Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

    In a word, the sweat on Lin Mo's body came out, all of which were frightened by Xue Luhe.

    After Xue Luhe said those very provocative words, she didn't say anything, just sighed and turned to watch TV again.

    Lin Mo also turned his head to watch TV as if nothing had happened, the back of his ears and cheeks kept getting hot, hot and irritating.

    I don't know how long I watched TV. After one episode of the variety show ended, Lin Mo immediately stood up and was about to leave:

    "Well, I'll go first, I'll see you later when I'm free. You take good care of your wounds."

    Xue Luhe looked up at her, Because of the wheelchair, she always has to look up at people, and she always seems to be in a vulnerable position.

    It always seemed that her eyes were softer than ever.

    The cloud-like mole at the corner of the eye adds a bit of flair, and when looking at people, it seems that Yuanshen brings mist.

    She said in a low voice,

    "Then when will you be free again?"

    Lin Mo felt a sudden emptiness in his heart. He only felt that this person's eyes made him irresistible, and he couldn't help but want to make promises that he couldn't keep. .

    "It depends... It depends on my schedule recently, mainly because Lu Ruoruo is coming to see me in the past two days, and he is very busy with work..."

    Xue Luhe interrupted her rambling about the reason she was looking for, and asked directly,

    "Christmas Eve . Can you spend time with me?"

    There is still half a month left on Christmas Eve.

    Lin Mo pondered it for a long time, his eyes dodged for a long time, and then he said:

    "Then I will try my best."

    Xue Luhe was a little disappointed, but what he said was very decent:

    "Okay, I will arrange it in advance."

    Lin Mo subconsciously refused again. :

    "You don't need to arrange it. It will definitely cost a lot of money if you arrange it. We will have a meal at home..."

    Xue Luhe accentuated his voice and his eyes darkened:

    "I said, I will arrange it."


    Lin Mo understood that it was useless to resist, and Xue Luhe's stubbornness came up again, like a barbarian, stubborn and stubborn.

    She stood by the door and waved:

    "Then I'm leaving."

    Xue Luhe pressed the wheelchair and insisted on raising her hand to help open the door. Lin Mo could only turn her body on her own and let Xue Luhe play freely.

    Lin Modu had already walked out of the door and came to the elevator entrance. When she looked back, Xue Luhe was still sitting in a wheelchair looking at her.

    Lin Mo smiled and waved again:

    "Go back!"

    Xue Luhe didn't respond, and when Lin Mo entered the elevator, she suddenly said,

    "I'm starting to miss you now..." As the

    elevator door closed, Lin Mo was stunned. .

    She must have heard it right just now, right?

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