Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

    Lin Mo called 120. Unfortunately, it was snowing heavily and it took some time for the ambulance to come. She could only ask Xue Luhe where the pain was, and then carefully swept the snow under her body without daring to move.

    Xue Luhe lay flat on the ground, her clothes were dirty and wet, and her face was full of sweat. She took off her mask and scarf for ventilation.

    Fortunately, there were few people at the moment, and only a few people came to watch. Although they recognized Xue Luhe, they did not dare to act rashly, otherwise the media would arrive before the ambulance.

    Lin Mo squatted beside him, seeing Xue Luhe's pained expression, she was so anxious that she broke out in cold sweats, she couldn't help but kept talking around people:

    "Wait a minute, don't fall asleep, the car will be here soon. , I've seen in other people's movies, they say people can't fall asleep when they're injured, and when they fall asleep... In short, talk to me, if it's too uncomfortable, call out, don't hold back!"

    Xue Luhe's face was as pale as golden paper, The large beads of sweat on the forehead appeared together with the blue veins, and the teeth were clenched tightly, unable to say anything.

    But she still tried her best to respond to Lin Mo with her eyes and nodding movements. When she heard Lin Mo's words, she let go of her teeth and let out an uncontrollable pain.

    Lin Mo felt bad in her heart. She didn't feel any real feelings when she first fell, and she didn't expect to fall so badly.

    Xue Luhe probably hasn't started to hurt yet, she can still talk to herself with a smile, and ask herself to call Xu Lu in her mobile phone and ask someone to come over.

    But after a minute or so, the area where the bone was injured became overwhelmingly painful. Xue Luhe's expression changed immediately, his eyes were so painful that his body even trembled. At this time, Lin Mo was completely frightened and didn't know what to do. , I was so sad that I was about to cry.

    Thinking about it again, if it wasn't for Xue Luhe, it would be him who was suffering so much now. This time, Lin Mo didn't hold back, looked at Xue Luhe, his lips trembled, and a big tear welled up.

    Seeing that Lin Mo was crying, Xue Luhe slowly shook her head, and even raised a hand tremblingly, trying to wipe away Lin Mo's tears, but she couldn't touch anyone.

    Lin Mo finally couldn't hold it anymore, and burst into tears:

    "Woooooo...why did you suddenly appear...don't move, don't touch me! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, it's all my fault, if I walk carefully, Alright..."

    Lin Mo cried while reaching out to cover the snow on top of Xue Luhe's head, helping her brush away the large flakes of snow, daring not to touch her body.

    Xue Luhe's trembling hand reached out and grabbed Lin Mo's wrist.

    Lin Mo only felt like a piece of iron sticking to her hand, the chill was piercing to the bone, she quickly used the other hand to warm the ice-like hand, held the hand in her hand, and breathed with her mouth.

    There was a warm smile in Xue Luhe's eyes, and the pain eased a little. She tried to open her mouth and said hoarsely,

    "Don't cry... I'm fine..."

    Lin Mo's tears fell on Xue Luhe's palm, hot and hot, burning It hurt Xue Luhe's heart.

    Xue Luhe said again:

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