Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    Qing Jing's originally gentle and peaceful eyes suddenly sharpened.

    She looked at Xue Luhe with a calm expression, but there was a storm in her eyes.

    Immediately afterwards, she smiled slightly, and her voice tightened a little:

    "I believe, Miss Xue must be joking."

    Lin Mo

    said, "Yes, yes, this kind of thing must be a joke..."

    They The two sang together, but the people in front of them did not accept their performance. Xue Luhe's mouth was slightly raised, and there was an undisguised sarcasm in his eyes when he looked at Qing Jing:

    "I never joke."

    Qing Jing stared at Xue Luhe . For a while, her expression was unpredictable, and she couldn't tell what she was thinking. At this moment, she was no longer as harmless as usual.

    Lin Mo looked around, always feeling a little weird, the atmosphere here doesn't seem right?

    But why is it wrong? At first glance, it seems that the two of them are a little different from their usual self, but if you look closely, you will find that they are actually their original expressions.

    But in the air, there is indeed a different feeling, as if there are electric sparks flickering in the crackle.

    Lin Mo was originally a person who was not very sensitive to the atmosphere, but even she now felt that the two should not be put together.

    So Lin Mo pulled Qing Jing's arm back, squeezed out a smile, and waved at Xue Luhe:

    "That... I have to go to work now, so I'll leave first. You should go to work sooner too! Xue Luhe looked down a little and landed on

    Lin Mo's hand holding Qing Jing, his eyes were deep and dangerous, as if he could cut the connection between the two directly with his eyes.

    The kind of eyes that can literally swallow a person into the stomach, Lin Mo instantly shuddered when he saw it.

    This is Xue Luhe... Dangerous and mysterious, it's hard to understand the sincerity, occasionally showing bloodthirsty eyes, as if it can tear your heart.

    But, is Xue Luhe like this, actually said that he wants to chase him?

    Lin Mo felt more and more that all this was like an absurd farce, and even began to wonder if he had not woken up yet, or if he had slept too early and had a nightmare?

    "My business is you."

    Xue Luhe was slow and gentle, her voice was like a ray of autumn wind, quietly brushing the tip of Lin Mo's ears.

    Lin Mo pulled Qing Jing and quickly fled the scene, while her ears secretly turned red.

    When he returned to the small office, Lin Mo's heart was still pounding, and he couldn't tell whether he was teased or frightened.

    After all, just now, Xue Luhe's sentence was added to his previous sentence...

    "Go and do business!"

    "You are my business."

    Well... I don't blame Lin Mo for being sleazy, whoever looks at it will think of it. In that way!

    She put her hand on the table and looked at the computer screen in confusion. To be honest, she experienced such an exciting confession just now, and now her mind is completely messed up, and she can't read the plan on the computer at all.

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