbothered by the cold, eventually we've all eaten and i can feel my face again "i hate the cold" i say still shivering "i agree its far to cold" bilbo says with a shudder "quit your whining its for one more night and we will be out of here" thorin says making me sigh and nod "good everyone set out your bedrolls, its going to be cold, fili you link your bedroll with the hobbit to keep him from freezing to death" thorin shouts making everyone nod and fili whine but we do as we're told well they do but i can't get my hands to move to open my saddle bag for my bedroll "here let me help" thorin says opening it for me "thank you" i say making him smirk "thank me tomorrow when you haven't frozen to death" he says taking the bedroll and linking it with his, "come on my nephews and i radiate heat" he says laying down making me nod and lay in my bedroll as the fire slowly goes out, after a few hours i feel something cold touch my nose looking up i see snowflakes "thorin" i say looking over to him "shut up" he mumbles back rolling over "thorin, wake up" i say again and he rolls over looking at me unimpressed before looking up "goddamn it" he says sitting up before lifting a nearby small branch and chucking it at kili who is laying near fili waking them both up with a jump "what was that for" kili whisper yells as thorin pulls me closer to him "link your bedroll with the hobbit as well if it snows heavily it will kill him" thorin whisper yells making kili sigh and link his bedroll at the opposite side from fili "so cold" i whine quietly feeling a shiver run down my back "here come closer" thorin says opening his big cloak before pulling me inside it making me sigh as a mass amount of heat covers me "your so warm" i say looking up at him "told you i radiate heat for some odd reason, its only kili, fili and i that do" he says making me smile as he smiles down at me, i lay my head on his chest as he pulls the other roll over our heads "if the snow does lay its not going to suffocate me" he says and i nod "your very pretty y/n" he says with a smile "your very handsome too" i say with a yawn since his body heat is making me sleepy "your mine got that" he says making me smile "i knew that already and so did you" i say leaning up and kissing his cheek his cold nose touches my ear making me jump "your nose is cold" i say making me smile "is it really" he says sticking his face in my neck making me squeak "thorin that's cold" i say making him laugh quietly "go to sleep love" he says wrapping his arm round me before i finally snuggle into his warmth and fall asleep
Time skip
"Oh mahal" someone shouts waking me up to find the top bed roll leaning on thorin's head "thorin" i say poking his belly making him grumble but not wake up "thorin" i whine shoving my cold hands under his top "christ" he shouts sitting up and sending snow on top of us "woman your hands are cold" he says looking at me as he shoves the bedroll of his head "you shoved me away last night" i pout making him sigh "love you were laying on my hair" he says shaking his head sending snow in my face "thorin" i screech waking everyone up "what on earth" balin says as he looks about "how are we still alive the snow should have killed us" bombur says shaking the snow off his belly "i put spells round those of you without your heads covered" gandalf says smiling "couldn't have heated us up oh great wizard" bilbo asks shaking "or at least warn me next time i get these two sleeping beside me their morning breath is atrocious" bilbo complains making the boys check their breath "jeez fee you could knock an elf out with that" kili says making fili laugh "same goes to you kee" fili says making us all laugh "lets just agree someone else has the worst morning breath" i say pointing to thorin "y/n" kili says looking above my head "oh really love" thorin says and i feel him lifting my shirt up before his cold hands grab my back making me jump up cursing and swearing worse than a sailor as i fall back landing my arse in a snow drift "lass are you okay" dwalin asks "so cold" i say shivering since my jacket and warm trousers are inside thorin's bedroll leaving me in thin leggings and a small top of thorin's "here auntie" kili says wrapping his fur cloak round my shoulders before sitting under fili's "come on up you get" dwalin says lifting me but i don't move as tears well in my eyes from the cold "im sorry love" thorin says looking apologetic "meanie i told you i was cold and you make me fall in the snow now im all cold and soggy" i say pouting as kili and fili make a fire again "love im sorry i forgot you took your outerwear off last night" thorin says sitting next to me "your mean" i say making