Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Lin Mo! You're finished, you know! I heard that Xue Luhe got the evidence and is on his way home to find you. Please ask yourself for more blessings!

" The room fell silent.

The lace brocade on the European-style big bed and the pillows of various colors formed a soft hill. Lin Mo sat in the middle of the hill, frowning in confusion.

She suspected that she had hallucinations, where is this? Why was she still in the emergency room of the hospital, and she opened her eyes after she fainted, and she appeared here?

The touch of the satin, the fragrant air, and the healthy heart thumping and beating... everything was unbelievably real.

Could it be that this is the legendary... time traveled?

Lin Mo has had congenital heart disease since she was a child. The doctor said that she could not live to be twenty years old. She struggled and lived to be twenty-three years old, and finally had the most serious disease.

Lin Mo himself felt that this time was the worst, and the last thought before falling into a coma was that he had never been in a relationship in his life... What a shame!

Unexpectedly, not only did she not die now, but she also obtained a healthy body and even lived in such a luxurious life.

Lin Mo got out of bed and walked over to the huge mirror to take a look.

The person in the mirror has elegant and beautiful facial features, but has a tacky curly hair of instant noodles, and is also wearing a super-short nightdress that exposes more than the fabric.

The facial features are very similar to Lin Mo, but the style of dressing is completely different, and the figure is much better than that of Lin Mo, who has been suffering from heart disease all the time. He has all the curves he should have.

Lin Mo stared at himself in the mirror for a while, took the phone, and listened to the voice just now.

Xue Luhe... This name sounds familiar.

Thinking back carefully, Lin Mo suddenly became overwhelmed and his eyes widened: Xue Luhe! Isn't this the villain of the novel I just finished reading a few days ago?

It was a lily novel by Mr. Dog Xueba. The protagonists in the book, you love me, I love you, but we can't be together. There are more than 200 chapters in a mess.

Xue Luhe looks like a glamorous international actress, but in fact holds the largest business empire in the book, and violates most of the criminal laws in the book. , suppressing, driving into the original attack, the whole is a perverted state!

Moreover, the villain Xue Luhe does have a cannon fodder wife named Lin Mo!

Could it be that he slipped into this book and became the cannon fodder wife of the villain Xue Luhe, Lin Mo?

Lin Mo's teeth began to tremble, and he typed a few words to the "Lu Ruoruo" who sent the voice: What evidence?

Lu Ruoruo made a voice call immediately and called her with a hoarse:

"Lin Mo, you finally woke up! Hurry up and pack up your valuables and run away, you cheated on the beautiful girl the day before yesterday. Today, Xue Luhe will know, you are finished, you know! Hello sister, I just remind you, if she asks you, don't tell me my name, I'm afraid she will tear me down! She should be home soon, hurry up and run!

" After speaking, the other side hung up the phone with a slap, as if she was afraid of running into Xue Luhe.

Lin Mo stood blankly, recalling the plot.

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