Chapter 78

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Chapter 78 Extra III

    West City.

    The sun in the late winter can't bring much warmth, Qing Jing walked out of the coffee shop, the cold wind was blowing in her arms, she quickly wrapped her coat tightly and walked forward.

    Lin Mo Nian didn't come again after that, and Qingjing started to recruit new event planners, but after looking around, several people who were interviewed were not satisfied.

    This one is not as good as Lin Mo's ghost idea, that one is not as outgoing and lively as Lin Mo's, and the others are worse than Lin Mo in every way, but they just don't match the aura of the entire store.

    Qing Jing walked in the cold wind wrapped in a coat, and sighed again, it was the fourteenth time today.

    Turning the corner is where Qing Jing parked her car. She took out her car keys in advance, and just as she was about to press the car door, a fresh wind suddenly rushed beside her.

    Qing Jing frowned slightly, and said helplessly,

    "Why are you here again, you can't go to my store as promised."

    Turning around, Wang Ling, with bright eyes and messy hair, stood beside him. With that obsessed expression, he stared at himself.

    Qing Jing was a little dazed at that moment, because she saw that Wang Ling was wearing the same Christmas present she bought for her when she was in college.

    When Wang Ling University was very poor, as her instructor, Qing Jing only cared about her life at first, but then it changed and she began to buy this and that for her.

    The red sports jacket that Wang Ling is wearing now is the Spring Festival gift that Qing Jing gave to Wang Ling when she was a sophomore.

    Qing Jing still remembered clearly that after returning to school in the spring, she gave gifts at a hidden corner of the teaching building. At that time, Wang Ling's eyes lit up.

    "Such a beautiful dress...isn't it expensive? How much is it? Teacher, I'll pay you back!"

    Qing Jing smiled softly and stroked Wang Ling's messy hair:

    "I don't want your money, the money you earn from working hard, buy yourself more delicious food, you know? And this hair, you should also take care of it, it should be neater."

    Wang Ling raised his head, his eyes were full of Trust, put his head under Qing Jing's hand, like a well-behaved pet.

    "Thank you, teacher... You are so kind, teacher! I have a gift for you too."

    Qing Jing smiled and rolled her eyes:

    "Really? What kind of gift is it?"

    Wang Ling took out from the old schoolbag on her back, After digging for a long time, I took out a gift box.

    She stared at puppy-like round eyes, with a shy smile, stuffed the box into Qingjing's arms, turned around and ran away, even if Qingjing called her a few words behind her, she wouldn't look back.

    Qing Jing didn't know why, so she returned to the office with the gift box in her hand, staring at the box in a daze.

    The gift box is pink and tied with a romantic blue ribbon, the kind that is very common outside the school.

    Wang Ling's family was in very poor conditions, and the part-time job only covered her food expenses. Even Qingjing knew that she would secretly send money to her home, so she must not be able to buy any expensive gifts.

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