Chapter 14: So it begins. 3rd/1st years

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   I woke this morning to the sounds of pure chaos ringing through the house. Before I could even get out of bed Nik is in my room leaning against the door groaning and running his hands over his face. I laugh and smile at him. "Problems already?"

   He smirks and pushes off the door coming to sit by me. "Tell me again why Primal thought de-aging the others was a good idea? Elijah is loosing his mind because we leave in two hours and Kol had not packed, Rebeccah is packing an extra wardrobe, and Henrick is planning pranks with George distracting Kol."

   I toss my head back and laugh at that. "Poor Elijah" just as I say this my door opens and Fred walks in.

  "Oi! If your gonna go hide with Wynter Nik you need to tell me too! I don't need Elijah roping me into helping the others either."

We all start laughing at that before I get out of bed.

At the sudden silence I look at them and arch a brow at their looks

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At the sudden silence I look at them and arch a brow at their looks. Both shocked, I roll my eyes. Both of you go so I can get dressed. I will be downstairs shortly to eat with you. I chuckle and head to my bathroom to bathe, dress and do my hair.

 I chuckle and head to my bathroom to bathe, dress and do my hair

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Once done I hurried downstairs

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Once done I hurried downstairs. My things already ready near the floo. I walked into the kitchen and smiled saying good morning to everyone and then sat between Niklaus and Fred. Breakfast as always was a chaotic event. Soon enough we all finished. Today we would all be flooing to the Platform. We were meeting cousin Narcissa and Draco. As will as the Nott heir who was coming with Draco. As well as the Zabinis. I adored Lady Zabini. Bella thought it hilarious that it worried Papa how much Lady Zabini the notorious black widow and I got along together.
When we all arrived at the station. We met up with the others. It was here as were all together I got the first glimpse of my father. He stood on the platform with James Potter, Remus Lupin and Harry Potter. All of them acting goofy and totally muggle. There was nothing pureblood or even adult about their behavior. Not to mention my father sneered at papa and did not even acknowledge me but showered Harry with love.

After all our goodbyes, the new first years all followed me and my court to the cabin we use. As we entered i spelled it larger to fit us all as we settled in. During the journey we were joined by Neville Longbottom, his grandmother adored me. I made sure she got him a new wand and I had been working on his confidence. I actually hope he ends up a Hufflepuff instead of Gryffindor. It would be so much better for him. Plus I know Cedric would watch out for him. Cedric was a unofficial Slytherin and official member of my court he joined us last year after proving himself to the rest of Slytherin house when he stopped a sneak attack at my back.
Soon both Cedric and Marcus Flint joined us along with Calypso Meras. They were the only others that had earned spots on my court.
We spent the ride chatting and enjoying treats and games. Soon enough we arrived. The first years left to Hagrid staying together. The rest of us headed to the carriages. Getting in one together before heading to the castle. It was amazing but we could all see the thestrals.

We reached the castle and all headed inside to the Great Hall

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We reached the castle and all headed inside to the Great Hall. We separated from Cedric for the welcome feast, but after he would join us in Slytherin dorms. I had worked it out with Professor Sprout, and even Professor Flitwick that any of their badgers and ravens that were part of my family or group could be allowed to dorm in the heirs hallway in Slytherin with us. I made sure there was a doorway connecting to their offices in the hallway so they could check on them periodically if they wished.
Soon Professor Mcgonagall brought in the new first years. I had to fight the grin on my face looking at my family in the lines. I knew Minnie would get Kol to behave. We had already told the 6 of them if they get sorted to Slytherin sit with the other first years, at least for the welcoming feast. I could already see the lovely dovey eyes that all the boys were making at Beks. I heard Niklaus growl lightly next to me. I took his hand and when he looked at me he sighed. You see when we were on the train Rebeccah had told me she found her two mates. That's right her two, Blaze and Theo. I knew Nick wouldn't be happy he is so overprotective but I made him understand he has to let her have love. I know the boys will fear him, but he promised not to interfere. The hat sang its song and then Minnie pulled her list out and the sorting began.
Hermione, who did not impress me on the train with her attitude and rude behavior, went to Gryffindor, though she should have been in Ravenclaw I thought.
Neville went to Hufflepuff, thankfully, so he will dorm with us.
Ron went to Gryffindor, were he totally belongs, though the fool sneered at the twins as he walked to the table.
Kol, Rebeccah, Henrick, Draco, Blaze and Theo all came to Slytherin. As if there was any doubt there.
Finally it was Harry's turn. I wondered where he would end up. I wanted him in Slytherin, so I could help keep him away from the old fool. It wasn't poor Harry's fault that he became a pawn in the old goats game. Nor was it Harry's fault my father was the way he was. But then again if he was in Gryffindor at least Dumblewhore wouldn't try to push him more intensely then he would be sure to do already. Besides I know my snakes want to see if the supposed boy-who-lived had the balls to challenge me for the throne.
So here we sat waiting on the Hat to make it's choice.

"Better be......"

I know I know mean....
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Who do you think the other Mikaelsons should be with? Don't forget we have lots of other worlds to be in. Also if you have suggestions for other worlds,books,shows, movies or games that our group should fix let me know.

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