Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

    Lin Mo was happy all day. After dinner, she called Lu Ruoruo again and complained vigorously for a while.

    "Do you know how cool I was at that moment! I was like, hahahahaha! I can't even tell, why is it so cool, it's so cool to bully Xue Luhe! Who made her brain twitch and come here dressed like that? I took a peek at the villa, and when I think about it, I think she's so perverted!"

    Lu Ruoruo echoed and wondered:

    "So what are you talking about, a big president and an international actress, aren't you afraid of being caught in a hot search? , just to come to see you? It's too outrageous, no, she must have fallen in love with you!"

    Lin Mo sneered:

    "I love you, I beg her to stay away from me, it would be too much for me to fall in love with such a pervert. It's miserable, I'm going to be peeped by a pervert every day, and I'm not Stockholm. I really hope she goes to the police station to search for it, so that people all over the country will see her jokes, then I'm more happy, hahahahahaha! Big pervert You also have today, hahahahahaha!"

    However, things were not as perfect as Lin Mo imagined, and I don't know what means Xue Luhe used, but after only an hour at the police station, he was taken away, and nothing was left behind. .

    Lin Mo still knew about this from the security uncle, and the security uncle expressed understanding:

    "She is such a beautiful girl, it is not a problem to do something wrong occasionally, there is no need to leave a case to others, after all we I'm not hurt here, right!"

    Lin Mo listened to the uncle of the security guard, his mouth flattened, and he said disdainfully:

    "Who said I wasn't hurt, I've been hurt deeply, I'm most afraid of being seen while swimming. Now! Uncle, do you know why I live in a villa? It's because this private swimming pool is relatively safe. Anyone who wants to swim in their own home will be peeked at. My heart will be broken, broken into pieces! Uncle, you Say, if I cry to the police like this, will they bring the man in black back?" The

    uncle glanced at Lin Mo with a strange expression, not knowing how to respond, so he found a reason to leave.

    Lin Mo walked to the gate of the villa by himself, looked around, saw the low art fence, walked over and stood outside the fence, looked in through the fence, and said "tsk".

    From this angle, most of the indoor pool can be seen just right.

    What was Xue Luhe thinking when she was standing here wearing black clothes at the time? And why didn't she run when the security came?

    Are you thinking about how to break in, drag yourself out of the water, put it on the chopping board and chop with a knife?

    The more Lin Mo thought about it, the more frightened he became. In the warm autumn wind, he shivered.

    She called Xi Shen:

    "Hello Xi Shen, can I make a little renovation to your villa?"

    Of course, Xi Shen had no objection. Lin Mo did what he said and called. The construction team is fully contracted to them.

    In one afternoon, the entire fence changed drastically.

    Lin Mo akimbo looked at the fence with satisfaction. The low art fences were all torn down and turned into brick walls that were taller and wider, and the top of the brick walls was covered with caltrops.

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