him shrug "i was going to offer letting you sit on my lap so you can change off the wet stuff for some warmer stuff" he says and i pout again pulling my knees to my chest "love come on c'mere so you can change" he says lifting me up before walking away with me in his arms "kili" i shout throwing his cloak to him "you know love you started it sticking your hands in my top" thorin says as we stand between the ponies, his cloak now round my shoulders as i quickly change into the thicker clothes he gave me "my boots are wet" i say and he smiles grabbing my other ones from my saddle bag "here" he says pulling a pair of his socks out his pocket "why'd you have them in your pocket" i ask and he shrugs "unimportant" he says letting me lean on him as i put my socks on then my boots before running off as he tries to grab his cloak "give it back" he shouts as i run past kili and fili "y/n" thorin shouts making me giggle "what" i shout back standing at the opposite side of the group from him "my cloak love give it back or im going to get you back" he says with a mischievious look in his eyes "catch me if you can" i say taking off running again past him then round the ponies before he then grabs me by jumping over kili's pony "gotcha" he says smirking as i pout jokingly "you gonna give it back" he says kissing me cheek "no im nice and warm in it" i say making him smile "how about you ride with me today and you can hide in my cloak all you like" he asks and i nod as he kisses my head and nose "thorin" i whine as he sits beside everyone again before taking his cloak off my shoulders and wrapping it round his "what's wrong love" he says kissing me neck making me huff "uncle i think your doing something wrong" fili says noticing my grumble "he knows that fee, he's doing it on purpose" kili says making me grumble again as thorin kisses my hand "fine since your not going to kiss me properly your not getting any for a week" i say getting up and sitting by the boys "did you just" thorin says looking shocked "ha the king got cockblocked" someone shouts and the whole group erupts in laughter and teasing "y/n, good luck lass" oin says pointing to an angry looking thorin "y/n a word" he says making me go wide eyed before going with him into the snow covered forest for his 'chat'
After a bit we reappear he's carrying me because damn does he have some force in his body "mahal what did you do to her" kili says since he was the only one not sleeping in the middle of the day "kee you really don't want to know" i say making him look disgusted "i heard" he says before everyone begins to get up "come now we're leaving, we will be back in a warmer weather by nightfall" thorin says lifting our bedrolls with one hand me in the other "do i weigh anything to you" i ask clenching my legs to stop them shaking "not really" he says smiling before planting a small kiss on my lips "your not sitting on a pony yourself" he says hooking my ponies reins on his saddle before hoisting himself up and sitting me in his lap
"thorin my legs hurt" i whine after about four hours traveling "i did my job right then" he says smiling at me "not what i meant but sure baby" i say making him smirk "master dwarf i must ask you to stop such talk for your nephews sake" gandalf says tapping thorin with his staff "my nephews are worse than me with the ladies and guys" thorin says making them go bright red "yeah should have seen kili with natalia was it" i say and kili goes even redder "that poor girl, but not as bad as the lad fili brought to see us, poor lad could barely sit down" thorin says making fili go bright red "okay okay uncle auntie stop please" kili squeaks out making me laugh "darling remember kili's first boyfriend, i felt bad for kili poor boy could barely sit half the time" i say and by the point kili and fili have their faces hidden under their cloaks "i remember the first time i met kili's boyfriend, poor boy couldn't sit down" dwalin says and everyone else begins teasing the youngest dwarves "alright enough" thorin says noticing his nephews displeasure "assholes" kili says not moving his head from his cloak until i move to my pony and ride between the both of them "balin can you play something for me to cheer the boys up" i ask and he smile pulling out his guitar as thorin begins to thump a beat on his bag and i begin to sing eventually everyone is singing along as we reach the next camping spot the boys are smiling "you always know how to entertain those two lass" balin says as the boys start to set up their bedrolls "dis told me to protect them, it was her wish" i say remembering my best friends strict words when kili was only two and coming to stay with thorin and