Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

    The sound of the water was subtle, tactful and deep, as if it was deliberately not amplified, pattering.

    Lin Mo raised her body to look at the bathroom, and then lightly touched the clothes on the bed. As expected, it felt cold and smooth, very comfortable.

    She looked at the ordinary pure cotton long T-shirt on her body and felt a little wronged.

    The last time Xue Luhe threw away her makeup, she also threw away most of her clothes. Although they were all exaggerated clothes with collars reaching to the navel, and colors and sequins, it also directly caused her to have no clothes to wear now.

    I can only wear a long T to sleep, and I don't even have any decent pajamas.

    But she doesn't need to think about this now, anyway, she doesn't have to go out every day, she just wears it randomly in the house and it's over.

    But seeing Xue Luhe's clothes that are expensive and tactile at first glance, who wouldn't be envious of girls?

    Lin Mo sighed and sat on the bed, waiting for Xue Luhe to come out after washing, and then go in to wash herself.

    After a while, Lin Mo narrowed his eyes again and almost fell asleep, and the sound of water in the bathroom finally stopped.

    Xue Luhe, wrapped in a bath towel, stepped on the ground with bare feet, and came over.

    Stepping on the carpet, she left wet footprints one by one, dotted with drops of water falling from the ends of her hair, and painted blooming flowers on the carpet.

    When Lin Mo saw someone coming, he immediately woke up and took a serious look at the beautiful woman with half of her body exposed. She was

    slender, fair and delicate, her hair was only slightly damp at the tips, her facial features were all beautiful, her eyes were even more beautiful. It is as bright as the stars.

    Ah ah ah ah, it's so beautiful, nosebleeds, nosebleeds are coming out again!

    Lin Mo lowered his head and didn't dare to look anymore, grabbed the quilt on the bed and tried to cover himself.

    Xue Luhe sneered:

    "What are you afraid of, they are all women, and the parts are the same."

    Lin Mo covered his head with a quilt, and secretly complained: The parts are indeed the same, the difference is, yours are all super beautiful parts produced by a world-class top manufacturer, and I am the part made by the owner of the roadside hardware store... !

    Xue Luhe asked from the side,

    "What do you want for breakfast?"

    With the words, Lin Mo felt that something heavy fell on his quilt.

    It was only after she realized it, my mother, this sister is going to change clothes directly by the bed! I just threw the bath towel away, so now I'm having sex...

    As long as she thinks that there is such a beautiful woman around her naked and changing clothes, Lin Mo feels that her nose is twitching, and so does her heart.

    It was so torturous that she couldn't move her head anymore, so she could only say,

    "It's all ... it's fine."

    Xue Luhe was changing clothes, and threw the bath towel on the bed. She lowered her head to get the pajamas on the bed and put them on at will.

    Then, looking at the gap, she pulled the quilt off Lin Mo's head!

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