Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

    It was dark and quiet outside, and in the winter night in the north, there was no sound at all, and the whole world was sleeping.

    The room was warm, and the steam from the shower just covered Lin Mo's eyes.

    She didn't seem to feel anything, the whole world was quiet, and there was only the tip of the nose all over the body, there was a thin airflow, and a warm and delicate skin contact.

    She couldn't see Xue Luhe, but she could feel the other person's gaze, gentle and precious, swiping across her face, inch by inch, looking at it carefully, as if she wanted to carve every detail of her outline into the depths of her memory.

    Then a cold object pressed against Lin Mo's eyebrows, causing her to shudder for a while, and she couldn't help but look up.

    Those were Xue Luhe's white and slender fingers, which were touching his forehead, and at a very close distance were Xue Luhe's deep eyes.

    "Don't forget me."

    Xue Luhe sighed softly, her tone pretending to be relaxed, but she couldn't hide the anxiety deep in her heart.

    Lin Mo nodded subconsciously and was very firm:


    Xue Luhe's eyes widened slightly, and then he smiled comfortably:

    "Then I'm relieved."

    Lin Mo stood up, watched Xue Luhe press the wheelchair, and turned to leave , The fingers are about to move, driving the body to want to follow.

    She always felt that Xue Luhe should not be allowed to leave just like that, and she might not be able to see each other for a long time. What if there is an accident?

    There should be some memories.


    Lin Mo called out to Xue Luhe.

    The wheelchair stopped, Xue Luhe put his hand on the door handle, and turned his head from above the wheelchair, with a deep sadness in his eyes, even some pain.


    Neither of the two said a word, but only said the tone of voice. The eyes of the two sides were tangled in the air. I don't know how many emotions were hidden in their eyes and passed on to each other.

    Lin Mo puffed out her cheeks, walked forward, stretched out her hand and grabbed Xue Luhe's arm, squatted down and looked directly into the other person's dark eyes:

    "No matter what happens, don't forget to eat well, take care of yourself, and take care of yourself. Come down and make a video for me, and let me see if you have lost weight, you are not allowed to lose weight, you know? Eat more meat!"

    Xue Luhe nodded, the corners of his mouth turned down, looking like he was uncontrollably sad.

    Lin Mo racked his brains for a long time, but didn't know what to say, and finally said firmly:

    "I'll take you downstairs."

    Xue Luhe repeatedly refused:

    "No, Xu Lu and the driver are downstairs, I can... It's inconvenient for you to go down late."

    Lin Mo had already returned to the room and started getting dressed, and without giving Xue Luhe time to refuse, she quickly put on a skirt and came behind Xue Luhe and pushed her wheelchair out.

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