i, "i have been around them since kili was two, he's eh" i say before shouting "kee how old are you" i ask and he shouts back "seventy seven auntie" his smile is massive as he and fili dance about the camp in a good mood "anyway i've been about those boys for seventy five years now, i've learnt my fair share of tricks for heartbreak, embarrassing times and even how to get kili to tidy" i say and balin smiles as dwalin leans on his shoulder before smiling at his brother "just keep an eye on them, after that elven lass broke his heart kili's been different" dwalin says smiling at me "i know i was the one to make him smile again" i say smiling before someone runs into me at full speed "oh hello" i say seeing fili and kili hugging me tightly "auntie save us" they shout as thorin runs over holding a wet sock "thorin no" i say running with the boys as he begins to chase us smiling brightly "boys run quickly i will distract him" i say and they laugh running off "found you dwarf queen" a voice behind me makes me scream before trying to run but something grabs my arms "love" thorin shouts running over before skidding to a halt in front of me "put her down, troll before i kill you" thorin says with a glare as he draws his sword "your puny sword does not phase me" the troll says and i can smell its foul breath "thorin, go get gandalf or someone you cannot take on a troll yourself" i say making him mutter before running back to camp then i hear him yelling before fourteen sets of footsteps come running "leave the dwarf alone troll" gandalf says banging his staff on the ground and the tree canopy parts shining sunlight onto the troll who drops me before turning to stone "i got you love" thorin says catching me "there troll spit in my hair" i say gagging "oh that's disgusting" kili says smelling the vile stench "either someone get it out of my hair or im cutting it off" i say knowing its on the ends of my hair "here miss y/n" gandalf says using magic to get rid of it "thank you gandalf" i say with a shudder
Time skip to after the big battle outside erebor - thorin and his nephews do not die
"Thorin, kili, fili" i shout as i look over the battle ground seeing hundreds of dead orcs, dwarves and elves but not my fiancé or my nephews "fee, kee" i shout again and i hear someone shout back from the top of the frozen waterfall so i grab a nearby war ram and climb the frozen mountain side until i see fili, kili and thorin standing near the dead body of azog the defiler and his spawn "your okay" i say causing fili and kili to hug me tightly "i thought i lost you two" i say hugging them back "you could never lose us auntie" they say before thorin moves them out the way and kisses me, eventually pulling away i see the tears forming in his eyes "thorin its alright" i say hugging him tightly "we reclaimed our home, we're all safe" i say and he nods closing his eyes and leaning his head on my shoulder before he straightens up when kili and fili hug us both "come on lets get back down this mountain" i say planting the boys on the war ram i brought up before then getting it to go back down the mountain "how are we getting down love" thorin asks and i smile "the eagle" i say as one of the giant eagles lifts us up and puts us down in front of the door to erebor "their alive" someone shouts as the company hugs us tightly "thranduil" i say seeing him standing to the side "let me get your wives gems for you" i say making my way inside and reappearing with a chest of white diamonds "here you go my friend" i say handing him the chest "thank you so much, you and every dwarf in this kingdom has the help of the elves on their side" he say before bowing and leaving
After a few months of living in the mountain my dwarven hair grows so much that its down the middle of my back "love i will meet you in the meeting room when you are finished" thorin says walking out of our room as im in the bathroom "okay darling i will be done in five minutes" i say but when i sit at my vanity table to check my braids and position my crown properly but instead i see all my braids gone and my hair so much shorter than it was the night before, its cut level with my chin but not neatly cut like messily cut, i scream with tears welling in my eyes drawing my nephews attention from down the hall "auntie are you alright we heard you scream" fili asks as he knocks "no my hair its gone" i say as they walk in and look shocked "my long hair, its gone" i say beginning to cry "fee go get uncle thorin" kili says as he hugs me tightly "fee go please" kili says as fili doesn't move looking shocked "fili" kili says making him snap out of it and run out to get thorin "it was long last night and now