Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

    The matter of raising cats together was given a sense of ritual by the two of them.

    Xue Luhe asked a very famous veterinarian to help him. When Lin Mo was not at home, professional nurses would take care of Xia Xue and make food for him to make sure he recovered well.

    After Lin Mo returned home, Xue Luhe also came up to take care of Xia Xue with her, like two busy mothers.

    After a long time, Xia Xue's cat disease miraculously healed, and some other problems on her body gradually disappeared. The whole cat began to enter the growth period, and her body and limbs became much stronger, and she also grew a layer of fine white hair. .

    It is pure white, without a trace of stray hair, and its eyes are black, smart and innocent.

    It is said to be mixed with some Persian cat blood, its hair is very soft and very comfortable to touch.

    It trusts Lin Mo very much, and likes to get on Lin Mo's thigh and enjoy stroking.

    In the company of Xia Xue and Xue Luhe, Lin Mo's evening time passed quickly and comfortably.

    Soon, more than a month later, Xue Luhe no longer uses a wheelchair and can walk on his own legs. Although he can only walk a short distance, he is improving every day.

    Lin Mo thought about cooking something good every day to nourish Xue Luhe, but he didn't have time to do it every day. He could only cook a meal every few days.     The two sat side by side to eat together. Xue Luhe kept serving Lin Mo with vegetables, and Lin Mo kept responding. In the end, the dishes in the bowls of the two of them were full, and the other party took them.     Seeing that the amount of food was almost there, the two smiled at each other with a tacit understanding, and officially began to eat.     Lin Mo has been very busy with work recently. Every day, he writes about plans, runs events, and does reviews. He often works overtime until eight or nine o'clock in the evening.     That night too, she worked overtime until nine o'clock. After discussing the activity plan with Qingjing, she came out and saw that there were no cars outside.

    The street lights on winter nights are dim and dim, like a firefly falling in the starry sky. The streets are empty and very lonely.

    Qing Jing, Lin Mo, and a few colleagues came out together. Just after they reached the door of the store, someone suddenly exclaimed,     "

    Who is this? Who's there?"

On, slender, slender and tall.

    Lin Mo's heart skipped a beat. Walking so slowly would not be...

    However, Wang Ling's face was finally revealed.

    Wang Ling had always been hostile to Lin Mo, and it was the same at this moment. He first glanced at Qing Jing, then immediately looked at Lin Mo, looking very alert.

    Qingjing sighed helplessly and waved to the others:

    "You guys go first, I..."

    "Okay, no problem!"

    "You can deal with you, see you tomorrow!"

    "Let's take a taxi and leave. Hey Lin Mo, are you going together?" The

    cold wind slashed on his face like a knife, Lin Mo felt this feeling, and felt a little empty in his heart for some reason.

    She and her colleagues worked together to get a taxi. Everyone stood at the door and shivered, while Qingjing got into Wang Ling's BMW and walked away, which attracted envious eyes from everyone.

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