Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

    Lin Mo cheered himself up all the way, and went back to the hotel with Xue Luhe.

    The Thai-style hotels are all resplendently decorated, according to the aesthetics of the local tyrants in China, and there are enchanting and beautiful ladyboys and all kinds of wealthy businessmen who come in and go out.

    Lin Mo swallowed, feeling like an ugly duckling strayed into the swans, being looked down on by others everywhere.

    People who come and go, whether they are beautiful women, handsome guys, or middle-aged men with big belly, are all looking at Xue Luhe.

    Even though Xue Luhe was wearing a mask, her beautiful eyes were enough to attract everyone's attention.

    She is like this, like a natural focus, no matter where she goes, she can amaze those who see her.

    Lin Mo thought about it, and suddenly burst out laughing.

    Therefore, the super beauty you coveted, but now she is doing everything possible to invite me to sleep with her, and all of you have no share, which shows how talented and attractive I am!

    Thinking about it like this, Lin Mo no longer feels inferior, what if other people are beautiful, they won't get Xue Luhe's love!

    Lin Mo felt that he was refreshed, raised his head and raised his chest, and walked majestically to the room.

    Xue Luhe's legs and feet are not yet fully healed, and it will be uncomfortable after a long time of walking out. She forced herself to open the door, and immediately sat down on the sofa. She didn't have time to change her shoes, so she hurriedly relaxed her legs and sitting bones.

    Lin Mo walked over carefully, a little unsure of what to do, and squatted by the side to look at Xue Luhe's legs.

    The legs were well-proportioned and slender, and were wrapped in trousers, but their owner's face was slightly twisted in pain, and his hands kept beating on the waist.

    Lin Mo watched for a while, then started directly, reached out to take off Xue Luhe's shoes, and brought the slippers over from the shoe cabinet and stuffed them on her feet.

    Xue Luhe was so shocked that he forgot to move. He stared at Lin Mo with wide eyes the whole time. After a while, he stumbled a bit and said,

    "You...don't do this."

    Lin Mo pulled Xue Luhe's ankle with his hand and gently put it into his slippers.

    Her fair hands and Xue Luhe's slender ankles were somehow provocative together, making Xue Luhe's mouth dry.

    Lin Mo squatted on the ground and raised his head, smiling brightly:

    "What's the matter, serving the patient."

    Xue Luhe saw her smile and didn't speak any more.

    It was getting late, but both of them slept in the afternoon, so they weren't sleepy at the moment. Lin Mo suggested, "Why

    don't we watch a movie?"

    Xue Luhe took off his jacket, only wearing a shirt, and nodded.

    Lin Mo chose a Hollywood blockbuster, and the two asked the hotel to deliver snacks and drinks. They sat on the sofa, leaning very close, staring at the screen.

    In fact, the crackling special effects of the movie didn't attract Lin Mo at all. She watched the movie for almost ten minutes and still didn't understand the plot of the movie. She was full of thoughts about what would happen next.

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