Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

    The room was full of feasting and feasting, and all kinds of beauties came and went, but at this moment in Lin Mo's eyes, these people seemed to no longer exist.

    She was very shocked, stared at Xue Luhe's eyes for a long time, and suddenly realized that what Xue Luhe said was true.

    Xue Luhe's eyes have never been so sincere, bright and bright, as beautiful as the sun.

    Lin Mo was stunned for a long time before he said,

    "How can you be... but I'm obviously... ordinary?"

    Xue Luhe shook his head, with a hint of anger on his face:

    "How can you be ordinary? You are a treasure, I am very fortunate. You were dug up by me, not taken away by others. I don't allow anyone to say that you are ordinary, even if you are yourself, don't say it again in the future."

    Lin Mo was stunned, she always felt that she was ordinary and stupid. He lived the life of an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that in Xue Luhe, he was actually a treasure!

    It feels a little unreal...

    Lin Mo turned his face and touched his face like a toothache. Feeling very thirsty, he took a sip of a drink from the waiter's plate next to him.

    "Hey! That's a cocktail!"

    As soon as Xue Luhe's anxious voice came, Lin Mo had already drank the whole glass.

    She blinked her eyes and asked strangely,

    "It doesn't smell of alcohol at all? It's sweet and sour, and it's delicious."

    Xue Luhe sighed:

    "Don't drink indiscriminately in this kind of place in the future. I asked me, just now this cup is a very high degree of Long Island iced tea... You can't drink... Be careful..."

    Lin Mo looked at it, and suddenly found that Xue Luhe had become a double image, and the two of them were facing themselves with their mouths. The chattering, the words are completely incomprehensible, suddenly near and far.

    Immediately afterwards, Xue Luhe didn't respond, and Lin Mo fell to the table with a thud, sinking into darkness.

    When Lin Mo woke up, he opened his eyes and saw a bright blue sky and white clouds.

    Her eyes gradually focused, and she found herself lying on her hotel bed with a splitting headache.

    "Hey..." Has

    she been beaten, why is it so painful!

    Xue Luhe opened the door and walked in:

    "Are you awake? It's already the next afternoon, what do you want to eat?"

    As she said this, Lin Mo realized that her stomach was empty and she was hungry.

    "I want to eat meat! Wasn't it on a cruise ship yesterday, how did I get off? And why does my head hurt so much..."

    Lin Mo held his head.

    "Yesterday you drank a glass of high-quality wine and fainted. I brought you back. You have been sleeping until now. If you have a headache, get up and drink some hangover soup?

    " Her legs were shaking a little, and she realized that she was wearing pajamas, which were nothing but panties.

    "Ah...Did you change my clothes for me?"

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