Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

    Lin Mo put her hand on Xue Luhe's leg and couldn't help stroking around, unable to stop, saying that it was a massage, but in fact it was public wiping.

    Xue Luhe smiled at the corners of her eyes, with a hint of infinite pampering, indulging Lin Mo's movements, and even extended her legs to her so that she would pinch and pinch like a child.

    Lin Mo walked up her slender calf, pinching her hands in a pretentious manner, enduring shame and flushing on her face, as if nothing had happened and she was massaging seriously.

    Her two hands had already pinched on Xue Luhe's thighs, and she was amazed by the tactile sensation of no fat and firm texture.

    Xue Luhe suddenly sat up and approached Lin Mo, with a smile on his lips and half-squinted eyes, getting closer and closer.

    "I miss you so much, even if you're next to me, I still miss you."

    Lin Mo knew that this was probably about to come over, and instinctively a little nervous, he ordered himself not to step back.

    As Xue Luhe got closer and closer, she could see the lip gloss on her lips, which was a simple and gentle bean paste color, which made her not as aggressive as usual, but extremely gentle.

    Lin Mo swallowed, seeing that the distance between the two was only less than half a finger's length, and his eyes trembled and closed.

    Just then, in the small bedroom, there was a weak cat meowing, which was Xia Xue, who had grown up a lot.

    Lin Mo shivered and opened her eyes, but the next second, her lips were caught.

    He opened his eyes wide and saw that beautiful face that was close at hand, kissing him softly.

    No pores, extremely delicate, the skin is like the best white porcelain, but with a hint of red.

    For the first time, Lin Mo found out that when Xue Luhe kissed, she was also closing her eyes, her eyelashes were trembling, and she looked nervous, like an innocent girl.

    No wonder... her kissing skills are just average... but it's really intoxicating...

    These inexplicable thoughts flashed through Lin Mo's mind just now, when Xue Luhe suddenly picked up the pace, her thoughts were overwhelmed by the overwhelming sense of intoxication, she couldn't think at all, only a dizzying obsession.

    I don't know how long it took, until the shrill cat meowing in his ears, Lin Mo opened his eyes as if from a lifetime.

    She was still a little confused. For a while, she didn't know what was going on, and she was still wondering why she stopped.

    Xue Luhe looked down at the white kitten, her voice hoarse:

    "Xia Xue seems to think I'm bullying you and rushed over to protect you."

    Lin Mo swayed and looked down, and sure enough he saw Xia Xue's beautiful dark black eyes. He was staring at himself closely, and his little mouth kept coming out of "Miao" and "Miao".

    Lin Mo reached out and touched Xiaoxue's head, and Xiaoxue put the little head in her palm and cried coquettishly.

    She held the cat in her arms and felt relieved for a while, but when she thought of Xue Luhe's return, Xiaoxue was so frightened that she got under the bed. She probably didn't know Xue Luhe at all, so she felt a little sad.

    "You've been gone for too long, and Xiaoxue doesn't know you anymore. When you came just now, it got under the bed in the bedroom all the way, and only came out now. But it's so timid, it's so cute that it dares to come out to protect me. This little guy!"

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