Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    Back at the empty house, a middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper led two maids and helped Lin Mo back to the room, while Xue Luhe went straight to the study without saying a word the whole time.

    Lin Mo was so happy not to talk to her that he happily played in the room and ate snacks and fruits. He also rang the bell from time to time to call the maid over to bring her desserts and the like.

    I have to say that Xue Luhe is worthy of being the top rich man in the book. Although no one is allowed in the family, the servants can quickly and accurately meet all of Lin Mo's needs. They serve with a smile and are considerate, which is perfect.

    The day was spent peacefully like this, Lin Mo ate dinner by himself in the evening, and fell asleep after playing for a while.

    At one o'clock in the morning, Lin Mo's room door made a slight noise, and was then slowly pushed open.

    A slender and dark figure walked in and stood by the bed.

    The room was dark and quiet, only the curtains that were not drawn let in a gleam of cold moonlight.

    Lin Mo was lying on the bed, breathing evenly. One person occupied the entire space of the big bed. A little moonlight just fell on her waist, like a swaying streak of water.

    The figure looked down at Lin Mo's face, took a step forward, and stepped into the moonlight.

    With a tall nose, a beautiful forehead, and a pair of eyes like a falcon and a frost knife, it is the super actress Xue Luhe.

    Her gaze was fixed on Lin Mo's face on the bed, extremely focused. Her gaze was like the barrel of a hunter's gun, just aiming at the prey.

    No one knew what the hunter was thinking.

    Under the moonlight, in the darkness, the strongest hunter was watching the prey she was playing with applause.

    This picture has to be said, a little weird, even a little crazy.

    Xue Luhe watched for a while, then raised his hand and touched Lin Mo's ankle that had been bandaged in the hospital.

    Lin Mo grunted uncomfortably, turned around and hugged the pillow, arched her head into the pillow, and slept soundly.

    Xue Luhe looked at her for a while, didn't say anything, didn't do anything, turned to leave the room, and closed the door gently.

    The footsteps gradually faded away, but Lin Mo on the bed suddenly opened his eyes!

    She stretched out her hand to hold her heart, and felt that her heart was about to explode, and the nightdress on her back was covered in cold sweat!

    When Xue Luhe opened the door and came in just now, she was already awake, but she didn't dare to move and kept pretending to be asleep!

    In the middle of the night, being stared at like this by a curly-haired beauty in black... Could it be that I have entered a horror novel!

    What the hell! How perverted is this Xue Luhe, why did she come here after one o'clock in the morning to see herself sleeping!

    Is she weighing how many catties and taels she has, and is going to cut herself into pieces and sell it as pork! OMG! Those eyes made Lin Mo shiver all over, and her back was still clammy and cold!

    Lin Mo hugged the pillow tightly, thinking it wasn't enough, and hugged so many dolls beside the bed again, holding a large lump of soft things, finally not so panic.

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