Chapter 77

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Chapter 77 Extra II

    Three years later, the wedding of the century between Xue Luhe and Lin Mo is still talked about by everyone.

    In the past three years, Xue Luhe almost never appeared, except to deal with his company's affairs, that is, to go home and accompany Lin Mo.

    Xue's employees all know that Xue Luhe does not work overtime and is not paid now, and goes home on time at 6 o'clock every night.

    Lin Mo opened a new cultural media company, specializing in the operation of catering activities.

    However, Lin Mo's company has just started and often needs to work overtime.

    In other people's companies, the mention of overtime would make employees feel like they were dying, but in Lin Mo's company, all employees look forward to working overtime every day.

    "Hey, tell me, will our boss Lin work overtime today? I'm looking forward to the duck!"

    Several employees gathered around and whispered, the newcomer Xiaoxiang couldn't help but asked,

    "Why? Everyone is so looking forward to working overtime?"

    Several old employees winked their eyes mysteriously and said with a smile:

    "You will know when you stay for a few more days, working overtime is a rare benefit in our company! Those who can stay and work overtime are very lucky!"

    Xiaoxiang is most satisfied with this company, that the salary is high enough without working overtime. Compared with several classmates who graduated together, she is living a life of winners, so I don't understand what these old employees are saying at all.

    How could anyone expect to work overtime? Whoever works overtime is not peeling off a layer of skin, let alone working overtime with the boss... Although our boss Lin has a mild temperament and a lively personality, we get along with everyone, but no matter what, he is also the boss. Working overtime together until late at night is still very good. conservative.

    Xiaoxiang has been here for a month, and she has not encountered overtime yet, but she did encounter it tonight.

    Lin Mo was stumped by a large meeting and was still in the office at seven o'clock.

    Although the 10 or so old employees had finished their tasks, they were still dawdling in fishing and playing games. No one wanted to leave. Every now and then, everyone would look into Lin Mo's office with weird smiles on the corners of their mouths.

    Xiaoxiang still has work at hand and must report to Lin Mo as soon as possible.

    News from her girlfriend group kept coming on her phone:

    "Why haven't you gotten off work yet, didn't you say your company never works overtime?"

    "If you don't hurry up, the number I've arranged will be abolished, huh, huh? I really want to eat!"

    "Our girlfriends finally got together for a meal, and it happened that Xiao Xiangxiang, who never worked overtime, was working overtime online. I was really tired."

    Xiaoxiang pursed her lips, put her phone aside, and continued to rush. Do tomorrow's work.

    "It's 7:05... is it too soon?"

    "I'm so excited, I'll go to the bathroom to get some makeup done!"

    "Oh, don't go, it's only been a few minutes, you won't be able to catch up when you go, you won't regret it! "

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