Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

    When Xu Lu rushed over, Xue Luhe was already surrounded by the crowd.

    "Please believe that the matter will be resolved satisfactorily. If someone deceives you, I will definitely handle it fairly!"

    Standing among the angry workers, Xue Luhe was still as tall and straight as a pine tree. She had no makeup on her face and was clean and innocent. Written with tenacity.

    But those workers didn't give in, and many people were shouting: "It's all you! It's all you     that keeps us from

    working, and the children in the family are not fed and clothed!"

, I work hard every day, but when something goes wrong, I have to find the reason from our workers? Why don’t we find the reason from the management, I don’t think you are doing it very well!”

    “My son said that the Internet is scolding you all the time. , A lot of people are still accusing us of being a traitor because you don't buy our products? I think you are the biggest traitor, and you should compensate us for our losses!"

    "That is, compensate us! Lose money! Lose money!"

    Xue Luhe's tone was gloomy interrupted them, looked around, raised his hands and pressed down, the powerful aura made those workers shut up for a while.

    "Everyone, listen to me, I'm not here today to hold you accountable, I just want to find out the truth. If the company treats you in any way, I can deal with it on the spot. Don't get excited! Only together to find out the truth, Only then can we return to work and continue to earn money, I am with you!"

    Some workers showed an excited look, and were immediately stabbed by the people next to them, and immediately clenched their teeth again, raising their hands to protest:

    "The people above you, you just touch your lips. If we push things to the bottom, who     knows if we will do it? What will we do in the future? We don't want any truth now, we want money! We want food!"

    "Yes! We also want to eat!"

Go, only a few steps away from Xue Luhe, the shadow cast by the workers completely covered Xue Luhe, Xue Luhe was thin and small.

    Xu Lu quickly pushed aside the crowd and wanted to squeeze in. Several bodyguards behind her immediately followed and pushed the workers out, acting a little rough.

    All of a sudden, many workers quit immediately, grabbing the bodyguard and arguing:

    "What are you pushing me for! Are you trying to silence me?"

    "Quick, does anyone take a picture? Record a video! Record a video! Post it online! Go and see how crazy they are!"

    Xue Luhe immediately gave Xu Lu a look, Xu Lu understood it, called the bodyguards back, and one by one, "I'm sorry to let you go" from among the workers, squeezed in, and stood beside Xue Luhe.

    Xue Luhe asked Xu Lu in a low voice,

    "Where's the factory manager?"

    Xu Lu shook her head:

    "I haven't found it yet."

    Xue Luhe's eyes were solemn, and she looked at the rough faces that were black, red, black and red and full of anger. After a while, she said firmly. :

    "Xu Lu, take the factory account book, and call a few accountants. Let's check the accounts on the spot. If there is any debt, I will immediately transfer it from my private account and pay everyone!"

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