Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    Xue Luhe threw away all those terrifying cosmetics by herself. She didn't seem satisfied. She found a part-time worker and took out all the clothes from Lin Mo's closet. She also threw away all the clothes she didn't like.

    Lin Mo knew that those clothes were very expensive. Although the designs were very obsessed, each of them was a super big brand, and the texture was so good that he was very reluctant to part with it.

    But she couldn't stop her jumping on one foot, so she could only tell the part-time worker auntie pitifully,

    "Auntie, these are all good clothes, they are very expensive, if you like it, take it home and use it yourself, or Take it and sell it, don’t waste it!”

    Auntie laughed and patted her shoulder honestly:

    “Little girl, Auntie, I don’t lack anything, and I don’t despise your strange clothes, so there’s no need to take them! My aunt tells you that modern people’s concepts have long since changed, and the clothes that don’t fit should be thrown away! Don’t be afraid to waste them!”

    Lin Mo was stunned, and when the part-time worker left, she asked Xue Luhe specifically,

    “This kind of aunt Isn't the salary very high?"

    It looks very arrogant!

    Xue Luhe said indifferently:

    "20,000 per month, on call, and only serving me."

    Lin Mo couldn't help showing envious eyes, what kind of fairy work is this!

    Looking at her expression, Xue Luhe raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

    Lin Mo said, "Um

    ... can I apply for this job? When my injury is healed..."

    Xue Luhe was usually calm, but in the past two days, she almost used up all her expressions.

    She was a little amused, and a little bit incredulous:

    "You? Are you going to be my hourly worker? What are you going to do?"

    Lin Mo stretched her fingers and began to count:

    "I can sweep and mop the floor, wipe the table, clean the glass, store things, organize clothes, and cook."

    Xue Luhe's eyes were meaningful:

    "It will be quite a lot."

    Lin Mo smiled proudly:

    "Of course."

    These are all living alone . A must-have for urban women.

    But then, Xue Luhe changed the topic: "But, you used to be a     pampered

    eldest lady who can't do anything. Did you lose your memory, or...?"

Are you revealing!

    Lin Mo was so frightened that her legs went weak, and she quickly tried to patch up:

    "Ah, I just don't think these things are difficult to look at. I should be able to. I can learn a little..."

    Xue Luhe's voice was full of inquiry. Under the line of sight, it becomes smaller and smaller, and finally becomes invisible.

    What can I do? If Xue Luhe finds out that not only is she not really amnesia, but even the core is from the magpie's nest, will she take herself out and hand it over to the state?

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