Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

    Lin Mo's eyes were always round because he was too shocked.

    In her sight, Xue Luhe was full.

    Half-closed, charming and bright eyes, slender and curved eyelashes, extremely thin eyelids that tremble slightly, and a blush between the eyebrows.

    Below the end of the eye, a small mole like a cloud of smoke trembled gently with the rhythm of breathing, revealing the owner's nervousness.

    In fact, in an instant, Lin Mo pushed Xue Luhe away with great force.

    The lips of the two of them only touched slightly, not deep, but very simple.

    It was so fast that the two sides didn't have time to feel anything, and the close contact ended quickly.

    Xue Luhe stepped back, her eyes were full of loss, and her expression even seemed a little aggrieved.

    Lin Mo was confused for a while, then anger, and suddenly a huge, unreasonable anger swept through his body.

    Since this morning, what she has encountered has been inexplicable, and it's okay for Mu Fei to make a mess. Now what's going on with Xue Luhe?

    Taking two photos, she made her own decision, took Lin Mo as her object, and ran over to kiss her?

    Just because he looks good, the darling of the sky, the darling of the world, can he do whatever he wants?

    Lin Mo suddenly felt cold.

    Being so charmed by Xue Luhe and passively accepting this kiss, she didn't feel like a deer bumping into each other or her heart sprouting, instead she felt a deep humiliation.

    Originally, during this period, Xue Luhe followed behind her buttocks every day. She was enthusiastic at one moment and tender at the same time. She apologized as soon as she opened her mouth, and she was very considerate and caring...

    Lin Mo really thought that the current Xue Luhe was completely different from the pervert in the villa before, she had become a polite and respectful good person.

    However, today's incident... once again broke her cognition during this period of time, or in other words, it once again consolidated her cognition of Xue Luhe.

    Xue Luhe, will always be the pervert who can't learn to respect people, only from his own perspective, coercion, rampage, and oppresses others with the power of beauty!

    Xue Luhe was aggrieved and asked in a low voice,

    "Did you not keep your promise?"

    Lin Mo fixedly looked at the person in front of her. At this moment, a huge energy was condensing in her thin body.

    She found that she was no longer afraid of Xue Luhe, because she had understood that Xue Luhe was essentially just a beautiful garbage.

    The corners of her lips involuntarily evoked a sneer, her tone was extremely cold, like absolute zero in the universe, without emotion:

    "I never promised you anything, I told you earlier that I lost my memory, and you didn't believe it. Xue Luhe 's

    face quickly turned pale, her body backed up, her head was wrinkled tightly, and she asked in disbelief:

    "You really... so heartless? I know you're just pretending to have amnesia, I don't care that you lie to me anymore, But why do you still say that?"

The queen's little wife, pretending to have amnesia onlineWhere stories live. Discover now