its gone" i say crying into his shoulder "uncle she's in here" fili says as the door opens "love, oh mahal" thorin says immediately hugging me when kili lets go "your majesty we found someone attempting to smuggle the queens cut hair out the gate" the guard captain says dragging the one person who has hated me since thorin declared his love for me "glovlia, i should have guessed you would have had an issue but cutting my queens hair is treason and reason enough for me to say, your exiled from erebor" thorin yells making her glare daggers at me "the queens hair is a sacred thing that not even i could touch but you take it upon yourself to cut it for what reason other than because i love her" thorin says walking straight up to her with a sword in his hand "tell me do you value your long hair" he asks and i know what he's going to do "yes my king why" she says oblivious to thorin's intentions "my wife valued her hair and yet you cut it so im returning the favour, guard hold her still" thorin says bunching her knee length hair in his hand so its shorter than mine and slicing it with his sword causing her to let out a choked sob seeing her hair fall in her hands "you will rot in exile for the rest of your life and if you try to enter erebor again i will have my guards kill you on the spot do you understand me" thorin shouts and she nods clutching her hair in her hands as the guard pulls out the bag of my long cut black hair that she had in her bag "good now guard take her out of my sight" thorin says before turning to me and his eyes soften "i can send for gandalf to see if he can do anything love" thorin says but i shake my head as tears run down my face "my mother and fathers hair were braided into mine" i say and the boys gasp knowing how important those braids are since they have their father and mothers hair braided into theirs "it was the last thing i had from them before they left thorin and its gone" i sob into his arms as he hold me "kili send for gandalf there may be something he can do, fili ask balin to come up here for me" he says to his nephews as he holds me "yes uncle" they both says running off after a while balin knocks on the door "enter" thorin says his voice low from anger at glovlia "you summoned me your majesty" he says before his eyes widen at me "what happened" he asks and thorin explains making balin nod "i can look for the braids if you wish my queen" he says and i nod still crying into thorin's hold "master gandalf will be able to help, he helped the elf king regrow his hair after his face was burnt" balin says with a kind smile but it drops when i gasp "i was in here all last night and the only time i was not in here was at dinner, it means she got in here" i say looking at thorin worried since i had some really private stuff only meant for thorin to see including paintings of thorin i made that would cause issues for him if they ever got out "mahal no" he mutters before saying "balin give us a moment" he says looking at his advisor with panic in his eyes to which balin nods and leaves, "check the wardrobe" i say as i check the chest under the bed for the 'stuff' thorin made for me "its all there" he says walking out of the wardrobe "this stuffs all here" i say shoving it back under the bed "bedside cabinets" we says realising all our letters and notes to each other are in there "mine are all there" he says as i continue to check "mine are all there" i say as i see the last letter with a sigh "i would have been in trouble if any of that stuff got out of this room" thorin says with a sigh "yeah i think we need to invest in a lock for the door" i say and he nods "balin you can come in again" thorin shouts making him come in again this time with gandalf behind him "ah not so good is it, i know just the spell" he says making me smile "slight question do you still have the hair you lost" he asks and i nod pointing to the bag of hair on my vanity "very well this is easier for me" he says before doing the spell and my hair grows back in seconds going twice as long as the hair from the bag is added back into my hair with my parents braids being put against the underside of my hair "thank you so much gandalf" i say smiling happily "your very welcome my queen, its the least i could do since you saved my life in battle" he says and i smile twirling hair round my finger with a smile "stay the night gandalf, bombur's making breakfast in the morning" thorin says smiling at gandalf "it would be an honour" gandalf says smiling as balin escorts him to his room leaving thorin and i alone "i got my hair back" i say bouncing happily "its twice as long love" he says before looking at me to which i nod and he begins running his hand through it "lets get to this meeting" i say and he nods placing my crown on my head "come on then my queen" he says offering his hand to me which i happily take before placing his crown on his head "lets not keep dain and his company waiting" i say with a smile
