Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

    When Xue Luhe saw Lin Mo blushing, her expression suddenly became serious.

    She thought for a while, then said seriously:

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say this, let's change the subject."

    Lin Mo raised his head in surprise, and couldn't care less about being shy, especially strange:

    "What is there to apologize for?"

    Xue Luhe After hesitating for a while, he said,

    "I thought you didn't like me saying this."

    Lin Mo was at a loss for words.

    Does she... like it? I definitely don't like it, but it won't make the other party apologize for it.

    Why is Xue Luhe so cautious now?

    "No...then you won't apologize, and I won't do anything to you."

    Lin Mo twisted his collar tangled.

    Xue Luhe fell silent.

    Lin Mo looked at the person, and fell silent, feeling that these things were like a mess, and he couldn't find a thread to untangle it, and he had no way to start.

    The air in the room was a little stagnant, so Lin Mo simply stood up and went to the window to open it and let in some fresh and cold air.

    The snow has stopped, and outside the window is the hospital's garden. Because it was early in the morning, no one went out quietly. The entire ground and the surface of the shrubs were covered with very complete silver-white snow, like a special carpet.

    Lin Mo admired it for a while, then turned to ask Xue Luhe to take a look, and remembered that she couldn't get out of bed now, but she took out her mobile phone, took a few pictures, took it into the house, and closed the window.

    She took the photo from her mobile phone to the bedside, and happily showed it to Xue Luhe:

    "Look at it, look at the snow scene! It's such a complete snow, not a single footprint, it's really beautiful! You can't see such a snow scene in Suzhou City. "

    Xue Luhe looked at her phone seriously and nodded lightly.

    Lin Mo suddenly realized that what he was doing was not right. After all, Xue Luhe's injuries were still left in the snow, so he put away his phone and apologized embarrassingly:

    "I'm sorry... I shouldn't irritate you, I just want to see something good-looking. I'll let you take a look too."

    Xue Luhe was startled, then smiled lightly:

    "Okay, I understand what you mean, I don't mind."

    Lin Mo licked his lips nervously:

    "Do you really mind? I'm still afraid You will be sad because of this."

    Xue Luhe shook his head and smiled again:

    "There's nothing to be sad about, I can feel it, the injury is not serious."

    Lin Mo remembered the medical record book, and his mood became heavier. He always felt that he was indirectly hurt. She hurt Xue Luhe, so she has to find some way to make up for it.

    After thinking about it, Lin Mo patted his head:

    "By the way, your injury is still relatively serious today. I guess you can only eat the sick meal. After a while, I will cook for you, okay?"

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