Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

    Next, Lin Mo was listless and let Xue Luhe pick up pieces of clothes and gesture on her body, but when the other party asked her for her opinion, she kept shaking her head and refused.

    What time is it, and what kind of street are you still shopping? Lin Mo is not in the mood at all. Seeing those gorgeous clothes, he is only irritable.

    Xue Luhe finally waved his hand:

    "Buy all of them, let's keep them all."

    All the shopping guides were stunned, and then they were all excited. This time they earned all their wages for a few months! As expected, I snatched it from my head. The opportunity to serve Queen Xue was too lucrative!

    "Thank you, Miss Xue! Thank you, thank you! We give you a discount! I also thank Miss Lin, Miss Xue really dotes on you, and I wish you and Miss Xue a good relationship for a hundred years!"

    Of course these shopping guides don't know the relationship between Xue Luhe and Lin Mo, but they are all It was obvious at a glance that Xue Luhe was very unusual to Lin Mo, and there must be something between these two people.

    Lin Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She didn't want to talk to them. Instead, Xue Luhe smiled and said,

    "You have a sweet mouth. I'll go to the housekeeper to get a tip


    Xue Luhe didn't linger any longer, grabbed Lin Mo's wrist and led her upstairs to the master bedroom.

    Lin Mo sat on the bed blankly, looking out the window sideways.

    It started to rain, the rain poured down, the flowers and plants in the smashed garden kept shaking, and many flowers were pitifully destroyed to the ground.

    The water droplets fell like pearls, leaving a lot of water marks on the windows. Lin Mo felt depressed and didn't want to look back at the room at all.

    Xue Luhe leaned against the wall, hugged her arms, and observed the girl in front of her.

    After a long time, she suddenly sneered:

    "Why, you're not happy? You don't like the clothes I'm looking for?"

    Lin Mo didn't say a word, didn't turn his head back, and gave a bold "ha", his voice was as cold as Xue Luhe.

    Is it for the clothes, don't you have any points in your heart? Besides, do I have the right not to like what you got? Don't you think it's kind of funny that you almost strangled me and now you come and ask me why I'm not happy?

    Lin Mo didn't dare to say these words.

    In fact, there is no need to say it, because Xue Luhe did it on purpose. Don't people know what she said? People know everything, but they don't care.

    He didn't care about Lin Mo's feelings at all.

    So what's the use of asking her hypocritically now.

    Lin Mo snorted and didn't answer again, while Xue Luhe stared at her for a while, then turned and left.

    Lin Mo couldn't figure out what Xue Luhe was thinking about, and she didn't want to touch it. Now she was desperate, feeling that she had no hope of regaining her freedom, so she didn't want to care about anything.

    Lin Mo just sat by the window like this, and for some time, suddenly the phone vibrated.

    It was Lu Ruoruo's call, and she picked it up.

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