The next morning everyone close to thorin and i are complimenting my long hair which i finally let thorin touch properly so he could braid it for me, as i sit at the breakfast table with balin, dwalin and everyone else but kili and fili, i can't help but smile as our friends laugh and joke happily for the first time in a few weeks "auntie theres a spider" kili runs in shouting making me sigh and laugh "where" i say making him point in the hall "yeah not happening last time i fell for that fili jump out of the broom cupboard with a box on his head" i say and he huffs shouting on fili who walks through once again with a box on his head "and what did i say" i say smiling at my nephews "your so difficult to prank auntie" fili says taking the box off his head "fili theres a spider on your head" i say making him flail about for a second before i burst out laughing followed by everyone else "and that's how you do it boys" i say before feeling someone sneaking up behind me "who ever is trying to sneak up on me do not try it" i say turning to my side and seeing thorin not in his seat making me sigh and stand up, turning to see and all too familiar face sneaking up on me "oh so you do want thorin to kill you glovlia" i say drawing my sword from my belt "you think cutting my hair would stop thorin loving me, well your wrong he loved me more" i say shoving her against the wall as dwalin stands up with his axe drawn "so this is the traitor that cut your hair" he asks and i nod my eyes never leaving her "do you want revenge lass or can i take care of it because i've been itching to lop a disgusting creatures head off" he says making me smile and move away "do as you please just not in here the carpet is white" i say and he nods taking her out the room by her short hair "what happened" thorin asks walking in from the kitchen "when did you leave and why" i ask and he smiles "five minutes ago and i went to check on bombur" he says and i sigh sitting on the window ledge "she got back in again" i say and he looks mad "but dwalin's dealing with her" i say and he nods looking out the window beside me as everyone goes back to chatting "my queen you have a visitor" a servant girl says making me nod "let them in" i say and bilbo walks in "oh my god bilbo where have you been you crazy little hobbit" i say with a smile "becoming a dad" he says with a smile as a heavily pregnant hobbit woman walks in "that's amazing news bilbo" i say and he introduces his fiance matilda "your majesty might i have a word with you" she asks me and i nod "come with me so we can talk somewhere quieter" i say taking her to my study which is a few rooms away "i don't know how to tell bilbo something" she says holding her belly "what do you mean as in a cheating way or somethings wrong way" i ask with a smile and she sighs "somethings going on but its not bad, i thought it would be better to talk to another woman about it" she says and i nod letting her sit on my desk chair "bilbo thinks theres only one baby and theres three" she says looking worried but i smile at her "so how come you can't tell bilbo" i ask and she looks down "he told me he only wants one child, but i am giving him three" she says and i smile kindly at her "listen i spent a year fighting by your partner's side that hobbit can change his mind easily if he thinks for long enough and some days i wanted to knock him out to get him to shut up about him wanting a big family and other things" i say making her nod with a smile "bilbo baggins will love and cherish those children" i say and she smiles "thank you and i have to ask where's the bathroom" she says and i open the bathroom door in my study "thank you" she says waddling in before closing the door "oh my god" she says after a few minutes "is everything okay" i ask and the door opens "my waters just broke" she says looking panicked "its alright just breathe" i say helping her to my chair again "let me go get bilbo and a few dwarven healers" i say and she nods "shit on a stick, bilbo your fiancé is having her baby, thorin take him to my study she's in there, i need to go get some healers" i say and they nod walking to my study as i go to get the healers but balin stops me "sent kili he's quicker and that young hobbit seemed to be comfortable around you" he says and i nod "kee go get some healers, miss baggins is having her baby" i say and he runs off to get a healer as i go back