Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

    Lin Mo sat beside Xue Luhe for a while.

    Lin Mo thought about it, and finally asked:     " The public opinion has been     smearing

    you lately... Do you have any countermeasures?" Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."     If it was in the past, Lin Mo would have passed by with a haha, but now she doesn't want to let it go so easily.     She also really wanted to do something for Xue Luhe, even if she was a small talker and weak, it would still be useful.     "Tell me, tell me the specific situation, maybe I can help you think of something, even if I can't think of anything, I can enlighten you!"     Lin Mo squeezed Xue Luhe's finger and spoke very sincerely.     Xue Luhe raised his eyes and saw those bright and innocent eyes. After looking at them for a long time, he smiled and nodded:     "Then I said, if you feel bored, you should stop in time."     Lin Mo immediately cheered up . , like a little bunny with pricked ears, round eyes, and listened attentively.     "Our Xue's snack brand has several OEM factories, and each factory has its own channel suppliers, raw material suppliers, etc. according to the types of snacks it produces. It is related to our brand, and now all these businesses are claiming against our company. At the same time, there is an international group that has always been a competitor with us, fanning the flames behind the scenes, constantly poaching people and digging channels, and this is the situation now. Here I come. When I came to Southeast Asia, I came to study our foundry and find out which production line had the problem."     Lin Mo, who was listening to this long series, was confused and felt lonely after listening to it, and stammered and asked:     " What... a foundry? An international group? A production line?"

    Xue Luhe rubbed her head and smiled helplessly:

    "That's why I said, you don't have to worry about this."

    Lin Mo pouted and sat back in his seat, and started to be in a daze, not even listening to Xue Luhe talking to her.

    After being in a daze for a while, Xue Luhe had already packed up and waited for one piece to go out. Lin Mo suddenly asked:

    "It shouldn't be easy to check which production line, and which one is the consumer's problem, just check which one!"

    Xue Luhe was stunned and smiled:

    "You are still thinking about it. But this time, there are more than a dozen types of snacks that have problems, each of which is produced on a different production line, and other snacks produced at the same time are fine, so now I’m still investigating the suppliers of raw materials for snacks, and I have to check by date and time. If we can find out the commonalities of these dozen snacks, we can be considered to have made progress.”

    Lin Mo opened his mouth wide, never expecting it to be so complicated.

    "But there are a lot of people on the Internet who are rhythmic against you, what should you do?"

    Xue Luhe raised her eyebrows and showed a dashing smile:

    "Let them talk, I never care about Heizi. Besides, I know that behind these public opinions, Xi Shen joined that international group, and has been trying his best to create public opinion, trying to defeat me with public relations. But the truth is the truth, and I will not favor anyone just because of their loud voice. As long as I am right and I have strength, I will It doesn't matter."

    Lin Mo listened with awe:

    "It's amazing..."

    Xue Luhe stood up, took a small golden gift box, and threw it around with one hand.

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