Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    Lin Mo originally thought that the hospital was bustling with people coming and going. It was the place where he saw the most people after he entered the book, so he was looking forward to it.

    As a result, Xue Luhe was worthy of being a real boss. He directly parked the car downstairs. Many doctors and nurses came over to guard him, pushed Lin Mo's bed through the VIP elevator, and went directly to the top floor.

    Lin Mo couldn't see much when she lay on the hospital bed. In fact, she was quite used to this kind of atmosphere. After all, when she had a heart attack, it was this way that doctors and nurses formed a circle and the wheels of the hospital bed were rolling forward. The medical staff can't wait to push the hospital bed into a rocket.

    Alas... I don't know how serious the problem will be this time... It's really too miserable, it's not enough!

    Besides, this is a hospital. Why is it all quiet around here? The doctors and nurses who come and go all wear soft-soled shoes, and there is no ordinary patient?

    Lin Mo was pushed into the examination room. MRIs, X-rays, etc. came one after another, and then he was sent to a VIP waiting room.

    Xue Luhe was drinking tea in the room when a little nurse brought tea over. When she put down her things, she glanced at Xue Luhe with red cheeks.

    Xue Luhe held tea in his hand, and waved to the little nurse with the other hand:

    "Come here." The

    little nurse walked over shyly and timidly.     The little nurse's face

    blushed, and Xue Luhe put the teacup she had just drank to the mouth of others, smiling charmingly:

    "Do you like drinking tea?"

, took a sip of tea with Xue Luhe's hand.

    Xue Luhe smiled and turned to look at Lin Mo, who was watching the whole time, with meaningful eyes.

    Lin Mo sitting on the same sofa:? ? ?

    As for the good wife and wife, do you seduce other women in front of the wife? Did she want to see if she would be jealous?

    But according to his amnesia character, rationally speaking, he would definitely not be jealous.

    So Lin Mo looked at Xue Luhe blankly, as if my uncle didn't know what you were doing.

    Xue Luhe put down his hand boringly and waved the little nurse away.

    The little nurse said timidly:

    "Queen Xue Ying, I'm a die-hard fan of yours, can you sign me?"

    Xue Luhe had just treated others with a smile on her face, but now her face is cold in a blink of an eye, her eyes are scary, and she said His tone was sarcastic:

    "Is that enough just now? Even fans should learn how to stop, right?" The

    little nurse's face instantly turned a pig's liver, and she appeared in disbelief, shame, and heartache at the same time. It's not good, immediately open the door and run away.

    Seeing Xue Luhe treating others like this, Lin Mo felt very uncomfortable. Relying on the fact that he was in a good state at the moment, he frowned boldly at Xue Luhe:

    "How can you treat others like this? How much of a psychological shadow it will cause others, isn't that bad?"

    Xue Luhe's icy gaze looked over, and Lin Mo felt a chill on his back instantly, and the slightest chill went straight to the sky with his tailbone.

The queen's little wife, pretending to have amnesia onlineWhere stories live. Discover now