to my study "here let me lay down the bedroll for you love" bilbo says as i walk in to see her laying on a bedroll on the floor "as much as you chair is comfortable its better to be laying down" she says smiling at me "i understand, my nephew has run to get the healers so it shouldn't be long" i say and she nods holding bilbo's hand tightly "bilbo i need to tell you something" she says and he cocks his head to the side "im having triplets" she says and he smiles brightly "thats amazing tilda love" he says kissing her head as two healers walk in "your majesties i apologise but if you don't mind stepping out the room" they ask and we nod walking back to the dining room "good job kee" i say smiling at him "i think that once master baggins babies are here we should escort him back to hobbitton, it wouldn't be fair to let the poor lad travel with three wee ones and a probably still sore fiancé" balin says with a kind smile "they can stay until his partner feels better then if he so wishes we will escort him home personally" thorin says smiling at his friends as bombur walks through holding massive platters of food "breakfast is served" he announces with a smile but for some reason the smell makes me heave as i run to the kitchen sink and loose my morning tea "love are you alright" thorin asks as he runs in looking worried "i think so" i say leaning against the sink as oin walks over "my queen i may have a reason for this bout of sickness" he says and his eyes drop to my belly "oin your not suggesting" i say but stop before saying the word "aye lass you might be but i won't know for certain for a few more days" he says and thorin just looks utterly confused "explain what is going on with my wife oin" he bellows but oin shrugs walking away "oin you tell me right now" he shouts walking after him as i heave at the waft of smell "i can't be, am i" i mumble as the sickness subsides "thorin love stop" i say seeing him trying to fight oin "i can explain" i say and everyone stops, looking concerned "oin thinks my sickness was caused by the possibility of me being pregnant" i say and thorin freezes his sword falling to the floor with a clatter and a look of anger fills his eyes before he storms off "you alright lass" bofur asks as tears well in my eyes "i don't know" i say before a bout of nausea hits me and i gag "i need to get out of here" i say walking to the front gate of erebor surprisingly finding thorin there "love please don't walk away from me" i say as he begins to leave "do you truly think you are pregnant" he asks looking out at dale "i don't know and honestly the thought of having children scares me thorin" i say leaning beside him "im sorry for how i acted earlier, do you want to go to the healers to see if oin is correct or not" he says and i nod "i think i need some clarity" i say and he smiles taking my hand as we walk to the infirmary "your majesty" the young girl says with a nod "we need someone to check whether my wife is with child or not" thorin says and she nods "i can do that, come right this way" she says leading me to a seperate room from the main infirmary "my king you can come with if you wish" she says and thorin shakes his head leaning on the wall "thorin please come with me" i ask and he shakes his head "love i cannot" he says looking pale "alright i will not force you but do not leave" i say and he nods, the healer closes the door and does what she needs to, to check if i am pregnant "my queen you are with child, six weeks along" she says and i nod as tears well in my eyes from happiness and worry "thank you" i say and she leads me out to thorin who is waiting expectantly "how did it go darling" he asks and i shush him "i want to be in our room before i tell you" i say and he nods lifting me up and walking to our room hurriedly, when we get there he looks at me worried "can i ask a question first" i ask and he nods "do you want kids" i ask and he stays quietly deep in thought "i suppose i never really thought about it love, but i do" he says and i smile "so what did the healer say" he asks not looking up from his knees "thorin" i say and he looks up seeing my bright smile "I'm six weeks along" i say and he smiles "im going to be a dad" he asks and i nod "you are" i say and he jumps up with a smile on his face "i love you so much" he says hugging me "i love you too darling" i say hugging him back "i can't believe I'm going to be a dad" he says making me smile "can we go get food, i didn't really eat earlier" i say and he smiles "of course whatever you want we will get" he says making me smile "you just want to tell everyone don't you" i say and he nods "alright lets go tell the company and that's it" i