Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

    Lin Mo was still stunned when he sat in the gray and white minimally decorated house.

    Not understanding what was going on at all, I was seduced by Xue Luhe, and followed the other party directly into 2203!

    Now that she wakes up, she can't wait to beat herself to death, what's the difference between that and the little lamb strayed into the wolf's den!

    And now this wolf is in front of the exquisite bar, bartending quickly and cheerfully.

    Xue Luhe has a slender back with obvious curves, smooth and comfortable from shoulders to arms, and a perfect S-shaped waist.

    However, Lin Mo was not in the mood to appreciate it. She recalled the conversation at the elevator entrance just now. Her legs and knees rubbed together, and she said nervously and at a loss:

    "You said you wanted to tell me a story, what about the story?"

    Xue Luhe turned on the bar chair Half a circle, holding a wine bottle in his hand, his face was calm:

    "I've come here, you can wait for a while." The

    gods are all here, when your home is a scenic spot! But for those fanatical fans, Xue Luhe's house is probably really a scenic spot... They will probably spend money crazy for the qualification to enter the door...

    Lin Mo shuddered, thinking about the sinister world of the entertainment industry, Who knew that Xue Luhe was essentially the villain of the whole world!

    His eyes drifted to the rest of the room. Lin Mo looked at it carefully. There was nothing unique in the entire living room. It was standard and exquisite, as if it was completely decorated according to the developer's model room.

    No personal characteristics at all.

    Thinking about it, it was the same in the villa before, except that no one was allowed to enter the study room, there was no personal imprint of Xue Luhe in the other rooms.

    Thinking about it carefully, this person's life is really boring. He has no friends and no family. The only Mu Fei he loves is someone else's in the end, and the ending is even more brutal and terrible.

    But from another point of view, people like Xue Luhe have lived a pretty life... free and casual. She enjoyed the glorious moment of cooking oil with flowers and fire, and she also felt the supreme power of turning her hands into clouds and covering her hands into rain. In fact, for ordinary people, it is already a height that can never be reached.

    However, if you are used to seeing the world of superior people, you will not be able to have the happiness of ordinary people. It is difficult to feel that ordinary people are true.

    I don't know what she would choose if she was asked to choose by herself. Would it be a golden and rich career on the left side of the scale, or a simple, pure but satisfying ordinary life on the right side of the scale?

    Lin Mo was in a trance, but didn't realize that there was a cocktail in front of him.

    "Do you still remember the name of this glass of wine?"

    Xue Luhe's voice sounded, awakening Lin Mo who was thinking.

    Lin Mo raised his head blankly, his eyes were big and bright, a little confused, and his lips were slightly pouted, a little cute.

    In this way, Xue Luhe really wanted to pinch her mouth, rub her cheeks, and tease her well.

    Unfortunately, as soon as her hand was stretched out, Lin Mo quickly turned her head away in a conditioned reflex, and gave her a vigilant look, her expression full of "what the hell are you trying to do"?

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