Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

    Xue Luhe stared at the counter, Qingjing stared at Xue Luhe, there was laughter and laughter, and the air was stagnant, embarrassing and dangerous.

    Behind the counter, a petite figure held a small dessert plate in his hand, forked a piece of it with a small fork and put it into his mouth, squinting his eyes and making a "wow", looking like he was enjoying it.

    Like a satiated kitten with lovely sunshine all over her body, a few scattered guests all smiled, and someone waved to the waiter:

    "What is that dessert, it looks delicious, give it to me Here 's one!" The

    waiter quickly took the order, came to the counter, and rubbed the petite girl's head, casually and intimately like a snoring pet.

    "Bringing goods, Momo, the boss should give you something delicious to reward you!"

    "Ah, then I want to eat fried fresh milk! Where is Sister Qing!"

    Lin Mo looked around, looking for Qingjing figure, and soon found her in the corner of the shop.

    Qing Jing stood in front of the table, looked at her with a smile, and waved at him:

    "Okay, I'll make fried fresh milk at night, you can go in and prepare a report on the activities later."

    Lin Mo Crisp agreed:

    "Hey . Thank you, boss, boss!"

    She turned around and walked into the office, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Looking back, she found a black cloth exposed behind Qingjing.

    Maybe it's a certain customer... There are customers in the coffee shop, this is too normal, what the hell is going on in my mind, why do I feel a little creepy?

    Qing Jing smiled softly and warmly, that smile had a reassuring power, and Lin Mo laughed too.

    The two looked at each other and smiled for a while, then Lin Mo returned to the room.

    Qing Jing's smile faded instantly, and she turned her body to reveal Xue Luhe who was behind her.

    Just now, the moment Lin Mo looked over, Qingjing stood up and blocked Xue Luhe tightly, just to prevent Lin Mo from seeing her.

    Amazingly, Xue Luhe didn't move either, and was quite cooperative.

    Seeing that Lin Mo was right in front of him, he was blocked, but he was obediently blocked.

    Qing Jing knew from Lin Moping's various descriptions that Xue Luhe was by no means as simple as it seemed.

    She sat on the opposite chair with a serious face, waiting for the other person to speak first.

    Xue Luhe's beautiful face was expressionless, her lips were tightly pressed into a line, blue veins were exposed on the corner of her forehead, her incredibly delicate skin was also stained with some red.

    He seemed to be trying his best to suppress his impulses.

    Qing Jing was very patient. The other party didn't speak, and she didn't speak either. She picked up the cold kettle on the table, filled the two's cups with lemonade, and then drank slowly.

    The mellow and magnetic voice of a cello sounded:

    "What is she working here for you?"

    It seems that this has been investigated in advance... Qing Jing is not surprised by this. As Xue Luhe, she has gone through a period of time. It took only a month to find out, but it was very slow.

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