say making him nod before practically dragging me out the door "im gonna be a dad" he shouts as he walks into the meeting room where the company are "what" dwalin says making thorin smile happily "im going to be a dad, kili fili your going to be big cousins" thorin says and the boys jump up looking happy "your pregnant auntie" kili asks as they hug me "yeah kee six weeks along, oin you were right" i say and they smile "that baby will be the most protected in erebor" fili says as he twirls a dagger on his finger "fili can you stop doing that your giving me the heebie jeebies" i say shuddering "sorry auntie" he says putting the dagger away as a dwarf runs in looking panicked "darling what's wrong" fili says immediately jumping to his feet and running to the lad "its may, i don't know what's wrong with her" he says making fili look panicked "uncle, auntie" fili says looking to thorin and i "what's going on fi" i say and he shakes "my girl she's goes into these things sometimes its barely a thing but others its bad" fili says and i nod "bray what happened" fili says and the lad looks at fili "she locked herself in the bathroom, i don't know what to do fi" he says with tears running down his face "fi this is the girl i met a few weeks ago" i ask and he nods "come on lets go see her then" i say and both boys nod walking beside me as they lead me to the room they share "may darling, come out for me please" fili says but all he gets is a cry in response "may its y/n, can you let me in, the boys can stay outside" i ask and the door unlocks "fi let me talk to her" i say noticing him moving towards the door, when i go into the bathroom i find her leaning against the wall with a look of sheer terror on her face "may do you want to tell me what's going on?" I ask and she hesitantly shakes her head "i won't shout, i won't be angry but i need to understand what's going on so i can help" i say and she nods "everything's too much, people won't stop picking on me for not having any whiskers and i don't know how to tell bray and fi" she says as tears flow down her face "ignore them when they make fun of you, i don't have a single whisker so don't worry about it and if they try to pick on you you tell them you just like the queen, and as for bray and fi they will understand just talk to them, i know my nephew loves you with his whole heart and i can tell bray is the same so just talk to them" i say and she nods before i gently hug her "you can come talk to me at any point, i will always listen may" i say and she nods into my shoulder "can i let the boys in now" i ask and she nods "fi you can come in now" i say and the door opens "may darling are you alright" fili says and she shakes her head "fili" she says letting go of me and running to him "i will leave you three to talk" i say earning a grateful smile from bray and fi "did you sort that out love" thorin asks as i walk back into the meeting room "yes the sweet young dwarrowdam was being picked on for not having whiskers, like hell should girls be bullied for that" i say sitting beside him "i said she can tell them she's just like the queen since i have no whiskers" i say and he smiles "kili" a voice says from the door making kili look up "tauriel" he cries running to the elf "i missed you" he says making her smile "i missed you too, melamin" she says lifting him up "good morning queen y/n, king thorin" she says making me smile "good morning tauriel, did you bring the prince with you again" i ask and she shakes her head "legolas was summoned by his father before i left, i used the opportunity to sneak off before he realised i was gone" she says making me smile "love do you know what you want to eat" thorin asks and i think about a breakfast like they normal have and heave "not meat" i say and he nods "how about toast" he asks but i shake my head "queen y/n i have a rather large amount of fruit in my bag if you would like that, and they are pregnancy safe" tauriel says making freeze "how did you know" i ask and she smiles "my ears i can hone into certain sounds, like a smaller heartbeat coming from a person" she says and i smile "if you don't mind, i think fruit might be the only thing i can stomach right now" i say and she smiles "here take the lot i have plenty more in my saddle bag" she says handing me a small bag full of berries, apples and other fruits "thank you tauriel" i say making her smile "its no problem" she says before kili bounces in front of her "tauriel lets go" he whines making her laugh "alright alright lets go melamin" she says making him smile before practically dragging her towards his room "will i be allow to cut this on my own or is one of you going to take over" i say directing it towards thorin, dwalin and bofur "give it here" thorin says with a grumble "mahal im a fully grown woman, i can cut fruit on my own" i say with a huff before handing him the bag "thank you love i will be back in a second" thorin says standing up "bofur, dwalin keep an eye on her" he says making me scoff and look at him,
