Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    fifteen minutes later.

    Lin Mo sat on the bed, his body was stiff, his legs were like two white telephone poles, and they stretched out to the side of the bed.

    "You... let me out..."

    She shouted hoarsely, she had long since given up hope and shouted casually.

    Xue Luhe stood in front of her with a box of medicine in his hand and looked at her quietly.

    Lin Mo has the appearance of a beautiful woman next door. Her nose and mouth are relatively small, but her eyes are round almond eyes.

    In the past, Lin Mo liked to wear heavy smoky makeup and enlarged his eyes. He dressed up in a mature nightclub, and his eyes were always full of shrewd calculations.

    Now Lin Mo has no makeup on, her almond eyes are reddish, her cheeks are pink, and she speaks pleading words in a hoarse voice, which is especially lovable. For those with weaker willpower, they would have surrendered long ago.

    But Xue Luhe didn't move at all, the corners of his mouth pursed tightly, he squatted down, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Lin Mo's leg!

    "Ah! What are you doing! Woohoo!" A

    cold hand grabbed her ankle, which was so painful. Lin Mo stepped back in fright, her legs trembled, making the injured ankle even more painful. He made a strange noise again in pain.

    Xue Luhe grabbed her ankle with one hand, picked up the spray with the other hand, and pressed hard on her injured position. The semi-transparent medicine sprayed heavily on the swollen wound.

    When these medicines were first sprayed, they felt cold and quite comfortable. Lin Mo couldn't help shrinking his toes, and his calf trembled.

    Immediately, she felt that Xue Luhe's hand suddenly clenched and relaxed, as if warning her not to move.

    Lin Mo immediately controlled herself, and couldn't even have a muscle twitch. Who knows if this pervert in front of her will give herself another whip?

    Having said that, what kind of divine book is this? It's not enough for the villain to be so perverted. He even uses a whip as a weapon. What kind of style is this? retro? Feminine? hi? Cool?

    Lin Mo tried his best to distract himself from his thoughts, so as not to focus on the strange feeling in his ankle.

    When the medicine was sprayed on the feet, it quickly became hot and hot, gradually covering the pain of the wound itself, and it was burning, as if it was disintegrating every cell from the inside.


    Lin Mo still couldn't hold back, biting his teeth at the corners of his mouth, his eyes were full of tears of pain, with red rabbit eyes, he murmured pitifully at Xue Luhe.

    "Remember this pain, you deserve it."

    Xue Luhe's voice was calm and emotionless, and his hands kept moving. After spraying the medicine, he took out a stack of gauze and wrapped it around Lin Mo's wound a few times.

    "Woohoo ... I don't know anything, why is it that I should have ..."

    Lin Mo began to see the amnesia of the stitched needle. She dare not stop now. What is the taste of riding a tiger? She finally has a deep experience today. .

    Once some lies are spoken, they must be filled with countless other lies. While Lin Mo performed hard, he secretly encouraged himself: Come on, come on, I can do it!

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