Chapter 9: Hogwarts Express

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    Today is the day. Today Niklaus, Elijah, Tom and myself all go to our first year at Hogwarts. Today is the start of bringing down Dumbledore and his greater good, to righting the wrongs in this realm, or at least the British Magical portion. I know that I have till the end of Harry Potter's 4th year to finish this area. If I don't things will be off schedule and make it more difficult when I go to Washington, then Virginia and finally California. I just hope things go as planned or as least as close to planned.

     I am currently going through my room making sure I have everything I need for the year. I am also lost in my thoughts. So much so I don't hear Niklaus come in till he touches my shoulder causing me to jump a bit. He chuckles and smirks to me. I roll my eyes at his smirk even as I smile at him.
    "Are you ready love?" We need to leave shortly. The others are waiting in the foyer." He says as he takes my hand.

     I nod as I turn fully to him." I am I was just double checking. Are you excited?"

  He nods as he reaches up and brushes a loose curl behind my ear while looking me in the eyes. He has always said my eyes calm him when nothing else does. "I am. I can not wait to watch you bring chaos to that old goat. It will be sweet to see him fall before your cunning and power, while failing to realize his own dreams. You my sweet queen will show him he should have never started down this path."
     His faith in me is something that has always warmed my heart. His willingness to let me take the lead and do what I need to will simply supporting me means the world, especially since I know what he could be like instead. It is one of the things that, even though I am only physically 10 almost 11, makes me fall in love with him all the more. I take his other hand and smiled, " And you will be by my side smirking that smirk of yours the whole way."

    He tosses his head back and laughs before kissing my forehead and then turning to grab my trunk. He pauses on his way to the door with it and turns his head to me smirking before sending me a wink, "You know it love." He then leaves with my trunk.

    I pick up Azul who wraps herself around my neck under my cloak. I then wave my hand and then Thorn and Amara's cages follow behind me floating. I leave my room and head down stairs where the others are. Once there Papa shrinks all of my stuff and adds it to the others.  Now that we are ready Tom, Elijah, Niklaus and I say good bye to Finn, Freya, Sage, Rebeccah, Koland Henrick. Only Bella and Papa are coming with to the station to see us off. We all then quickly grab Papa and Bella's hands and are quickly apperated away to Platform 9 and 3/4.


When he appear we quickly get trolleys and place our trunks and familiars on it

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When he appear we quickly get trolleys and place our trunks and familiars on it. Papa was pushing mine while I walked with Bella. The boys had their own.  We quickly walked closer then stopped.

I looked to Mama Bella and smiled. She hugged me close and whispered, "Make sure you drive him batty. Give him hell my love."
    I hugged her back and kissed her cheek "I will. I will also write you after Tom, Nik and I are sorted into Slytherin and once we find out if I was right or not about Elijah." We both chuckled as we looked at Elijah together who rolled his eyes and simply scoffed. I was convinced even though he had tendencies towards both Slytherin and Ravenclaw that he would in fact end up in the snake pit. He thinks otherwise. We have a small bet going on about it. Nik and Tom are divided, but they both smirk and chuckle seeing Elijah.
    "You do that darling." Papa says as he comes and hugs me kissing my forehead and then says, "You boys watch after our girl.  And you be safe and careful my darling he says to me.

  The other shake Papa's hand and hug Mama Bella. We then gather our things and quickly find a compartment towards the end. The boys get our trunks settled above and then we all settle into seats. Elijah and Tom on one side while Niklaus and I are on the other. Nick holds my hand as we wave out the window.

Soon the train begins to pull away. After a few minutes a knock is heard on the door and we look over seeing two red headed twins in the doorway.

 After a few minutes a knock is heard on the door and we look over seeing two red headed twins in the doorway

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The boys look to me and I nod looking to the twins waving a hand for them to come in. "Please join us." I say as one sits by Elijah and the other sits beside me.

   The one beside me looks to me. As soon as our eyes meet fully I know who it is and what he is to me. "My name is Fred Weasley and this is my twin George Weasley." He holds his hand out and I place my free hand in his. The moment they touch we feel the first bond snap into place. He gasps slightly.
      " I am Lady Wynter Black of the Ancient and noble house of Black and too many others to always state, this is my truest mate Lord Niklaus of the Ancient and noble house of Mikaelson. His brother Lord Elijah of the ancient and noble house of The and my brother Lord Thomas Black of the ancient and noble house of Guant. And you Fred Weasley are my first true mate. I hope you come to accept the bond and me." I say smiling at him as the others watch. Niklaus does so with a measuring gaze and tightens his hand slightly on mine. I give him a reassuring squeeze and he relaxes a bit. Elijah nods to the both of them and Tom nods looking bored. Poor George sits there with his jaw dropped open.

  We spend the rest of the ride talking about the things we all like. Everyone feeling instant bonds with each other, and dropping their masks. We talk about what houses we want and the bet about Elijah's which causes laughter and eye rolls on his part. The twins talk about how they have dark cores unlike most of their family, their brother Charlie's being Grey but the rest light. They actually hop for Slytherin but think they might end up Gryffindors. I told them that the hat will take what they wish into account. This made them smile then frown, saying how their mother will disown them. I made sure they knew even if it happened. They would be welcome in my home simply because not only is Fred my mate, but George now a brother. They both hugged and thanked me and then after explaining Primal and myself and the others the twins looked at each other for a bit then nodded saying they want in. I quickly gave birth their marks and Primal showed surprising us all and gifted the twins a change making George a tribrid like Elijah and Tom and the others and then made Fred like Niklaus. With one exception instead of a wolf he is a werefox. They said they could see Fred accepted the bond in their soul already so why not. I nodded we would have Kreacher insure they get a goblet of blood once a month like the rest. The change reduced all the bloodlust or even the need for it except once a month or injured badly enough.
We simply relaxed together the rest of the ride. Niklaus held my right hand and Fred my left. Things felt more complete now.

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