Time skip - y/n's pov she's now seven months into her pregnancy
"Thorin let me do something" i whine from the chair he keeps putting me in "no love, your seven months pregnant the last thing you need to do is over exert yourself" he says as he sets the table and begins to lay out the stuff for the gender reveal for the company and the boys, we kept it a secret for ages "im not useless thorin, you don't even let me pee on my own anymore" i say making him smile "you love it" he teases making me raise an eyebrow "your on thin ice oakensheild, thin ice" i say with a huff as the company start to arrive "hello lass" dwalin says making me huff even further "you on thin ice too" i grumble making him look confused before talking to thorin "auntie y/n" kili shouts happily as he runs in "hi ki, is your brother on his way" i ask and he nods gently hugging me much to thorin's disapproval "thorin oakenshield you move my nephew and your sleeping on the couch" i say as he goes to grab kili "im pregnant not made of paper" i snap before smiling at kili "you alright there kili" i ask and he nods letting me go "i just missed you" he says making me smile "kili its only been two weeks" i say and he shrugs "still missed you" he says before bouncing off to talk to someone else "guess who i brought" fili shouts as he walks in before dis walks in "dis i've not seen you for so long" i say as she smiles at me "your positively glowing y/n" she says making me smile "look at you, your still as stunning as ever" i say and she hugs me "your brother is a pain in my ass" i mumble making her laugh "im serious dis, he treats me like im made of paper, i can't even pee without him sitting beside me" i complain making her smile "trust me the boys father was worse, i wasn't allowed out my bed when i was carrying fili" she says making me smile "the first one is always the one they let you do nothing" she says and i smile, eventually everyone is sitting at the table, after eating i smile and get everyones attention "i would like you to all grab the small pouch beside your plates and throw it against the floor, to find out the gender of my baby" i say and they all look ecstatic before smashing the bags and a baby pink powder covers them and the floor "your having a girl" dis says making me smile "yeah, a baby girl" i say and she lets out a happy noise before everyone cheers, after they tidy up since thorin wouldn't let me help we walk into the sitting room and i sit on one of the comfortable armchairs "oh mahal she needs to sit still" i complain as the baby kicks and squirms "being pregnant is a pain in the ass" i say before the baby kicks my bladder "she sure has thorin's strength already" i say trying to get up "thorin" i whine drawing his attention from kili and fili "help me up before i wet myself" i say and he smiles "here love" he says lifting me out my chair "put me down thorin" i say making him nod and let me down before i waddle off as fast as i can to the nearest bathroom before he can follow me "do not follow me oakensheild" i yell hearing his footsteps behind me as i reach the bathroom door, once im done i walk out to see a dwarf outside the door "can i help you?" i ask confused and he smirks "maybe" he says and i make a disgusted face "lay a hand on me and you will lose it, i am under the protection of the king and his company so bog off" i say before making my way back to the library "thorin your daughter keeps kicking me" i whine sitting in an armchair "sorry love" he says making me glare towards him "you need anything love?" he asks and i huff "if i needed something my darling dwarf i would have said so, im not made of glass for aule's sake, now stop treating me like it" i snap crossing my arms over my chest and huffing "lass" bofur says and i glare at him as well, dwalin tries and gets the same treatment, the same with balin, oin, gloin, bifur, bombur, nori, ori, dori, fili, kili, dis and eventually they give up leaving me to huff for a bit, after a while of them sitting quietly the door opens revealing the dwarf from earlier "your following me" i say raising an eyebrow and he shrugs "your following our queen" the company yell lunging at the dwarf "mahal" i mutter at the speed of them,

Hobbit and lord of the rings one shots
FanficA mix of characters from the hobbit and the lord of the rings smut will be labeled