Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

    In the darkness, a few more people suddenly appeared in the slanted thorns and ran towards this side.

    Everything happened very quickly. Before Lin Mo could react, he was rescued, and was gently placed on a bench by the roadside to sit down.

    The person who wanted to take her away was being carried away by those people at the moment.

    Lin Mo sat in shock, when a cool voice suddenly came from beside him:

    "Miss Lin, are you alright?"

    Lin Mo raised her eyes and blinked hard to see that the person in front of her was the capable man from Xue Luhe. Assistant, Xu Lu.

    Xu Lu's eyes were colder than her expression, and she said,

    "You may have to go to the police station with us and make a record. This is an extreme fan, we have been staring at this person for a long time, and now we are going to sue this person, and his accomplices. "

    Anyone else? Wasn't he just... lifeless?

    Lin Mo looked up at Xu Lu:

    "Thank you."

    Xu Lu shook her head, expressionless:

    "My boss ordered to protect your safety. Today, we were ignorant and surprised you, sorry."

    Lin Mo There is nothing to say about this, the person who hurts herself is Xue Luhe, and it is Xue Luhe who asks someone to protect herself.

    It was too complicated, Lin Mo felt that his IQ was not enough, so he didn't think about it at all, and followed Xu Lu to the police station.

    Unexpectedly, after so many days, Lin Mo saw Xue Luhe again, and it was actually in the police station.

    Xu Lu took those people in to make a record. Lin Mo sat in the waiting chair of the police station with his head empty. He glanced at him and found that someone had entered.

    Xue Luhe's sense of existence is too strong, just walking in slowly, the gestures and movements are so beautiful that you can take your breath away.

    She had no makeup, her extremely outstanding silhouette was more prominent, she wore a black woolen hat, her hair was thickly bundled and tucked into the hat, and she looked neat and clean.

    But for some reason, her face looked haggard and her eyes were dark.

    Xue Luhe walked into the house, the first action was to look up at Lin Mo.

    Lin Mo didn't avert his eyes, and looked at her.

    But it was Xue Luhe who looked away first.

    Lin Mo raised her eyebrows and watched Xue Luhe find a seat on the last row of chairs, two rows of chairs away from him.

    Strangers than strangers...that's fine too.

    Lin Mo ignored it, and continued to sit and wait to take notes.

    However, a certain part of his body was not comfortable, and out of the corner of his eyes, Xue Luhe could still be seen.

    Xue Luhe made a bridge with his hands and sat on the iron bench with his eyes half closed, doing nothing.

    Lin Mo felt very curious. Although the person who attacked her was a die-hard fan of Xue Luhe, in the final analysis, this matter had little to do with Xue Luhe herself. What was she here for?

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