Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

    Xue Luhe's words were ambiguous. There were so many people around her, but her eyes were focused on Lin Mo's face.

    Her expression was still as indomitable as before, and she seemed to be completely certain that Lin Mo would promise herself.

    However, deep in her eyes, there was a hidden unease, like a child looking at a candy jar.

    Lin Mo was of course very curious, but she always felt that Xue Luhe's mouth could not be the truth, so she flattened her mouth and deliberately made a disgusting expression:

    "How many years we have known each other, it has something to do with me going home to get things. Is it?"

    Xue Luhe's expression froze for a while, and he was still holding the victory just now, and now he was stunned, and his expression seemed a little stunned for a moment.

    The waiters next to him looked at this and then at that. They were afraid that Xue Luhe would be angry. They were talking secretly, but they all shut up.

    The entire coffee shop was mysteriously quiet, except for the sound of heavy traffic outside the window, which came in from afar.

    Lin Mo bravely looked at Xue Luhe, her heart was beating a little bit, she also knew that she had always had a bad attitude towards Xue Luhe from this morning until now. Could this arouse this perverted animal again?

    In addition to what happened last night...what is this called!

    Lin Mo's mind was at war between heaven and man. For a while, he thought that Xue Luhe might explode with anger and kidnap him, and then he thought that Xue Luhe would cry on the spot and accuse him of being ruthless?

    Although the time was short, the atmosphere was rather solemn. When they heard Xue Luhe speak, everyone was obviously relieved.

    "It really doesn't matter, but... I hope you can have dinner together, do you think about it?"

    Xue Luhe's tone was calm, without any hostility, her expression was gentle as water, her eyes were smiling, and her lips were curved into a standard arc.

    However, Lin Mo, who knew her temper very well, looked down and saw her clenched fist and the blue veins on the back of her hand.

    But in front of so many people, it's really interesting to see Xue Luhe eating turtles and refusing to attack!

    Lin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, smiling wantonly and provocatively:

    "Then what if I don't want to think about it?"

    Xue Luhe narrowed his eyes, feeling like he was about to explode in the next second, his temples throbbing, he really wanted to sharpen his sharp teeth. The little guy grabs it and does it on the spot!

    However, the little guy is still too fragile, she can't do that, it will scare people away.

    If she ran again this time, she might have gone abroad. Xue Luhe didn't want to go to great lengths to find it again.

    Xue Luhe used her powerful acting skills to control her face that was about to burst into blue veins, and squeezed out a very strong, warning smile:

    "Are you sure?"

    Lin Mo didn't care at all, she flipped her hair and turned to leave.

    Xue Luhe couldn't take it anymore, her temper came up, she pushed the person in front of her away, rushed over in three or two steps, grabbed Lin Mo's arm, and held him tightly in her arms!

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