Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

    The corridors of ordinary residential buildings are narrow and short.

    She really doesn't deserve such a dazzling character as Xue Luhe. She can light up the whole space just by standing here.

    A true brilliance.

    Xue Luhe didn't have the key in her hand, and there was no assistant behind her, so she couldn't see any clue that it was the owner, and it didn't fit in with the house she just bought.

    Lin Mo swallowed and decided to ignore this person, turned around and waved to Lu Ruoruo:

    "Come on, come in and clean up."

    She pulled Lu Ruoruo to her side, and used Lu Ruoruo's body as a cover to quickly rub against Xue Luhe. Go past the wall.     Xue Luhe

    stared at Lin Mo the whole time, and when Lin Mo walked in front of her, he suddenly opened his mouth and asked,

    "You're so unwilling to see me?"


    She looked up at the beautiful woman who was half a head taller than herself, and immediately lowered her head.

    Just looking at each other for a moment, she felt a lot of pressure.

    The eyes of this actress can really speak, just need to look at each other, and the overwhelming emotions will come over, making it impossible to breathe, and it is even more difficult to ignore.

    Lin Mo grabbed Lu Ruoruo's arm, had already walked to the door, and turned around and said,

    "Yes." I

    really don't want to see her, and I don't want to see her from the bottom of my heart.

    What Lin Mo wanted from the beginning to the end was a peaceful life, but no matter from what angle he thought about it, Xue Luhe would have nothing to do with the word calm.

    As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo had already opened the door and opened a slit to let Lu Ruoruo dodge in.

    She was about to go in immediately, but she didn't go quickly.

    The door of the house was held down by a white hand.

    Lin Mo looked at it and couldn't help but make a " hing     " in her heart. She turned her head and said aggressively:

    "Let go, or I'll call the police!"

, the waist is slender.

    Her sharp-edged brows and eyes, probably wearing heavy makeup, looked imposing. When she stared at Lin Mo, those dark eyes were like an abyss, so that Lin Mo didn't dare to stare at him.

    "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

    Xue Luhe's melancholy and deep voice raised the corridor of an ordinary residential building to the level of a theater.

    Lin Mo ignored her and prepared to close the door very hard, shouting,

    "Hurry up, let it go, or I will be irresponsible if it breaks!"

    She didn't dare to force too hard, and she was even gentle when she closed the door, but she still heard A muffled groan was hidden in the crack of the door.

    Lin Mo's heart was beating wildly, thinking that it would not be possible, did he really hurt others?

    That's Xue Luhe, the world-renowned honorable actress... If she hurts her hand, she might not be able to afford it if she exhausts all her dividends!

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