Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    In the autumn in the north, it has begun to get a little chilly. The trees on the boulevard are lush, but the middle is dyed with some golden yellow.

    The time is noon, the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, the spots are on the ground, and the light spots sway gently with the wind.

    The gentle woman in front of her squatted down and reached out her hand without any hesitation to get the shoe stuck in the crack of the stone.

    Lin Mo was stunned. She didn't know what to do for a while. She opened her mouth and shouted in a hurry: "Hey

    , don't touch..." On

    the other side of the phone, Xue Luhe's puzzled voice came over:

    "Why don't you touch? What's wrong with you? ?"

    This reminded Lin Mo, she said to the phone:

    "I'm fine, don't contact me again, don't call me!"

    After speaking, Lin Mo immediately hung up the phone, stood up, and wanted to stop The beauty found that the other party had already held the high heels in her hands and handed them over to herself.

    Lin Mo took the shoes in a daze, forgot to put them on, and stood with one foot bare.

    "Put your shoes on, little sister, don't be sad." The

    woman smiled softly, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of mature beauty, which made people feel close.

    Lin Mo quickly put on her shoes, took two steps, and raised her hand to wipe the tears from her face. Feeling ashamed, she lowered her head and said to the other party,

    "Thank you..."

    The woman looked at Lin Mo for a while. , smiled and invited:

    "I'm working in a nearby coffee shop, do you want to go and take a break?"

    Lin Mo was a little surprised, but grateful. She had put on light makeup when she came, and now her face is covered with foundation residue. The things are in a ball, it is estimated that it is ugly, and it would be better to find a place to rest.

    Seeing that she nodded gratefully and agreed, the woman led the way with a smile and introduced herself:

    "What's your name? My name is Qing Jing, the Qing of this beautiful lady, the Jing of Jing Chai and the commoner."

    Lin Mo followed her and sighed sincerely,

    "This name is too bookish, it sounds too good. That , my name is Lin Mo, Shuangmu Lin, the end of the apocalypse next to the word "Water"."

    Qing Jing smiled before the rain and walked around a crossroad:

    "Your name sounds very light and dreamy. What happened just now? Why are you crying on the side of the road? Have you been bullied?"

    Lin Mo couldn't be wary of such a gentle sister, so he started from the interview he came to Xicheng, and told everything about his experience.

    Halfway through the conversation, the two of them have come to a coffee shop with simple decoration and a fragrance.

    Qingjing interrupted Lin Mo's impassioned narration and said with a smile,

    "What would you like to drink? Oh yes, now you definitely need a little sweetness."

    She turned back to the apron-wearing barista at the counter and raised her voice,

    "A cup of cardboard Buccino, make it sweeter!" The

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