Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

    When Lin Mo woke up, the sky was already dark, the sunset in a foreign land seemed to be brighter, and the fire clouds were more majestic.

    She packed up her things, went downstairs to eat local specialties, returned to the hotel and made a video call with Lu Ruoruo, repeatedly emphasizing that everything was fine here.

    Lu Ruoruo looked at the camera, exaggerated and excited, and kept asking Lin Mo why she ran away. Lin Mo got impatient at her question, and said directly,

    "Just to avoid Xue Luhe! I don't want to see Xi Shen anymore!

    Lu Ruoruo was choked. After a while, she shouted again, "

    Then you have the heart to leave me alone. Did you know that Xue Luhe's secretary came to me today! I was so scared that I didn't even eat any desserts! That secretary When I asked where you went, I said I didn't know, that look was like it was going to kill me!"

    Lin Mo sighed, Xue Luhe was not surprised to do such a thing, if she didn't ask the truth, it wouldn't be Xue Luhe .

    So until now, Lin Mo didn't tell Lu Ruoruo where he was, only vaguely said that he was in the north.

    "Anyway, no matter what she asks, you can just say you don't know, and don't worry too much. Xue Luhe is not that kind of unreasonable person. If you really don't know, she can see it and won't embarrass you."

    Lu Ruoruo squeezed out two tears:

    "Hey, it's scary, I don't understand why Xue Luhe is so obsessed with you, aren't you two about to divorce?"

    Lin Mo spread her hands:

    "I don't know, she is A neurotic, a neurotic has a broad mind, how can we normal people figure it out." The

    two hung up the phone after saying a few more words, Lin Mo glanced at WeChat, and there was still news about Xue Luhe, which was about an hour apart. Send a message "I'm looking for you".

    Find it, find it... Lin Mo is a little resigned to fate, anyway, no matter how bad it is, even if she is taken back to the villa, Xue Luhe can't just cut her down!

    As long as she had one life left, Lin Mo felt that she would have a chance to make a comeback. One day she might be able to kill Xue Luhe.

    Lin Mo didn't sleep well that night, maybe because she was too worried. In her dream, she was worried about being arrested.

    In the early morning, Lin Mo opened his eyes in a daze, and suddenly found a person standing beside the bed, with deep black eyes with evil, long hair and shawl, staring at himself!

    Her scalp exploded, and then she woke up completely. When she looked again, there was no one beside the bed. Just now, she had a dream and woke her up.

    Her heart was still beating wildly. Lin Mo covered her chest and calmed down for a while. She looked up at the alarm clock next to her, and found that she woke up five minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

    She got up and cleaned up, put on a pair of professional high-heeled shoes she bought for the interview, put on light makeup, and went out to take a taxi to the company for the interview.

    Lin Mo was full of confidence. How could she be a white-collar worker in the last world, so she couldn't even get into such a small start-up company? Then again, it's both sides.

    Smoothly arrived at the company ten minutes earlier than the scheduled time. After Lin Mo and the personnel registered, they were brought into a separate conference room and asked her to wait first.

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