Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

    On the first night Lin Mo moved into Xue Luhe's house, he was pushed down on the bed again, and it took a long time for him to fall asleep.

    Going to work the next day, for some reason, Lin Mo felt that the eyes of his colleagues were a little weird, and everyone was a little too polite.

    Lin Mo didn't know what happened, so he asked Xiao Yuan to ask.

    Xiaoyuan pulled her to the corner of the room and said with a mysterious face,

    "Xue Luhe is back, right? Are you two... together?"

    Lin Mo nodded, she never hid much from her colleagues. , When Xue Luhe made a statement on Weibo, she was ready for everyone to know.

    "Xue Luhe sent someone to the company to distribute candy... Everyone is still afraid of Xue Luhe, so I'm very polite to you, but don't worry, it will be fine after a while."

    Lin Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and what was the person who sent the candy? Operation, how did you not tell yourself.

    Xiaoyuan looked at the slight hickey on Lin Mo's neck, and hesitated before saying,

    "Well, it's better to be more restrained."

    After saying this, she ran away, running fast, and Lin Mo called out. It was too late to call.

    Lin Mo reacted for a while before she understood what Xiao Yuan was saying, and hurried to the bathroom to look at herself, her cheeks blushing.

    Why is there a hickey on the neck... Fortunately, I was wearing a shirt today, and I buttoned the top button to cover it.

    When you go back, you must warn Xue Luhe that he must be restrained, at most twice a week! Everyone is human, not Teddy, and has limited energy!

    She didn't think too much, continued to work, did her work, and occasionally went out to have a small dessert and a small coffee, everything was the same as usual.

    But Lin Mo didn't know if she was too sensitive. When she went out to get things, she could feel the eyes of many customers staring at her.

    When she looked back, she didn't find anything unusual. Customers looked at the sky and looked at the ground, and no one was looking at them.

    Maybe it's just an illusion... Lin Mo took the things and went into the room.

    As a result, in the afternoon of the same day, she used her mobile phone to swipe Weibo between work and saw a new hot search appear.

    #Xue LuheMysterious Girlfriend Exposure#

    When she clicked in, her pupils shrank sharply.

    This is the content of a so-called media post on Weibo, and the accompanying text is very exaggerated:

    "Xue Luhe has recently made a high-profile speech on the Internet, admitting that he is in love, but the target candidate has always been full of doubts. Recently, our reporter found the trace and confirmed that the woman is a former The woman who was beaten in the video of Xue Luhe beating someone! The reporter visited the woman's workplace for many days, and it was not until this morning that a new picture was taken! It was an ordinary girl!" There

    are 18 pictures below the text, many of which are in front of them. Lin Mo, who was secretly photographed in the coffee shop, followed by a few screenshots of the video of Xue Luhe beating people several months ago with the picture of holding hands in Thailand.

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