Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

    Lin Mojue's atmosphere suddenly became very tense, so nervous that she didn't know how to put her hand away.

    The hand that had just been placed on Xue Luhe's head was now trembling in the air, weak and pitiful and helpless.


    After a long time, Lin Mo finally made a syllable, then withdrew his hand and rubbed it.

    Her eyes were erratic, looking left and right, but she didn't dare to look directly into Xue Luhe's eyes.

    Xue Luhe's eyes were so hot, as if a volcano was erupting, and the surrounding air was scorching hot.

    Lin Mo didn't know what to say. She had never faced such a direct confession in her life. She was already in a state of chaos and chaos, and she couldn't give a response at all.

    She was about to break the jar and say "thank you" when she heard Xue Luhe take a deep breath and said,

    "But this is my own business, I don't ask for your response, you have already given me a lot."

    Lin Mo With another "ah" sound, he stood in a daze.

    It was quite late, and a dull sound of thunder suddenly rolled outside the house.

    Lin Mo seldom heard this kind of dull thunder in winter, so when she heard it, she thought it was summer again.

    Xia Xia... She just crossed over, struggled from the death line, was extremely frightened, and met Xue Luhe, who was in the most violent period.

    At that time, Lin Mo had no intention of caring about Xue Luhe at all. He just wanted to escape all this quickly, get peace and recuperate.

    But now, after so many things, Lin Mo found that his mentality had changed.

    She has already established herself in this world, has a work life and friends, so next, she can indeed try... to have a lover.

    Life is like this, starting from a seed struggling to break out of the ground, gradually extending, extending branches and leaves, growing a trunk, and finally growing into a big tree with lush branches and leaves.

    The human mind is also similar, constantly swaying in the ups and downs of stimulation and in a stable and peaceful daily life, always trying to find a balance.

    Lin Mo has lived a peaceful life for a long time now, and gradually began to have spare energy to care about the next development.

    "Well...but I..."

    Lin Mo hesitated for a while, then finally summoned up his courage, clenched his hands into fists, looked at his toes, and said word by word.

    But just as she said three words, Xue Luhe's cell phone rang suddenly.

    The phone was on the side of Xue Luhe's wheelchair. Xue Luhe frowned slightly and took out the phone. He pressed it down without looking at it. He looked up at Lin Mo with a very serious expression:


    Lin Mo licked his dry lips, feeling I had just gathered up my courage, and now I have vented a lot.

    "That...just...I want to say..."

    She hesitated, feeling like she was squeezing toothpaste, it was not pleasant to say, so the more she said it, the more frustrated she became.

    Xue Luhe's cell phone rang suddenly again, and the monotonous and repeated ringtone suddenly broke the viscous air.

    Xue Luhe didn't lower her head, so she turned off her phone.

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