Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

    Lin Mo froze for a while, not knowing how to answer.

    It was Qingjing who appeared again and helped her out of the siege.

    Qing Jing gave Lin Mo a wink to let them in, and she greeted her with a smile, and picked up the teapot to help Mu Fei refill a glass of lemonade:

    "Miss, Lin Mo is an employee of our company, it's work time, you can wait. Contact her after work."

    Mu Fei looked at the store manager's uniform on Qing Jing's body with a gentle expression:

    "Hello, are you the manager of this store? I'm Lin Mo's friend, Mu Fei, do you know me?

    She stretched out her hand to Qingjing, Qingjing also smiled, raised her hand and shook her hand: "

    Hello, my name is Qingjing, I'm the store manager. Lin Mo is working with me now."

    Mu Fei blinked her beautiful Eyes, face with surprise, lips pursed into a beautiful arc:

    "She is actually working... That's great, thank you Boss Qing for taking care of her, she has no experience, if you make mistakes or something, trouble Boss forgive me."

    The smile on Qing Jing's face did not change, and her voice was steady and pleasant:

    "She is very creative in planning work, and has brought a lot of profits to my store. I should thank her more. Yes. She should be very happy that you care about her friend like this."

    Mu Fei's expression stiffened for a moment, but she quickly adjusted, and still had a good-looking smile:

    "That's great, it seems that I have to tell her about my work. Study a lot." The

    two chatted for a while, then Qing Jing left, and Mu Fei continued to sit there, drinking coffee, occasionally looking out the window.

    After a while, Qing Jing sent another small cake, Mu Fei thanked him with a smile, and left the cake untouched.

    Lin Mo was sitting in the office uneasy. She couldn't figure out what Mu Fei wanted to do, but it shouldn't have anything to do with her, right?

    Why didn't she leave, did she really want to wait until Xue Luhe?

    Strange to say, a few days ago, Xue Luhe came in as soon as the door opened every morning, stepping in like a clock at work, but today she was completely gone.

    It was almost noon, and before anyone came over, Mu Fei's coffee continued twice, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared, but she was still waiting.

    Qingjing walked into the office, came to Lin Mo's work station, and asked in a low voice,

    "Don't you really want to meet Mu Fei?"

    Lin Mo nodded and shook his head, then he considered the words and said:

    " I have a good relationship with her partner, I just met her."

    Qing Jing is a smart and beautiful person, so she already understood the whole thing, she couldn't help but chuckle, her tone was lonely:

    "I didn't expect you... popular."

    Lin Mo waved his hands awkwardly:

    "It's not true, I'm just friends with her, but we always have to avoid suspicion..."

    Qing Jing's eyes were deep, and she suddenly said:

    "You're so likable, you should be popular. Yes ."

The queen's little wife, pretending to have amnesia onlineWhere stories live. Discover now